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牛津初中英语8A unit1unit6 知识点归纳牛津初中英语8A unit1unit6 知识点归纳Unit11.nothing else 没有其他东西 what else / where else (else的用法)2.join a writing competition参加写作竞赛hold a writing competition 举行写作竞赛3.qualities of a good friend 好朋友的品行 make your friend so special 使你的朋友如此特别 4.keep secrets =keep a secret 保密 keep secrets for sb 为某人保密5.share ones joy 分享某人的快乐 to ones joy 使某人高兴的是6.make sb happy / sad 使某人高兴/悲伤7.believe what he/she says = believe his / her words 相信他/她说的话8.have problems /trouble with sth = have problems/trouble (in) doing sth 在做某事方面有困难9.a musical child 一个有音乐天赋的孩子 an honest boy 一个诚实的男孩 music 音乐(不可数名词)-musical(adj)爱好音乐的;有音乐天赋的musician(n)音乐家10.be generous to sb 对某人慷慨/大方11.be willing/ready to do sth 愿意做某事12.be ready to help people any time 任何时候愿意帮助别人 be ready to help others 乐于助人 be ready to do sth 乐意做某事/准备做某事 get ready to do sth 准备做某事 get ready for sth 为作准备 = prepare for sth13.give seats to someone in need 让座给需要帮助的人 be in ( great) need of sth (急)需要 (主语是需要的人或地方) We are in great need of food and water14.travel around the world 周游世界 grow up 成长、长大15.have poor eyesight 视力差 eyesight 不可数名词 视力16.because of working on the computer too much at night 由于晚上在电脑上做功课太多=because he works on the computer too much at night because of 因为 后面加短语 because 因为 是连词,后面加原因状语从句17.make him look smart 使他看上去很聪明 make sb laugh 使某人大笑18.a sense of humour 幽默感 have a good sense of humour 很有幽默感 humo(u)r (n) 幽默-humorous(adj) 幽默的 a humorous writer have a sense of humour/time/duty/beauty有幽默感 /时间感 /责任感 /美感19.feel bored or unhappy 感到无聊或不高兴 feel nervous and really uncomfortable 20.tell funny jokes 讲有趣的笑话 tell me funny jokes 给我讲有趣的笑话21.walk past 经过22.knockoff 将从碰落 knock into 与相撞23.think of 想起、记起、想出 think over 仔细考虑(代词放中间) think about/of (doing)考虑做某事24.a true friend 一个真正的朋友 true (adj)-truly(adv)-truth(n)真相、真理25.sth worry sb 某事使某人麻烦 sb worry about sb/sth = sb be worried about 某人为担心 make sb worried 使某人焦急/担心26.say a bad word about sb 说某人坏话27.tell others her friends secrets 将朋友的秘密告诉别人28.almost 1.75 metres tall 大约1.75米高 = almost 1.75 metres in height29.have /wear shoulder-length hair 留着齐肩的头发30.vote for sb 投票选举、投票赞成 vote against sb 投票反对31.a square face 四方脸 a round face 圆脸32.in the drawing competition 在绘画竟赛中 33.outdoor activities 户外活动34.bothand 不但而且 make friends with 与交朋友35.help people solve problems 帮助人们解决难题36.try to do sth 尽力做某事 try doing sth 试着做某事 try / do ones best to do sth 尽某人最大努力做某事37.a social worker 社会工作者 a famous singer 一个著名的歌手 hope to be a famous social worker希望成为一著名的社会工作者 be famous for 因而著名 / be famous as 以(身份)出名 China is famous for the Great Wall. He is famous as a writer.38.listen to peoples problems 倾听人们的疾苦听取民声39.future plans 未来计划 in the future 在将来 in future = from now on 从今以后40.on the left 在左边 look sporty 看上去爱好运动41.live next door(to sb)住在(某人)隔壁 42.know sb /sth very well 对很熟悉/了解43.sit alone in the playground 独自坐在操场上 would like to do sth = want to do sth = feel like doing sth 想要做某事44.miss my old classmates very much 非常想念我的老同学 miss the train 错过火车a missing key 一把丢失的钥匙45.give sb some advice = give some advice to sb 给某人一些建议 advice 不可数名词 建议 give sb some advice on 就 给某人提建议 / a piece of advice 一条建议46.a pleasant trip/weather 令人愉快的旅行/宜人的天气47.move to Beijing 搬到北京 move into a new house 搬进新房子48.smiling eyes 微笑的眼睛 with a smile 微笑着 smile at sb 对某人微笑49.wear/with a smile on ones face 脸上带着微笑50.answer questions correctly 正确地回答问题 a correct route 正确的路线51.系动词 be、grow、 get、become、keep、seem/look、seem、feel、sound、taste、turn 它们后面加adj构成系表结构 feel soft、sound、 great/nice 、taste 、delicious52.what we think /do / want 我们所想的/所做的/所要的53.like to work with children 喜欢与孩子共事54.agree with sb./agree to sth.同意某事(如: 决定、计划等)/ agree to do sth.同意做某事 但agree sb to do sth (错误结构)应改为agree that + 从句55.be kind (polite, friendly) to sb.对某人心善(有礼貌,友好)56.want to have a friend like Alan 想要有Alan一样的朋友57.the most expensive printer in the shop 商店里最昂贵的打印机58.write (a letter)to sb 写信给某人Unit 2 School Life重点短语1英式英语 British English2在八年级 in Year 8/ in 8th grade3一所混合学校 a mixed school4一起上课 have lessons together5我最喜爱的科目my favourite subject6家政课 Home Economics7学习如何煮饭和缝补 learn how to cook and sew8烧健康美味的饭菜 cook healthy and tasty meals9在今年的读书周期间 during this years Reading Week10读最多的书 read the most books11从家中带来书和杂志 bring in books and magazines from home12得告诉老师我们在看什么 have to tell the teacher what we are reading13每节课快近结束时 near the end of each class14和我们同学谈论我们的书 talk t
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