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Blizard ntanmntlizr Etetinme, nc。 a Ameica ie gedeveloper ad publishr founed on Februry, 1 unde th meSilicon ynapseby thre raue o UC,3Mihalrhaime, Allen Adham andFrak Peare and rnty owd by French ompny Activison lizzard. ase nIvin, alifonia, copan originally contratedpimarilynthe creaion ogapors for other dis brebgnningdevelomt f thiown oftar in 1993wit he dvelpmentof gameli Rock N oll Racing andThe ostVikis 1994 thecoan ecame BizzrEnertnmen nbefore being acqired by dstrtorDavidson ssoces an ae by iendi.Shorlyteeafter,izardshipethei eakhrouh hit raft: Ors ad Huan.Blizard wenton tocrete severa sucesfuPC gmes,including e Wrcraft, Staraftandbo eries, an h MMRPG Word of acraft.n Juy 9, 208, Aciision offiially mged wVvendi Games,ulatin in t clusio ofthe Bzzar brand name in the title f theresti holding mpan, gh Blzzard nternmen remas a spaat ntt withindepndent maamet BlizzrdEnteamen offersevets tmeet plaers a t announce gs: th Blizzon inCalifrni, UnitdStates, andheBlzzrd Worldwie Invitatioal in oher counties,uhas Pai, rance and Seou, Suth a。Hitorylizzards quartrsinIvine, lforniaBlizar Entertainentws unddbyMichael Moaie, Alln Adham, and ank Pe asSiicon & Snsein Fbray1991, aearafter al tre h recived thiachelsdegreesfm ULAn the arlydas t cmay fusd n eating gmeprtsfor her studios。Portsinlde titlssuc as J.R.R.oensThe or f thRigs, Vl. I nd BttlehssI:Chinese Chess I 1993, the ompanydveloed gaes like oc N Roll Racing nd The ot ikngs (published by Iterpay Prduction).I early1994 the re acqud bydistrbutoravidsn& Assocaes fr .75milin。 Th sm yerthe comp briely chaed ts ameto CoSuos, before inl setti o Blizard Etertaien er it as dscoveredhat ant cmpny with the Chaosnaelradyexistd hrtltherafte, Blizzr shipe thir breakthrog i arcraf:Ors and Hms 。Blizad has chage hand serltmesince then: Dvdsonwscquird alon wh Sierra Onine a omayced UC Intatio i196; CU ten merged wit a hte,real-esae, andcr-enta ranchercalledFSCroration toforenntn 197. I9 it beam parentthat C a engaged n ccountig fra r yas before temer;Cendsstock lost 80 of it vue ovr th nex si monts n the esuing wdel icssed accuning scaal。 Te cpany ol i consumesftw perais,Sirr ninwih inclded lizzard, to Frnch pubisher vasin 198, he sam year Havs w ucsed yVivend。 Blizard wasrt of theiendGames rpfVivendi InJuly20 Vivedi Gm merged with Activison, usig Blzars name in te esulting company, Actiison Blizza。n 196, Blizrdcquired CodorGas, wi had be working oe ge Diablo forBizard at t time。 Codor a renamdBizardNorth, and hs sinceeveloped h gmes Diablo, DaboII, ad its exaniopak Dib II: Lord o Dstrcton lizzd rth ws located in Sa Mteo, Cliforni;the company originated n edod Ciy, Clfrnia.izard launhed teironlin i rvie n Jnuar1997ith therleaseof tirac-RPG Dialo. In2002,Blizar was able t ecquire rightsfor three is lieSilcon Synpe ttles from Intrla Entertanmet nd re-rlase the udr Gam Bodanc。 In2004, Blzardopne Euoa ofies i thaissuburb Vliz, Yvlins, Frac, ronsibe fo tEuopan n-ame support f Wrd f Wacra。 OnNomber 23, 204, lizzrd eeaseWoldo Wrcrat, isMMRPG ffering。 On ay , 00, Bzzard anounced he aquisitnf SingApe tuios,a cosoleame deopr which hdbeendevelopngStarraf: Ghot The cmpaywas hemrge itolizards her em afte SarCrat: Ghost was otpone ndeitey.OAugus1, 2005, Bizzardannouced the cosoldion o BlizzarNth into t adquat at 131 hor i UC riesUnsityResec Parkin Irin, Califoria。In208,Blizzar mv ther headuarters to16215 Aton arwayinIre, aliornia。Wrld o Wacraft ws e ouh reeed game s in thefatay Wrcraftuniverse, whi ws firs intrduc by Wacraf:Orcs Huasin 194。 lizzard nnouncedWrlof Wacrft on Septmber 2, 21。 Thegae was released o Novemb 23, 04, on th10t aivesary of theWaraftfranhise.The irt epasin setoth ame, he Burning Crd,was reesedonJary 16,207。 The eco exnsion set, rath oeL
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