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常用介词及副词的搭配用法归纳()about about既可以用作介词也可以用作副词,它常和下列名词,动词,形容词搭配使用。名词abouttalk about 关于?谈话;information about/on 关于?知识,消息动词aboutthink about sth. 考虑某事 look about 环顾;考虑bring about 带来,造成,引起 leave about 乱放come about 发生 go about 四处走动get about 走动,传开,着手干 set about 开始,着手hang about 逗留,徘徊 put about 传播谣言turn about 回首,转身,轮流tell sb.about sth. 告诉某人某事 grief about sth. 对伤心confuse sb.about sth 使某人对某事感到混乱 bother sb.about sth 为某事打扰某人gossip about sb.or sth.谈论、闲聊某人或某事形容词+abouthopeful about/of 希望,期待 particular about 对讲究,特别enthusiastic about 对热心 crazy about ab./sth. 对欣喜sure about/of 对.确定知道,对有把握 anxious about 对担忧,焦虑 anxious for 渴望careful about/of 注意,保护,保重 careful with 对注意,照顾careless about 对不留心 feel nervous about/at sth. 对感到不安doubtful about/of 对感到好奇 optimistic about 对感到乐观happy about/at sth. 因某事而感到高兴(二)across across 既可以用作介词也可以用作副词,它常与下列动词搭配使用。 come across 横越,偶尔碰见 run across 跑着穿过;偶尔碰见 cut across 抄近路穿过 get across 惹(某人)不高兴;通过 get sth. across 领会 put across 哄骗 put sth. across 使人听懂(三)against against 只用作介词,常与下列名词或动词搭配使用。1)名词+against grudge against 对怨恨 declaration against 反对声明或宣言hostility against 对敌意 battle against 反对的斗争2)动词+against swim against the current/tide 逆流而泳 run against the wind 逆风而跑work against 反对,抢时间 defend against 团结起来反对side against 与别人站在一方反对人 rebel against 反,反抗stand against 反对 prejudice against 对有偏见rise against 起来反对 argue against 抗议,反对protest against 抗议,反对 strike against 反抗struggle against(with)向做斗争,跟搏斗go against 违背 run against 与竞选 contend against 与抗争(四)around(round) around(round)既可以用作介词也可以用作副词,常与下列动词搭配使用。 bring around 说服;使恢复(知觉、健康、正常等);把某人带来 get around 说服,争取;下功夫去做;绕过,躲避 go around 四处走动;绕过;顺便去;(消息)流传 look around 掉头看,环顾;参观 pull around 使康复 come around 恢复健康;改变看法 hand around 传递,传阅,分发(五)at at 只用作介词,常与下列动词、分词、形容词搭配。动词+atfrown at 对不满 shoot at 朝射击 jump at sth.or sb. 攻击某人或某事fire at sth. or sb. 向开火 snap at 猛咬,猛扑 throw sth. at sth. or sb. 向投掷laugh at 冷笑,嘲笑 smile at 对微笑,对一笑置之 get(rench) at sth.得到,达到,理解catch at/grasp at 抓住;把握住 hint at 暗示 point at/to sb.指着某人 glance at 瞥见call at (family,office)/call on sb. 访问 peer/stare/gaze at 凝视land/touch down/strike at 着路 aim at 瞄准2)分词及形容词+at be annoyed at 因而烦恼 be astonished at 因而惊异 be delighted at 因而愉快 be disgust at 因而厌恶 be frightened at 因而惊吓 be moved at/with 因而感动 be pleased at/with 因而高兴 be surprised at 因而惊奇 be alarmed at 因而惊恐 be angry at/about 对事发怒 be angry with 对人生气 be impatient at 对事感到不耐烦 be quick at 敏捷,伶俐 be clever at 擅长于 be slow at 对迟钝 be efficient at 对效率高 be apt at 善于 be good at 擅长于 be mad at 对某人或某事恼火其它惯用搭配词组at large 大体上,总的来说 at ones best 最好状态 at (the) worst 在最坏的情况下at (the) most 最多 at arms length 一臂的距离;疏远(keep sb.) at the point of 就要at random 胡乱地,漫无目的地 at the risk of 冒的危险 at dusk 黄昏 at hand 近旁,将到at the end of 在的底部 at heart 本质上 at the weekend 在周末 at Christmas 在圣诞节期间at a loss 不知所措 at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟 at ones wits(wits)end 志穷才尽;毫无办法;不知所措at all costs(any cost)不惜一切代价at any rate 不管怎样 at sea 茫然at the request of 应的请求(六)away away 只用作副词1)动词awaybreak away 脱离,逃脱;放弃carry away 取走;使失去理智,使入迷give(sb.)away 泄漏,出卖 make away 离去turn away 避开;逐出;解雇clear away 清除掉;(云雾)消散cut away 切掉;逃走 run away 逃跑;失控put away 把收起来;储存备用;放弃2)其它惯用搭配词组do away with 废除;干掉 make away with 废除get away from 摆脱;回避run away with 携带逃走;消耗get away with 和一起离开;拿走,抢走 (七)back back 用作副词时,常用的搭配形式如下。1)动词backbring back 带回;使回忆起;使健康call back 叫回;收回(说错的话);回电话cut back 修剪;减少 fall back 退却get back 回来,收回;恢复 hold back 抵挡;踌躇;忍住draw back 拉开;往后退;不履行(诺言等)keep back(sth.)阻止向前;忍住;隐瞒pull back 向后拉;撤回;节省;改变主意put back 放回原处;把(钟表)拨回;推迟sit back 休息;不采取行动set back 把(钟表)拨回;阻碍;倒退ring back 回电话,再打电话 take back 拿回,收回,带回turn back 折回;重新提到 talk back 顶嘴;反复重说pay back 报答;向报复;偿付2)其它惯用搭配词组fall back on 求得支持 run back over 回顾go back (up) on 背约,食言,出卖to and back 往返,来回go back from ones word 违约,食言(8) but 1.all(anything,everything,anyone,everyonge)+but1.除都2.no(one或none,nothing,nobody,nowhere)2.除了都不 注:but用介词时,它的前面如出现动词do,则but后的宾语就用动词原形,若无do则用不定式做宾语。如: She did nothing but (=only)cry. He desired nothing but to pass the examination. (9) by by 既可以作介词也可以作副词1)动词bygo by 走过;按判断;顺便走访stand by 站在旁边;袖手旁观;支持get by 通过;维持生活hold by 坚持(意见)layput + by 把放在旁边;积蓄木 set by 把搁开;储备2)其它惯用搭配词组take sb. by the hand 拉某人的手catch sb.by the coat,hair,etc. 抓人的外衣、头发等abide by sth.遵守,坚持go ,come ,travel by land (sea,air,train,bus,car) 陆上、海上或乘飞机、公共汽车、火车、轿车,往来旅游by and by 不久 by oneself 单独地by accident 偶然 by surprise 突然,出乎意料 by chance 偶然,意外 by the way 且说,顺便说by way of 作为,取道 by mistake 弄错
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