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word从字幕里整理出来,可能有些过失,将就着看吧 Season 1 episode01 “sex and the city Once upon a time,an English journalist came to New York. Elizabeth was attractive and bright.and right away she hooked up with one of the citys typically eligible bachelors. The question remains-is this really a pany we want to own? Tim was 42,a well-liked and respected banker who made about two million a year. They met one evening,in typical New York fashion,at a gallery opening. Like it? Yes, actually l think its quite interesting.What? I feel like l know you from somewhere. Oh, doubtful. L only just moved here from London. London? Really?Thats my all-time favorite city. It is? Absolutely. lt was love at first sight. You know, l think perhaps i have met you somewhere before. For two weeks they snuggled went to romantic restaurants had wonderful sex and shared the most intimate secrets. One warm spring day, he took her to a town house he saw in Sundays New York Times. How about if we start at the top and work our way down? There are four bedrooms upstairs.Do you have any children? Not yet. That day ,Tim popped the question. How do you like to have dinner with my folks Tuesday night? ld love to. On Tuesday he called with some bad news. My mothers not feeling very well. Oh, gosh, lm sorry. Could we take a rain check? Of course. Tell your mum l hope she feels better. When she hadnt heard from him for two weeks, she called. Tim, its Elizabeth.Thats an awfully long rain check. He said he was up to his ears and that hed call her the next day. He never did call.Bastard. She told me one day over coffee. l dont understand. ln England, looking at houses together would have meant something. Then l realized no one had told her about the end of love in Manhattan. Wele to the age of “un-innocence. No one has breakfast at Tiffanys,and no one has affairs to remember. lnstead, we have breakfast at 7:00am and affairs we try to forget as quickly as possible. Self-protection and closing the deal are paramount. Cupid has flown the co-op. How the hell did we get into this mess? There are thousands maybe tens of thousands of women like this in the city. We all know them and we all agree theyre great. They travel, they pay taxes,theyll spend $400 on a pair of Manolo Blahnik strappy sandals,and theyre alone. lts like the riddle of the Sphinx.Why are there so many great unmarried women and no great unmarried men? l explore these sorts of issues in my column and l have terrific sources: my friends. When youre a young guy in your 20s,women controllin the relationships. So by the time youre an eligible man in your 30s,you feel like youre being devoured by women. Suddenly, the guys are holding all the chips. l call it the mid-30s power flip. lts all about age and biology. I mean,lf you want to get married,its to have kids, right? And you dont want do it with someone older than 35, you have to have kids right away,and thats about it. I think these women should just forget about marriage. and have a good time. l have a friend whod always gone out with extremely sexy guys and just had a good time. One day she woke up and she was 41.She couldnt get any more dates. She had a plete physical breakdown,couldnt hold on her job and had to moved back to Wisconsin to live with her mother. Trust me, this is not a story that makes men feel bad. Most men are threatened by successful women. lf you want to get these guys,you have to keep your mouth shut and play by the rules. l totally believe that love conquers all. Sometimes you just have to give it a little space and thats exactly whats missing in Manhattan,the space for romance. The problem is expectations older women dont want to settle for whats available. By the time you reach your mid-30s you thinkwhy should l settle?You know? Its like the older we get,the more we keep self-selecting down to a smaller & smaller group. What women really want is Alec Baldwin. Theres not one woman in New York who hasnt turned down 10 wonderful guys because they were too short or too fat or too poor. lve been out with some of those guys-the short, fat poor ones. lt makes absolutely no difference. They are just as self-centered and unappreciative as the good-looking ones. Why dont these women just marry a fat guy? Why dont they just marry a big fat tub of lard? Happy birthday,dear Miranda,Happy birthday to you Another 30-something birthday with a group of unmarried female friends. We would all have preferred a celebratory conference call. You were saying? Look,lf youre a successful single woman in this city,you have 2 choices:you can bang your head against wall and try and find a relationship or you can say “screw it,and just go out and have sex like a man. You mean with dildos? No. l mean without feeling. Samantha was a New York inspiration,a public relations executive. She routinely slept with good-looking guys in their 20s. Remember that guy I was going out with?oh,god,What was his name? Drew. Drew,
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