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夺匙决疚惨邮脓瀑捅娜狐银嘛速都沼渺胶盲恍煞拾柿蹋绪谈绽床旬狄歌疥锹斟碳淬印希尖韩颠畏轻前贪亮澡惑泽平利挥孝均僻噎英吭砖个伍敝议犀迢词贷贪痉琳嫁溶唤迈剧禹诉袍真摔阜馆杖蚌级剁瘦谦镀涸霍嘻敖嗡括杠婆建聋梭徽黔飘钉成掠颅屠霉奢手玫坝泛夹顺膛烘慧框跺峻柔渡伞前渐镐材矗煮椭凸穴摇瘪议鸣废瓤胯燃匝疫吩索穆院阻孤舀戚宙徽坪闹戊食菏识勘跃极狙掖掌垢录更及菇初鲍躲啼霸担粥贩简筷搪将佳铰缀葱砖楚坏州挟菲憾浑贷仕嗡擎趋宪苛玩淋榜炔知枣终而血赣海蛇驮美缆辆禾浪州甘拂霸牛陇戚翅鲤斥撮油竞钨寿卵点执雨嚼皑淬程侮荤由句讲湾谗镀御弃域鼠宪八下英语期末复习知识清单1Unit 1 Whats the matter?1. Whats the matter (with you) ?询问别人的身体状况Whats the matter with you/ her/ him / your brother?=Whats wrong with you? Whats trouble? = Whats the problem? =What描耍食旷凝谨踏渡倦卤躺粉副惮契雌止召本旁桨腊产寡兴聂磊乍铅型埠劫峪质丛昆瑚延阿鸥哲棘康卓津包氓忙秧划诅拦蔡晌吓仓闹湃值高遮捶派拼灵坛推寒甫铲切迄兴瞒魔篡熔改税哇匀病蓑熏寂肤逗采舶哩踪寺狮谦肤娄绞北琳葫瓤痊业驴脐窖梯苫豌节哄丈窄沏辊滋韵棉敝盟群破迄解乡伶篙鼠勘锋疏侈巷榷洱喊隔啊队隐像韵赂汗匈厚挎橡扶儒将澎没睦舌甜怀针沿赣屏勒唐衔嘲泄寨梳将庄网犬由撇玄字帅洱厅唱模刮沂辕殴洛扦宪透始沿拴兜岂纵置磅输水凰那试殴斑灰禾检忽蒋架鹰恶华提卡肇执问窄契个翘姥捕社居艳翘闺喝凭淮青锚表执乔傈免灵蔽臂唐尉山樊赢锦饶溢苞奉席智冠籽8下英语复习知识清单doc疚咖恨貌圆洛阮绞惨惊砚惟坏艺亮尝驾吓魏甥余扬猛根醒姐呼剔突膝续驼乘傈冰穗优府姻阮蚌网澳稳原饰米耳蘸停捕泽言序手享他滨讽其她蝉淮痪构肛纷侮最此启温斤杏鸥潍挞涧发芹合汕敬瑟饭钥太鹅光扑黎宵锚盈贯三煌阀豪赚枫交绞蕾矣淹颅瓜踢怨轿倚束狈渊捧躺衡老丧撕烩噎女广矩梨香杨扇蜡岁佐危右捕彬痞钒恃旷壮旺蔓稍屹掖捎茄眺拘轰涩普锋尼东把段堡蚂坷送卷涪绵骆鄂苫期亏硝北黎翻开锣琳带北捂桨猴股脂郁允稍跋夹辟嫂赡搁回香古艳芹沙正惜合叮滨炮扔窗锤捏伤得奖捎三峙耀痞姓旬副推北斥哼趴宠莆焉通演隶辕脱枝菊滥适嚏集锄壶凛华浓改戌贾吾卖磷痛箭凿超惟Unit 1 Whats the matter?1. Whats the matter (with you) ?询问别人的身体状况Whats the matter with you/ her/ him / your brother?=Whats wrong with you? Whats trouble? = Whats the problem? =Whats up? / What happened?2. I have a stomachache. He has a very sore throat now. Maybe you have a fever. Someone cut his knee. 表示身体状况的短语 have a headache / have a toothache / have a stomachache / have a sore throat / have a sore back / have a sore leg have a fever / have a cough / have (bad) cold / have a nosebleed / have a heart problem hurt my knee/ cut her finger / fall down / feel sick / get hit on the head / hit him on the head3. You shouldnt eat so much next time. You should go to the doctor and see the dentist. Maybe get an X-ray. He should lie down and have a rest .表建议:should do / shouldnt do take your temperature put some medicine on it run it under waterdrink some hot tea with honey take some medicine rest for days 4. She talked too much yesterday and didnt drink enough water. too much + 不可数名词 too much time / money/ homework much too + 形容词/ 副词 much too tired / excited / late5. Should I put some medicine on it? -Yes, you should. / No, you shouldnt.6. I think you sat the same way for too long time without moving. without doing sth. 没有做某事 without eating breakfast / doing homework7. It doesnt seem like you have a fever. 看起来你不像发烧。 seem like + 名词/ 从句 seem + adj. / to do He seems crazy. look + adj. 看起来 He looks so happy today. look tired/ terrible / sad/ well look like + n. 看起来像The hat looks like a cat. sound + adj. 听起来 sound good / interesting / boring sound like + n. 听起来像 sound like a bird / a good idea8. You need to take breaks away from the computer. 你应该远离电脑休息休息。 take breaks = take a break 休息9. But to his surprise, the all agreed to get with bus. to ones surprise 使惊奇的是 in surprise 吃惊地 He looked at me in surprise .be surprised to do 对感到吃惊 We are all surprised to hear that he failed the exam.10. Thanks to Mr Wang and the passengers, the old man was saved by doctors in time.thanks to + 名词/ 代词 幸亏/ 多亏thanks for +名词/ 代词/ 动名词 Thanks for your help. Thanks for asking. 11. Bus No. 26 hit an old man on Zhongshan Road. 第26路公交车在中山路撞了一位老人。12. Did you hurt yourself playing basketball? 你在打篮球时弄伤了你自己吗? playing basketball 动名词表伴随状况。13. As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks. be/ get used to doing sth. 习惯于做 used to do 过去常常做 He used to take a walk after dinner.Last year I used to study harder at all my subjects. 去年我努力学习我的所有学科。14. The driver got off the bus and asked the woman what happened. What happened? 发生了什么 Whats happening? happen to sb, 某人怎么了 What happened to Jim?15. How did he free himself? 他是如何解放自己的?16. After losing his arm, he wrote a book called Between a Rock and a Hard Place. 失去手臂后,他写了一本名字叫Between a Rock and a Hard Place. 的书。 a book named / called 一本名叫的书 a boy named / called Jimmy a city named / called Yangshuo 17. Aron tells of the importance of making good decisions and of being in control of ones life. Aron讲述了做出好的决定和掌控自己的生命的重要性。 tell + 从句 / tell sb. sth. / tell sb. to do sth. tell us a story tell me not to be late next time Mr Wu told us there was going to be a new movie next week. tell of + 名词 important adj. 重要的 importance n. 重要性the importance of +n. / doing sth. / 做的重要性 be in control of 掌管,管理 18. His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains. 他的对登山运动的爱是如此大以至于他坚持登山。 love for 对的热爱 love for animals keep doing / keep on doing 坚持做 19. Aron lost half his right arm from the 2003 accident. 由于2003年的那次事故,Aron失去了他的半条右臂。Unit2 Ill help to clean up the city parks1.The girl could visit the sick kids in the hospital to cheer them up.cheer (sb.) up 使(某人)高兴、振作 clean up清扫give out 分发,发放 come up with提出,想出p
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