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Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag学习目标:1.重点词汇:come think room their hat head know2.重点句型:Where is my backpack ? It is under the table.Wherere my books? Theyre under the bed. I dont know. Is it in the bookcase? Yes. it is. / No, it isnt Are they on the bed? Yes, they are./ No, they arent重点与难点:1. 学会运用where询问物品的位置,学会运用介词in on under等谈论物品的位置,并能通过听,来辨认出这些介词。2.学会询问物品位置和确认物品位置及其回答,能运用所学知识进行简单的会话交际。自我预习1) 预习课本P20-21页的内容,标出你不不理解的地方。2) 看课本上的Grammar focus并翻译背诵。3)预习完成3a和3b.学习过程:1.温故而知新: 1)听写单词,及时检查以前单词。2)利用多媒体展示的图片和上节课所学的句型,生生之间自由的练习对话。-Where is.?-Its. -Where are .? -They are.2.教授新句型: 1)利用多媒体出示图片,在复习上节课的同时,引出本节课地句型: Wheres the pencil? Wherere the keys? I dont know. I dont know. Is it on the table? Are they on the desk? Yes, it is./No, it isnt. Yes, they are./No, they arent.2)句型练习(pair work): 利用多媒体展示的图片,练习上面的句型。 3) 游戏:猜一猜(guessing game)3.阅读(Reading) Role-play the conversation.M: Come on, Jack. J: Oh, no! Wheres my bag?M: Hmmis it on your desk? J: No, And its not under the chair.M: Oh, its on the sofa. J: Thank you, Mon. ErrWheres the map?M: I think its in your grandparents room. J: Yes, its on their bed. And my hat?M: Its on your head! J: Oh, yeah! Haha. 1) Read and answer the question:Q1.Wheres Jacks bag?Q2.Wheres his map?Q3.Wheres his hat?Q4.Is his map on his desk?Q5.What is on his head?2) 把画线句子翻译成汉语。3) Read loudly and recite . 4.小组合作:1)解决预习中的疑难,核对3a的答案。2)按照3b要求小组之间进行对话练习。3)按照3c要求,通过问答找出不同。 5. 总结归纳: 这节课我学到了_课堂练习(exercise)1.填入适当的词完成句子。 . 1. A: _ my book? B: Its on the desk.2. A: _my pencils? B: Theyre _ (在下)your bed.3. A: _the keys? B: Theyre on the _(书架).4.My _(飞机模型 ) is under the sofa.5.My _(字典) and _( 收音机) are on the desk.2.句型转换。 1.My backpack is under the sofa.(对划线部分提问) 2.His books are on the sofa.(改为一般疑问句) 3.Are your books on the table?(作否定回答) 4.Her brother is in the tree.(对画线部分提问) 5.My pens are in the drawer.(改为否定句)Homework:Draw your own room and write the things in your room
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