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Section A 练习. 根据图片提示,写出表示相应课程的英语单词。. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。1. 我最喜欢的蔬菜是胡萝卜。_ _ vegetable is carrots.2. 你姐姐喜欢什么科目?_ _ does your sister like?3. 简喜欢体育和英语。Jane likes _ and _.III. 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。1. _(为什么) dont you like ice-cream? 2. We dont have classes on _(星期六). 3. Im always busy on _(星期一).4. I like Miss Wen _(因为) her classes are interesting. 5. The basketball game is on _(星期五). IV. 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的形容词填空,每词限用一次。interesting, boring, difficult, tidy, easy1. Lucy, can you help me? This book is _ for me. 2. Cindy thinks tennis is _. She likes it. 3. Tinas room is not _. Her things are everywhere. 4. English is _ for Mike. He does well in every English test.5. I think watching TV is _. I like to play sports. V. 对下列句子中的划线部分进行提问,每空一词。1. Mrs. Smith is our art teacher. _ _ your art teacher? 2. Jims birthday party is next week. _ _ Jims birthday party? 3. A notebook and a pencil box are in her schoolbag. _ _ in her schoolbag?4. The boy wants to be a teacher because he likes children. _ _ the boy want to be a teacher? 5. Their grandparents are fine. _ _ their grandparents? VI. 根据对话内容,从方框中选出恰当的选项补全对话。A: I dont like Wednesday. B: Why? A: (1)_ B: Well, you dont like art, right? A: No, I dont. (2)_ B: Really? I like music, too. I can play the piano (钢琴) well. A: Thats great. (3)_ Do you want to play the piano at the festival? B: Sure. (4)_ A: But I dont think I can play it well. B: (5)_A: OK. A. I can help you!B. Because I have art on Wednesday.C. My favorite subject is music.D. Our school music festival is next month.E. Can you play with me?答案.1. Chinese 2. math 3. history 4. geography 5. music 6. science.1. My favorite 2. What subject(s) 3. P.E.; EnglishIII.1. Why 2. Saturday 3. Monday 4. because 5. FridayIV.1. difficult 2. interesting 3. tidy 4. easy 5. boringV.1. Who is 2. When is 3. What are 4. Why does 5. How areVI.1-5 BCDEA
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