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Unit 9 When was it invented? New wordsLearning goals:In this class, we will learn how to read the new words in the unit and practice the use of some words. We will make a competition between the groups to encourage the students to learn better and make sure most students can understand and grasp the words learnt. 设计意图:目标明确,并列出了单词教案的过程与方法 Step I Learn to read the words on Page 152-1531. First, get the students to try to read the new words in this unit according to the phonetics given by themselves and underline the difficulties they meet.2. Then, give them a few minutes to discuss and deal with the problems they have in their pronunciation in pairs or groups.3. Next,get one student from each group to read the new words to the class, the others listen and try to find out something wrong and correct them .If necessary,the teacher should correct the mistakes himself or herself.4. Last, get the students to read the words twice after the tape . Then give them a few minutes to read all the words quickly to consolidate the pronunciation. 设计意图:活动设计以学生的学为中心,通过学生的自学自究,合 作探究的方式学习,教师以点播为主,充分体现了学生课堂中的主 体性,教师的主导性。Step II Learn to remember words on Page152-P1531. Show the Ss pictures to help them to remember the words.# / 9Calculatorscooplight bulbmicrowave ove nChefbeverage希壬POMbatteryslipperBushfly ing diskLem on abacusBino cularscourt设计意图:图片教案形象直观,形义结合有利于学生记忆掌握2. Remember the words by matchi ng itself with its meaning.A. crisp and good to eatB. everywhere in the world C. by cha neeD. very far back in history E. an old famous story F. continue to existG. one hun dred years H. in side a build in gl.to separate somethi ngJ. a hard shi ny substa nee K. in a lower place L. an orga ni zati on1. metal 2. below 3.divide4.crispy5.worldwide6.remain7.cen tury8.i ndoors 9.ancient1O.lege nd 11.associatio n 12.byaccide ntKeys:1.J 2.K 3.1 4.A5.B 6.F 7.G 8.H 9.D 10.E11.L 12.C 设计意图:训练了学生用英语解释英语的能力,做到英语单词学习 的融会贯通。3. Remember the words by conversior转换)、complex words (合成) and derivative (派生).1)popularity(r.)-popular(adj.)2)adjustable(adj.)-adjustmert(r.) salty (adj.)-salt(n.) pleasant (adj.)-pleasure(n.) active(adj.)- action(n.)wooden (adj.)-wood(n.) 3)create(v.)- creative(adj.)4)aim(n.) aim(v.)mixture (n.)-mix (v.)taste(n.)-taste(v.)bakery (n.)-bake(v.) equipment(n.)-equip(v.)5) invent(v.)-inventor(n.)operate(v.)-operation(n.) notice(v.)-notice(n.)produce(v.)-product(n.) shoot(v.)-shot(n.) guide(v.)-guide(n.) develop(v.)-development(n.)4. Remember the words by their similar pronunciations and forms.1) heel peel,jeel2)heat-beat,meat 3) sour-hour,our4)pie-tie,lie5)throwgrow6)cookiecook7) rankbank 8)basket-basketball 9) hoop-hood,loop10)backboard-blackboard 11)risewise5. Rememberthe words and the phrases by making sentences.1) be used for 2) by mistake 3) according to 4) fall into5) in this way 6)knock into 7) towards 8)sprinkle设计意图:此种类型的记忆方法是英语学习的重要方法,有利于学 生的记忆,更能丰富学生的词汇量。Step III Consolidation of wordsGive the students a few minutes to try to memorize the words first . Then,make a competition between the groups, each group choosesone student to the Bb to make a dictation and see which group can dictate more words.设计意图:学生在利用各种有效方法识记的基础上 ,通过比赛来激励 学生背诵的积极性,效果会很好 。Step IV Read and translate the storyInventions are important. Some inventions have even changed peoples life. After the calculators wereinvented, people can work faster than using theabacus. Because oflight bulbs, people can see more clearly in the dark. Thanks to microwave ovens, people can cook many kinds of delicious dishes without fire. After the binoculars were invented, people can see farther and more clearly.Even though some inventions seem like small, they are very useful. Heated ice creamscoop is used for scooping really cold ice cream. Shoes with adjustableheesl are used for changing the style of the shoesB. attery- operated slippers are used for seeing in the dark.Some were invented by mistake. Potato chips were invented by a chef called George Crum. One day, George was in a bad mood, so he cut the potatoes very thin and cooked them for a long time until they were crispy. And he sprinkled lots of salt on them, so they were reallysalty, but the customers liked them very much.Some were invented by accident. According to an ancient Chinese legend, the emperor Shen Nong discovered tea. When he was boiling drinking water, some leaves from a nearby bushfell into the water and remained there for some time, he noticed that the leaves in the water produced a pleasant smell, after he tasted the hot mixture, tea was discovered.Some were invented for fun. Theflying disk was invented by college students. They often ate at a bakery, after eating, they threwpie plates to each
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