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2022年高中英语Unit4LearningefficientlyUsingLanguageAimsTo help students read the passage HOW DO YOU LEARN BEST?To help students to use the language by reading, listening, speaking and writingProceduresI. Warming up by learning about how to learn EnglishMotivation: Bee a person who likes to learn English. Dictionary: Get a good English dictionary. No mistakes: Avoid mistakes. Try to use correct English from the beginning. Pronunciation: Learn to pronounce English sounds. Learn to understand phonetic transcription and the phonetic alphabet. Input: Get English into your head by reading and listening to lots of English sentences. Reading Movies Adventure games SuperMemo is a puter program that you can use to learn English. We have used it for 8 years and it has helped us a lot.II. Reading for forms and for the meaningRead the text HOW DO YOU LEARN BEST? on page 36 to: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, blacken the predicative, darken the connectives and underline all the useful expressions. HOW DO YOU LEARN BEST?Take this quiz to find out what kind of learner/ you are. Tick only the statements/ that you think resemble your situation.1. I would rather hear a book/ on a cassette/ than read it.2. When I am doing my homework, I like to hear music/ in the background.3. When I go shopping, I would rather rely on a written list/ than on my memory. 4. I like playing sports/ more than watching them.5. It is a struggle/ for me to keep my room/or desk tidy.6. I know most of the words /to the songs /I listen to.7. I tend to see pictures /in my mind /when I am reading /or listening. 8. I like reading stories /more than listening to them.9. When I am spelling words, I try to “see” the words /in my mind.10. I like talking on the phone.11. I love working with my hands/ to build things.12. I often draw /when I am on the phone.13. I can express myself /more easily/ when I talk/ than when I write.14. I find it hard to concentrate/ when there are a lot of people /talking near me.15. I like to follow a map /rather than written/ or spoken directions.16. I often know what I want to say /but have trouble expressing it /in words.17. I read /as little as possible.18. When I remember something /that happened in the past, I often see pictures of it /in my mind.19. I learn about something best /when someone explains it to me.20. I find it hard to concentrate /when people are moving around me /or things are messy.21. When I am spelling difficult words, I often write them down/ to see if they “look right”.22. I find it tiresome/ to sit /and concentrate on anything /for a long time. I prefer to keep changing activities.23. I usually remember peoples names/ but I often forget their faces.24. I usually remember peoples faces /but I am often vague about their names.25. I remember things /in a list /best /if I say them to myself.26. I prefer to be shown what to do/ rather than be told.27. When I am giving directions, I have a tendency /to move my body/ and / or hands/ as I speak.28. When I am spelling difficult words, I often sound them out /as I write them down.29. I like art /more than music.30. I enjoy reading.31. When I am trying to solve a problem, I like to consult someone else /about it.32. When I am learning to spell words, I write them down/ again and again /until I know them.Now /follow the instructions below /to find out what kind of learner/ you are.In the table/ circle the numbers /that match the statements /you ticked. Then/ add up the number of circles/ in each column.The column /with the most circles is probably your preferred learning style. You may find /you have more than one strong learning style, which is a bonus /because being able to learn/ in more than one style increases your chances of finding activities/ that suit you. Visual AuditoryTactile314725861091011151312181416201917242321262522292827303132Now/ turn the page/ to find out more about how you learn/ best.Read the descriptions below /of three kinds /of learners.Visual learners learn best /when they can see /or watch something. They like to read/ or look at pictures, and diagrams.Auditory learners learn best/ when there is an oral ponent/ to the material /they are learning. They prefer to listen to explanations/ or instructions/ rather than read them.Tactile learners learn best/ through concrete experiences; that is, when they can touch /or feel real objects, do experiments /or make things.III. Copying expressions and making sentencestake a quiz, find out, what kind of, would rather do, hear a book on a cassette, do ones homework, like to hear music, in the background, go shopping, rely on, a written list, on my memory, like playing sports, keep ones room tidy, tend to do, see pictures in my mind, like reading stories, talk on the phone, love working w
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