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人教小学英语五年级单词表人教版小学英语五年级上册单词表 Unit 1 Young j funny fni tall t:l Miss 小姐 ladyleidi 女士;小姐;夫人 so much 很;非常 funfn 有趣;逗笑 strong str, str: quiet kwait kind kaind veryveri old uld short :t thin in Mr from 从;来自 Canada knd加拿大 like laik know nu 知道 principal prinspl 校长 university ,ju:niv:sti student stju:dnt, stu:- 大学生 strict strikt Tuesday tju:zdi Wednesday wenzdi; -dei Thursday :zdi; -dei Friday fraidi Moral mrl, m:- Studies 思想品德课 Social sul Studies 社会课 Saturday stdi; -dei but强 bt, 弱 bt, bt Unit 2 Mondaymndi, mndei smart sm:t Sunday sndei; -di 第 1 页 共 1 页 day dei wait weit 等等;等待 tomorrow tmru, -m:- 明天 often fn, ftn, :- 经常 love lv 爱;热爱 have on potatopteitu tomatotm:tu, -mei- for lunch lnt we menu menju:, mnju:菜单 sound saund听起来 do homework watch Mew Mew 猫咪 TV healthyheli 健康的 readri:d books tasty teisti Unit 3 sweet swi:t cabbagekbid 洋白菜;卷心sour sau 菜 porkp:k 猪肉 muttonmtn 羊肉 eggplantepl:nt,-plnt fishfi greenri:n beansbi:n tofu fresh fre salty s:lti favourite feivrit they are fruit fru:t grape reip now nau 现在 have to 不得不 第 2 页 共 2 页 eat i:t吃 Unit 4 empty empti the trash tr 倒垃圾 have a try 试一试 robotrubt, -bt, rbt 机器人 playplei chesstes 下棋 cook the meals mi:ls useju:z a water the flowers flau computerkmpju:t Unit 5 clean kli:n the bedroom bedru(:)m helpful helpful 有帮助的 at home 在家里 ill il有病的 wash w, w: the windows windu 擦窗户 just dst do it 就这么干吧 do housework hausw:k 做家务 make meik the bed air-conditionerkn,din 空调 curtaink:tn trash bin closetklzit mirrormir end end table teibl look at 看一看 own un 自己的 setset the table flat flt 公寓 washw, w: the clotheskluz third :d第三的 do the dishes di put awaywei the clothes 收拾衣服 bedroom bedru(:)m kitchen kitin 第 3 页 共 3 页 bathroom b:rum parkp:k living livi room natureneit park 自然公园 in on under nd near ni behind bihaind over uv 在上面 clothes kluz work w:k 工作 tell tel告诉;说 Unit 6 sky skai天空 cloud klaud 云 mountain mauntin山;山脉 riverriv flowerflau grass r:s, rs lake leik forestfrist pathp:, p farmf:m 农场 holiday hldi假期 picturepikt village vilid乡村;村庄 city siti城市 househaus, hauz bridgebrid treetri: roadrud building bildi clean kli:n air 空气 run 跑;奔跑 anyeni 任何的;所有的 人教版小学英语五年级下册单词表 Unit 1 do morning exercises ekssaiz 第 4 页 共 4 页 eat breakfast have English class weekend,wi:kend, wi:kend oftenfn, ftn, :- play sports eat dinner sometimessmtaimz when about baut 关于;大约 policeman pli:smn警察 work w:k工作 evening get up at usually noon tell 告诉;说 climb mountains mauntin go shopping pi play the piano pinu, pi:- rain rein下雨 eitherai, i:- 也 nextnekst 下一个 Unit 2 springspri summersm fallf:l winterwint seasonsi:zn(季节) whichhwit bestbest always:lweiz, -wiz 总是 play with 玩 snow snu雪 visit vizit grandparents rnd,prnt leafli:f叶子 go hikinghaiking upp 至北方或北方城市 第 5 页 共 5 页 north 北方;向北方 Halloween ,hlui:n万圣节之前夕 Thanksgiving ks,ivi; ,ks-感恩节 swim swim fly kites skate skeit make a snowman snumn plant pl:nt, plnt trees tri: why hwai because bikz sleep sli:p Unit 3 June du:n July dla Aug./Augest Sept./September septemb Oct./OctoberktubNov./Novembernuvemb Dec./Decemberdisemb chart t:t图表 birthdayb:dei unclekl cousinkzn 堂兄弟;堂姐妹 first f:st第一 secondseknd 第二 third:d 第三 forthf: 第四 Jan./January dnjuri Feb./February dnjuri eighth eit, ei第八 Mar./March m:t ninth nain第九 Apr./April eiprl twelfthtwelf 第十二 May mei 第 6 页 共 6 页 twentiethtwentii 第二十 sendsend 寄;发送 e-card 电子卡片 her able 能 everybody evri,bdi 每个人 then en 那么 date deit Unit 4 draw dr: pictures piktz cook kuk dinner din read a book answer :ns, n- the phone talk t:k 讲话 Childrens Center 儿童活动中心 see you later 再见 listen lisn to music mju:zik clean kli:n the room ru:m, rum write rait a letter let write an e-mail mom grandpa rndp: speak spi:k to 和讲话 callk
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