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本科生毕业论文本科生毕业论文论中国英语语言特征及其对英语的影响院 (系)名 称:外 语 系专 业 名 称:英 语学 号:学 生 姓 名:指 导 教 师: 讲师2011年6月AcknowledgementsMy deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to my supervisor Lecturer XXX, for her constant encouragement and guidance. Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my teachers XXX who give me some constructive suggestions. They have modified my paper carefully and we often discussed issues of it together. Without their consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form.Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.AbstractChina English has aroused great attention along with the increasingly growing number of English learners in China, followed by more and more frequent communication between China and the World. It is a variety of Standard English, which demands a deep and thorough study from different perspectives. This paper firstly gives the definition and the nature of China English based on the research findings of many scholars. Then it intends to study the linguistic features of China English and analyzes its impact on Standard English accordingly. In addition, the prospect of China English is also discussed. Language is the carrier of culture; China English was deeply affected by Chinese culture; the impact of China English indicates the impact of Chinese culture and implies the enhancement of Chinas status in the World. This is of greater significance than the mere study on language itself. The study is expected to improve understanding of China English and encourage more researchers to conduct further studies on China English.Key words: China English; Standard English; linguistic features; impact摘 要中国与世界的交流日益频繁,英语学习者的队伍愈加庞大,中国英语已经引起广泛关注。中国英语作为英语的一种变体,我们需要从各个方面对其进行更加细致深入的研究。本文首先从中国英语的定义着手,旨在众多学者的研究成果之上,总结中国英语的定义,进而分析中国英语的语言特点及其对英语的影响,并对中国英语的发展趋势做出合理预测。语言是文化的载体,中国英语深受汉语影响,并承载了中国文化;中国英语对英语的影响也暗含着中国文化对英语的影响,中国日益增强的国际地位;这要比仅仅研究中国英语本身意义重大得多。作者希望本文能够加深读者对于中国英语的理解,并且希望有更多的学者继续深入探索中国英语。关键词:中国英语;标准英语;语言特征;影响ContentsI. INTRODUCTION1II. THE LINGUISTIC FEATURES OF CHINA ENGLISH32.1 Definition of China English32.2 The Linguistic Features of China English62.2.1 The Phonetic Features62.2.2 The Lexical Features92.2.3 The Syntactic Features122.2.4 The Textual Features142.3 Nature of China English15III. THE IMPACT OF CHINA ENGLISH ON STANDARD ENGLISH173.1 The Impact on Vocabulary173.2 The Impact on Syntax213.3 The Impact on Text Structure23IV. CONCLUSION25WORKS CITED27I. IntroductionChina English has become a hot topic among the research of English varieties. It is widely acknowledged that intercultural communication calls for a common medium, namely, Lingua Franca. English is fitting to play such a role. A study shows that as many as 1.5 billion people are now capable of using English to different degrees, and non-native speakers comprising more than two thirds of its potential speakers, heavily outnumbering the native speakers by the end of 20th century (Todd 41). English globalization has actually triggered the localization of English language, because each nation possesses different history, culture, political environment, etc. Thus, English, as a tool for international communication, is bound to be branded with different national colours. The wide use of English among non-native and native speakers in a diverse range of social and cultural contexts will inevitably produce regional varieties. China owns the largest English learning group in the world. And some experts in the Global Language Monitor said “Today, some 1.53 billion people now speak English as a primary, auxiliary, or business language, with some 250 million acquiring the language in China alone” (languagemonitor). As we know, language used by a huge amount of people may hold more influence. So, it is of realistic value to study China English.Many studies have been launched on defining China English and its features or impacts on English. For the part of research on the definition of China English, these studies are not precise. For the part of research on the features of China English, these studies are not systematic. Although many scholars contribute a lot, these studies are not authoritative or persuasive. Therefore, further verification is necessary. This study is based on the previous conclusions. The limitations of previous research will be taken into consideration. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the features of China English and its impact on English. It will present the definition and features of China English from phonetic, lexical syntactic and textual dimensions. After th
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