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Unit 7 Will |pople haVTro|bots|? 单忙ST试题有解析人教新目标)| :(45分融| | 100分 第|1卷(共50分|) I 听力(10分|)(| 1)1录音 中南五组对话|, 1听一遍后|,选择最隹密案。1 (5 分|) 1. Wh|en | will Mr White move to Paris? A. | N|ext wee|k. | | | III B. Nxt m|onth C Next yea. 2. Where Will John take b | | hOliday? A. |ln HOng Kbng. B. In SingbpOre. C. In SydReV. 3. What Hobs | Peter think he | | 一 will be in ten| yarS? A.| An bstronaut. B. I I An enginjer. C A pilot. 4 What does |the man think| of| the prices of things in 100 I I I years? A. EVerything Will be| cheaper. B. Ill EVerything Will be) more eXpensive. C. |). EVerything Will |be| free5What are they III 一 ta king about? A. The pol ution. B. Thd traffic. C. The job*. 1. W: | When will_ ydu |) Move to Pahs, Mr White? M: Oh, I 口 m I going to MoVe there ndxt month. 2. W: Hi, John. Where ae Vou going for your holiday?M: Well, will tak a hOlid|ay| inIlliSingapore. 3. W Pete|r, Whbt do you think | | ydu will be 计 10 years? M Well, I think | | | 一 I Will be a |pilbt. 4. W: Will Ipdople use | | | paper money in 100 y&arS? M: I don | |t | think so. Evbrythjng w|ill be free by then. | | 5. W: I th|nk there will be leSs III pollution in thd future. |M:| I hope so. I I I 答 案:15. bBCcA ( 口)展售中有一篇用文I, I听两 遍后,选择最傕密案。| 1(51分)6. Pe|ople will probablyispendtnejrholiday|. A. ; uhder the seal I I I I B. at hoMe C. Ion 一 the moon 7. | Some peope Mill live III. A. under the sba B. on the Moon C. at II). h4me 8. WoMen will have More free tiMe beCause theywn ; t| I . A. go to work B.| do housework C. 1100k after babies 9. We will be able to doshopping when we I I I I I A. are at hoMe B.| leave hoMe C. are ib shops 10.Children can stLdy at hoMeA with ro|bot B On TV C 0n the radio| We all dream abdut life in the future. | | | What do yU think it will be like? | | | Maybe in 拈其 mure people whi fy 访space and spehd | their holiday on the mOon, and somd people will li|ve| Under the sda. | There will b& rdbdts in |ou|r h|ome. Wo/en | won t do| houSework, bnd they will have | mbre free | time | to |do other things. Rob|otS | will help them tjo do everything at homb. I I . We will be abU tc| do shopping withoutII lehving oUr hoMe I I | I,m sure that there will|bd Mo由 e-sChoolS, so children can study|at| hdme thrdudh the Internet dr | oh TV. TheV wn| t bo| to school eveM day.| 答黑:61o.| cAbab In I单项选择 I(1oI分)1. (2013 ?阿H匕用考 )We have no more |) vegetableb 小 the Ifridge. I I I I I I I andl buy some. A. go B. went C will &o D. was I goling 【解析1选- C。恃查动词的时态。根据一句K ”在冰箱里没有蔬菜了,我要去某十些L可知用?股|将来忖4 | 2.| stUdents Weht to Clean| thb Streets last| | | Sunday. A. TWo hundfeds B. Two huMdred|s of C. Hundreds of D. Huhdfed of | |解析选|C。考查敬谕的用法|。| | hundred |前府具体数 字修时|,惧;后芥加| s; |表示不确定前数的概 念时用其复数形式,I并与|of连用,构成短悟:hUndreds of, | |意为|“杵多 ; 大量I; |数以百计 的 。3. Lodk! Thee Wre I two planes I I in the sky. A. fly B. flyingl C. to fly D. | ate flyingl 【解析】 选|B。考查固定句式。There be+ sb.l /sth. +doihg sth.|意|为 _“府在做|卜向意:看!天拄中有两架R机在飞翔。I 4. Ddn t t play soccer in the street.l It I Ms I . A. easy IB. I | bdring C. IdifficUlt |D. danderbus | 【解析】 诜D。考杳形容请辨析I。曲置I I: I不离在街上踢 足揉。那很信脸。I dandebus 危险的1。5. Theremore robots in the future.A was B.|is C. | is going tO have D. will |be【解析I选D。固遂班定句式。I由 in the future| |可知用十般将来时。|There be1吉构的将来日心铀式为 :Thdre Will be + | |主悟 +| . 帧| There be | gding to+ be+ | |主德| +|. .|。| 6. (2。13| |?|呼和浩特中考 |)Doydu know | if he I td play football 1 with us? | I think he WE Comejf he| I I frbe tomoow. A. com|eS; iS B. comeS; III 一 wi|ll be C. Will cbme; is D. I will come; I will be口【解析1选|C|。跨查时态。|第T个队. 句是if引导的宾语从句I, I根据句意|: I你知道他 是否将要和我他T起去踢足球吗. ? I可知从旬中 用已般将来时OEE从可是if.引导的条件状 语从句,此时在询用d般将来时,I从向中用一般规在时。I 17.Hake |yo|u cleaned lyoUr I . dom?Not yet. But I|it |in half : an hour. A. cleaned BhOve cleaned C. Illi will clean |d.| clean【解析】选Id。唇拄劫词付态。根据时间【状语IM half an hoN|可知20 X 20要用一般籽来时态。8. (2013?荆门中考)it usuallyallyMUm about half anhOur to cdok| sUpper. A. p|ayS B. takes |Cspends D. costs L解,亓1 选 B。考查固定句式( “It takes BN some tim to do sth.为固定句式,I意的“某人花多长时间做某 事 。 9 Last SUnday Jack invited some clWssmateb tb Come to his party, but c4me. A. a 毗0 B|. little C. a few D. Ill feW .解析】选回跨查代词辨析。向意 口 周日杰克邀请T些同学旅参加他的聚会I I I, I但是 很少同学来。I Ilittle修饰亦可数名词I, feW饰可数名曲复数, a few 意为.一些I; I几 3nfeWI很少.,I数量亦多。.此如fdw.相 当方 few Classmates, | |表乐否定含义。| | 10.一 (2013 ?康即者 )Do t keep Water running When od wash hands. I I I . A. I hope so B. Il m afdid Inot C. So卜y, I whn t D. It I E s nothing I |【解析 1 选 I C。考 查情景交味。I IA项意为|“我希望如此意的“我恐恻不IJ IC项意为“对不起|,我将 不i(那样做了 |)。m项晨为“没什么。由 前句“当你洗书时不要让水十直流着。可知 选|C。, 回 I完形填空1(20分)口thMk : thHt the wOrld Will | be ah aSy place to | | | liVe in. W|e | | 11| hbvb machineS dnd rObOtS and they Will 2 us do ,ll |th 3 |jobs, ahd | w don| | t have to dO thihgs4 |washing
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