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-装-订-线-内-不-许-答-题-校名 : 班级: 姓名: 考号: 20172018学年度五年级英语下册期中检测试题题号一二三四五六七八九十十一十二成绩得分 听力部分 一、 听音,选出你听到的单词或词组,将序号写到括号里 (5分)( )1. A. eat breakfast B. eat lunch C. eat dinner( )2. A.spring B. summer C.autumn ( )3. A. often B. usually C. sometimes( )4. A.January B. June C. July( )5. A.trip B. holiday C. vacation二、 听音判断,与图片内容相符的划“”,不相符的划“”。(5分) 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( )三、听问句,选择恰当的答语。 (5分)( ) 1.A.At 5 oclock. B. In 5 oclock( ) 2.A.Winter. B. The four seasons.( ) 3.A.Because I like snow. B. Because I can pick apples .( ) 4. A. Its in January. B. We have an Easter party.( ) 5. A.I really like the singing contest. B.Yes.四、 听一听,写一写。 (10分) 1. Which do you like ? 2. I often on Saturdays. 3. My birthday is on . 4. -Why do you like ? -Because I often . 5. Teachers Day is in .笔试部分五、判断下列每组单词的划线部分读音是否相同,相同的划“”,不同的划“”。(5分)( ) 1. play eggplant people( ) 2. clock class uncle( ) 3. library umbrella brown( ) 4.Chinese China children( ) 5.sheep fish chicken六、选词填空。(5分)in on go where when1. I often shopping on the weekend.2. - do you go to school? -I go to school at 8 oclock.3. - is your photo? -Its on the wall.4.We will have an English party February.5.What do you have Tuesdays?七、选择最佳答案。(20分)( ) 1.I often watch TV and play ping-pong _my father . A. with B. and C. but( ) 2. On the weekend , I _ _wash clothes ._ _I cook dinner. A.sometimes , then B. often , but C. usually, sometimes( ) 3. I like autumn best. Because the are pretty!A.colours B.snow C. colour-装-订-线-内-不-许-答-题-校名 班级: 姓名: 考号: ( ) 4. _ is the first month of a year. A. February B. December D. January( ) 5.-When is Mid-Autumn Day? -Its usually _September October. A. in ; on B. in ; or C.on ; and( ) 6. I usually go _ with my mother.A. swim B. to swimming C. swimming( ) 7. We have a P.E. class_ _ten _the morning.A. at, on B. in, on C. at, in ( )8. _ do you like December best?Because winter vacation is coming.A. When B. Which C. Why ( )9. I usually go to bed_10 oclock.A.at B.in C. on ( )10. Childrens Day is in _.A. March B. July C. June ( )11. _ is your birthday? Its in August.A. When B. What C. Which( )12. There _ a few pandas.A. is B. am C. are( )13. Which season do you like best? _.A. Ice cream B. Spring C. Flowers ( ) 14. I like winter because I can play _ the snow.A. for B. of C. in ( ) 15. -How many seasons are they in a year?-There are _.A. four B. twelve C. six( ) 16.That _ like a lot of fun .A. sound B. sounds C. sounding( ) 17. _ do you like summer? _ Because I like summer vacation.A.Why B. What C. Which( ) 18. We have _ Easter party. A. a B.an C. /( ) 19. _ is in September . A. Teachers Day B. Chrildrens Day C. Mid-Autumn Day( ) 20.I like spring , because I can _. A. pick apples B. make a snowman C. go on a picnic八、将答语的序号写到括号里。(5分)( ) 1. When do you eat dinner? A.I often pick apples.( ) 2. What do you often do in the autumn? B. At 6:00.( ) 3.Do you like summer? C. Its in March.( ) 4.When is Tree Planting Day? D. No, I dont.( ) 5. Is Christmas in December? E. Yes, it is.九、连词成句,注意首字母大写及标点符号。(5分)1. class a take sometimes I dancing (.) 2. season best you which do like (?) 3. do on weekend do what you the (?) 4. will mum you do on for your what Mothers Day (?) 5. we an Easter have party in April will (.)
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