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Pollard, A. et al. (2008). Reflective teaching: theory and practice. London: Continuum.http:/www.rtweb.info/content/view/16/28/, accessed on 18/10/2011.Reflective Teaching resources have been designed to support those who want to understand problems, issues and challenges which are encountered in schools. The Reflective Teaching Handbook provides overviews of keyissues in becoming and being a reflective teacher and highlights themost important research insights which are available. Readings for Reflective Teaching offers 120 edited selections ofkey texts, and thus provides a compact library for those with relativelylittle time. Notes for Further Reading, accessed through this website,provides guidance about how to explore the literature on particularissues more deeply. Notes for Further Reading are updated regularly by the RT Editorial Team and provide an excellent resource for those with assignments and projects to write or for colleagues who simply need some easily accessible advice on how to get started on a professional enquiry concerning classroom practice and related issues.Chapter MenuHome PageBecoming a Reflective Teacher1. Reflective teaching2. Learning through mentoring3. Evidence-informed classroomBeing a Reflective Teacher4. Social Contexts5. Values and identity6. Relationships7. Learning8. Curriculum9. Planning10. Organisation11. Behaviour12. Communication13. Teaching14. Assessment15. Social InclusionBeyond Classroom Reflection16. Learning an a NQT17. School Improvement18. Reflective teaching & societyBecoming a reflective teacher1. Reflective teachingOverview The notion of reflection in teacher education is both multifaceted and dynamic. Its diverse meaning permeates the whole of the book and in the first chapter there is an exploration of its nature. Two books that are fundamentally important as source material are: Dewey, J. (1916) Democracy and Education, New York: Free Press. Dewey, J. (1933) How We Think, A Restatement of the Relation of Reflective Thinking to the Education Process, Chicago: Henry Regneny. (Reading1.1) For a summary of writings about reflective teaching and related practices see: Zeichner, M. and Liston, P. (1996) Reflective Teaching. An Introduction, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum. Donald Schon uses the Dewey context to develop ideas that have been very influential as thinking about reflection has developed over the last twenty years or so. Schon, D. A. (1983) The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action, London: Maurice Temple Smith. (Reading 1.2) Schon, D. A. (1987) Educating the Reflective Practitioner, San Francisco: Jossey Bass. Michael Eraut has produced a very useful critique of the Schon material. Eraut, M. (1995) Schon Shock: A Case for Reframing Reflection-in-Action, Teachers and Teaching; Theory and Practice, 1, 1, p.9-23. There are a number of texts which have a more professionally oriented approach to help teachers understand the process of reflection. Solder, J., Craft, A. and Burgess, H. (2000) (Eds) Teacher Development, Exploring our Own Practice, London: Paul Chapman. Turner-Bisset, R. (2001) Expert Teaching. Knowledge and Pedagogy to Lead the Profession, London: David Fulton. Collins, J. and Cook, D. (2000) (Eds) Understanding Learning. London: Paul Chapman. Hart, S. (2000) Thinking Through Teaching, A Framework for Enhancing Participation and Learning, London: David Fulton. Additionally, titles by Denis Hayes provide insight into the processes of learning to teach that goes beyond the mere acquisition of standards and considers the importance of engaging with critical reflection. Three books in particular cite the importance of reflection. Hayes, D. (2003) Planning, Teaching and Class Management in Primary Schools. London: David Fulton (3rd edition). Hayes, D. (1999) Foundations of Primary Teaching. London: David Fulton. Jacques, K. and Hyland, R. (2003) Professional Studies: Primary Phase. Exeter: Learning Maters (2nd edition). The Standards for Qualified Teacher Status (in England) were re-defined in 2002. Reflection is arguably embedded within the first section of the Standards Professional Values and Practice. Michael Coles edited collection provides an interesting and practical resource for student teachers who wish to engage with reflection. Cole, M. (2002) (Ed) Professional Values and Practice for Teachers and Student Teachers. London: David Fulton (2nd edition). In addition to generic titles, there are also some titles which are more subject specific, for example: Kent, A. (2000) (Ed) Reflective Practice in Geography Teaching. London: Paul Chapman. Ovens, P. (1999) Reflective Teacher Development in Primary Science, London: Routledge Falmer. Bolton, G. (2002) Reflective Practice, Writing and Professional Development. London: Paul Chapman. This latter book provides an interesting o
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