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调查问卷式图表作文的典型词句总结【摘要】雅思A类小作文里有一类特殊的图表,笔者把它们称作“调查问卷式”图表。这类图表的形式可以是柱图、线图、饼图或表格,但它们的共同特点是数据来源于针对一部分人群所做的调查问卷,数据的体现是对调查问卷问题回答的统计。此类题型从图表特征分析的角度来说与一般的传统题型没有什么太大的区别,我们同样必须关注数据的趋势、总数、极值、数据比较等。但是从语言上说,此类图表具有其独特的词汇和句式。一些基础不是很扎实的学生,如果不对这些词汇句式做专门的关注与练习,考试时很可能会答非所问甚至跑题。本文中,朗阁海外考试研究中心将对这些调查问卷式图表作文常用的词汇句式做一些总结。一,调查问卷式图表的特征。(1) 以抽样调查的形式反映社会全体人群的想法调查问卷式图表一般都是针对一个抽样群体(a sample)做问卷调查(questionnaire)或访问(interview),涉及的调查问题一般是关于对某种事物的喜好程度、重要性认识或对某类事件发生原因的个人意见。被进行问卷调查或访问的群体的回答被认为代表了社会全体人群对这些问题的看法和意见。(2) 图表内的数据是以抽样群体的人数作为计数基础调查问卷式图表的数据一般是以“人数”或者“人数百分比”作为形式体现。如果是前者,那么必须注意,这些人数的计数基础是被调查人群,不能理解为全体社会人群中有同样数量的人。如果是后者,那么因为抽样人群被认为具有代表性,数据也可以适用于社会全体人群。下面以一个表格题的局部作为例子:The chart below shows the results of a survey, which sampled a cross-section of 100,000 people, asking if they traveled abroadVisits abroad by UK residents by purpose of visit (199498)19941995199619971998holiday1524614898178961970320700该图表中的数据形式是“人数”,但必须注意这个人数的计数基础是抽样的100,000人,而不是全体人群。举15246这个数据为例,严格说来, “15246 people traveled for holiday in 1994.”这样的句子是错误的,因为15246不能代表全体人群的数据。二,调查问卷式图表的典型词汇和句式。u 和“调查”有关的词汇:survey / interview / questionnaireu 调查问卷显示的结果一般可以表达为:result of / response to a survey / questionnaireu 被抽样调查的人群可以称为“样本”sampleu 被问卷调查或访问的个体可以被称为:the people interviewed, 或respondentu 引出数据的动词:此类词汇是调查问卷式图表作文的重点,因为此类图表的数据反映的是在一个抽样人群种有多少人或多少百分比的人对调查问卷的问题有着某种回答,所以关键的一个动词就是“回答”。所以和“回答”有关的词汇要在此类图表作文中反复出现,现总结如下:answer 15246 people out of the sample answered that holiday was their main purpose of traveling.在这样的句子里answer还可以被如下动词所替代:say, feel, mention, think, consider另外,还有一些动词可以以被动语态的形式出现:rate: Drinks and meals are rated number one (the most important consideration) by 26% of the younger women.choose: Entertainment is chosen by 14% of the younger people as the most important consideration when taking the flight.cite: Two other factors, driving when tired and driving too close to the vehicle in front, were cited by 44% and 36% of respondents respectively.最后,还有一些名词词组也经常被使用,比如:approval / disapproval rating:The disapproval rating for mobile phones is higher among females than among males.The “*” replyThe “no” reply makes up just under 30% in answer to this question.三,总结和相关练习。调查问卷式的图表作文在真实考试中也屡次出现,这类题目本身并不难,关键是要熟悉常用的词汇和句式,这样数据的引用才能准确无误。朗阁海外考试研究中心在最后附上一些调查问卷式考题作为补充学习资料。SAMPLE GRAPH 1You should spend about 20 minutes on this taskThe charts below show the result of a public survey on the use of mobile phones.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.You should write at least 150 words.Generally speaking, do you approve of mobile phones?SAMPLE GRAPH 2You should spend about 20 minutes on this taskThe table below shows the results of an airline survey in 2002 of economy class business travelers. The numbers indicate how many male or female passengers in each age group rated a particular feature as their most important in-flight consideration.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.You should write at least 150 words.IN-FLIGHT FEATURE RANKED FIRSTIN-FLIGHT FEATURE RANKED FIRSTFemalesMalesAge 25-4545 +25-4545+SEAT / LEG ROOM30353946MEALS / DRINKS26312024ATTENDANT SERVICE34302726MOVIES / IN-FLIGHT ENTERTAINMENT104144TOTALS INTERVIEWED100100100100
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