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2022年考博英语-中南大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题One cant be a person with upright facial features if filled with envy in his heart, if dishonest, or ( )saying.问题1选项A.skimpyB.abstruseC.iniquitousD.mendacious【答案】D【解析】本题考查形容词词义辨析。skimpy “不足的;吝啬的”;abstruse “深奥的;难懂的”;iniquitous “邪恶的;不公正的”;mendacious “虚假的;说谎的”。句意:一个人心中如果充满嫉妒、不诚实或虚假的言语,那么其不可能有正直的面容。由句中的or可知,空格处所填的词与dishonest意思接近,故答案为D。2. 单选题The maglev will actually race along a guideway at almost 500 kilometers per hour, ( )on the magnetic field.问题1选项A.acceleratingB.duplicatingC.floatingD.roaring【答案】C【解析】考查现在分词。accelerating 加速的,催化的;duplicating 复制,拷贝;floating 漂浮,浮动;roaring 吼,叫喊 。句意:磁悬浮列车将在磁场中以每小时500公里的速度沿着导轨运行。由磁悬浮列车的特点可知“它是漂浮在磁场中”,故C项符合句意。3. 单选题Ministers also hoped that employers would cut out overmanning and root out inefficiency, even if this led to a temporary( )in unemployment.问题1选项A.excessB.surgeC.lureD.spur【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项excess“超过,过量”;B选项surge“汹涌;波涛;激增”;C选项lure“诱惑;饵”;D选项spur“马刺;鞭策;支线”。句意:部长们还希望雇主们能减少人员过剩,根除低效率,即使这会导致失业人数短暂 。句中“cut our overmanning and root out inefficiency(减少人员过剩,根除低效率)”会造成失业人口猛增,因此B选项符合句意。4. 单选题The publishing world would be badly hit if politicians did not ( )their diaries from time to time showing just how they reacted at the time to particular world events.问题1选项A.part withB.bring forthC.lay outD.turn to【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项part with“与 分开;舍弃”;B选项bring forth“产生;发表”;C选项lay out“展示;安排”;D选项turn to“转向;求助于;致力于”。句意:如果政客们没有不时 当时对世界大事的反应,那么出版界将受到严重打击。由句意可知,出版界的新闻来源之一与“政客对世界大事的反应”有关,“发表意见”符合语境。因此B选项正确。5. 单选题The purchase of a house and a car has become the ( )of the new generation of white-collar workers, along with holidays overseas.问题1选项A.aspirationB.inspirationC.attractionD.tenacity【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项aspiration“渴望;抱负”;B选项inspiration“灵感;鼓舞”;C选项attraction“吸引力;引力”;D选项tenacity“韧性;固执”。句意:买房买车已经成为新一代白领的 ,当然还有去国外度假。句中的“买房买车”、“去国外度假”符合“渴望”的内容。因此A选项正确。6. 单选题Psychology has slowly evolved into an ( )scientific discipline that now functions autonomously with the same privileges and responsibilities as other sciences.问题1选项A.independentB.unusualC.outmodedD.exceeded【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。independent “独立的”;unusual “不寻常的;与众不同的”;outmoded “过时的”;exceeded “非常的;过度的”。句意:心理学已慢慢演变成一个独立的学科,如今有着与其他自然科学同样特权和责任的它独立自主地行使职责。由functions autonomously可知A项符合语境。7. 单选题Under certain circumstances, the human body must cope with gases at greater-than- nonnal atmospheric pressure. For example, gas pressures increase rapidly during a dive made with scuba gear because the breathing equipment allows divers to stay underwater longer and dive deeper. The pressure exerted on the human body increases by 1 atmosphere for every 10 meters of depth in seawater, so that at 30 meters in seawater a diver is exposed to a pressure of about 4 atmospheres. The pressure of the gases being breathed must equal the external pressure applied to the body; otherwise breathing is very difficult. Therefore all of the gases in the air breathed by a scuba diver at 40 meters are present at five times their usual pressure. Nitrogen, which composes 80 percent of the air we breathe, usually causes a balmy feeling of well-being at this pressure. At a depth of 5 atmospheres, nitrogen causes symptoms resembling alcohol intoxication, known as nitrogen narcosis. Nitrogen narcosis apparently results from a direct effect on the brain of the large amounts of nitrogen dissolved in the blood. Deep dives are less dangerous if helium is substituted for nitrogen, because under these pressures helium does not exert a similar narcotic effect.As a scuba diver descends, the pressure of nitrogen in the lungs increases. Nitrogen then diffuses from the lungs to the blood, and from the blood to body tissues. The reverse occurs when the diver surfaces; the nitrogen pressure in the lungs falls and the nitrogen diffuses from the tissues into the blood, and from the blood into the lungs. If the return to the surface is too rapid, nitrogen in the tissues and blood cannot diffuse out rapidly enough and nitrogen bubbles are formed. They can cause severe pains, particularly around the joints.Another complication may result if the breath is held during ascent. During ascent from a depth of 10 meters, the volume of air in the lungs will double because the air pressure at the surface is only half of what it was at 10 meters. This change in volume may cause the lungs to distend and even rupture. This condition is called air embolism. To avoid this event, a diver must ascend slowly, never at a rate exceeding the rise of the exhaled air bubbles, and must exhale during ascent.1.The words “exposed to” in line 5 are closest in meaning to ( ).2.It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following presents the greatest danger to a diver?3.What should a dive
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