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六年级英语总复习课教案范文集锦六年级英语总复习课教案1Lesson 1A:What time is it?B:Its 12:00. Its time for lunch.A:Do you have lunch at 12:00?B:Yes, I do.A:What do you have for lunch?B:I have rice for lunch.Lesson 2A:Do you do your homework on Sundays?B:Yes, I do.A:Do you watch TV in the evening?B:No, I don“t.A:Does Lele do sports every day?B:Yes, he does.A:Does he play football after lunch?B:No, he doesn”t.Lesson 3A:Do you e from Chengjiao?B:No, I don“t. /Yes, I do.A:Where do you e from?B:I e from Baitugang.A:Do you live in Baitugang?B:No, I don”t. /Yes, I do.A:Where do you live?B:I live in Nanyang.A:Does he e from Chengjiao?B:No, he doesn“t. /Yes, he does.A:Where does he e from?B:He es from Baitugang.A:Does he live in Baitugang?B:No, he doesn”t. /Yes, he does.A:Where does he live?B:He lives in Nanyang.Lesson 4A:Do you usually get up at 7:00?B:No, I don“t. /Yes, I do.A:What time do you get up?B:I get up at 6:30.A:Does he go to school at 7:00?B:No, he doesn”t. /Yes, he does.A:When does he go to school?B:He goes to school at 7:30.Lesson 5A:Do you go to school by bike?B:No, I don“t. /Yes, I do.A:How do you go to school?B:I go to school on foot.=I walk to school.A:Does he go to Beijing by car?B:No, he doesn”t. /Yes, he does.A:How does he go to Beijing?B:He goes to Beijing by train.Lesson 7A:Do you like apples?B:Yes. Pass me one, please.A:Here you are.B:Thank you.A:Would you like beef?B:Yes. Give me some, please.A:Here it is.B:Thank you.Lesson 8A:Is your mother tall or short?B:Shes tall.A:Is she fat or thin?B:Shes thin.A:Is she young or old?B:Shes not young, but not very old.A:Is her hair long or short?B:Her hair is short.Lesson 9A:Who is taller, Lele or Lili?B:Lili is taller.A:Which is faster, a bus or a car?B:A car is faster.A:Which hotel is cleaner?B:The bigger one is cleaner.A:Which one is cheaper?B:The smaller one is.Lesson 10A:Who is younger, Gege or Meimei?B:Gege is much younger than Meimei.A:Which is taller, the giraffe or the deer?B:The giraffe is much taller than the deer.Lesson 11(Its December 25.)A:Merry Christmas.B:Merry Christmas.A:Wow, what a beautiful tree!And so many presents on it.B:Gege, this toy dog is for you.Meimei, these books are for you.六年级英语总复习课教案2教学目的:1、可以听、说、读、写短语:on foot, by bike, by bus, by train。2、可以听、说、认读短语:by plane, by ship, by subway。3、能用句子 “how do you go to school? how do you go to canada/?” 来交换询问别人的出行方式;并可以用句子 “i go by” 进展答复。4、听懂、会吟唱lets chant的歌谣。5、帮助学生理解交通规那么,并在生活中自觉遵守交通规那么。教学重难点:掌握四会短语和a lets learn部分中运用某种交通工具去某地的表达法,并能交换【关键词】:p 】:进展问答。课前准备:1、教师准备lets start部分和主情景图的教学课件。2、教师准备录音机和本课时的录音带。3、教师准备a lets learn部分的单词卡片。教学步骤:一、热身(warm-up)1、复习副词:always,usually,often,sometimes,never的读音与词义。t: when do you get up? / when do you go to school? (引导学生用always,usually,often,sometimes答复)2、t:today i go to school by bus. i usually go to school on foot. 教师利用肢体动作帮助学生理解句子意思。t:what about you? do you go by bike or by bus? do you go on foot? or by car? 师生之间自由会话,引出几种常见的交通方式。引导学生看本课lets start部分的标图并答复以下问题。二、预习(preview)1、lets chant教师放本课lets chant部分的录音,唱到on foot时,全班跺跺脚;唱到by car/ bike/ bus/ plane/ train的时候,学生做出相应的动作。然后教师根据歌谣内容随机出示lets learn部分的单词卡片加深学生印象,全班学生再跟录音边唱边做一遍。三、新课呈现(presentation)lets learn1、教师做动作,自问自答: “how do i go to school? i go to school by bike.” 并在黑板上写下:by bike。教师再重复刚刚的句子并问某一学生: what about you? how do you go to school? 教师帮助学生说出完好的句子: “i go to school by” 并将相应的短语写在黑板上。2、看短语贴卡片游戏教师依次出示画着不同交通工具的短语卡片,让学生迅速地贴在黑板上的by短语旁边,教师领读短语和句子 “l go to school by.”3、“快速反响” 游戏教师说出某个短语,如:by bike,让学生做相应的动作并说出句子,如:i go to school by bike.4、教师拿出刚刚学生可能没有提到的交通工具的图片,如:by plane/subway/ ship/ boat等,呈现和练习这些短语。然后指着课本上的配图问:“what can you see in the pictures?” 注意引导学生理解“地铁”的含义: “its an underground railway in a city. it travels very fast.” 教师领读新学短语。5、学生听录音,跟读lets learn部分的内容。教师注意纠正学生的语音、语调。6、教师引导学生进展单词的拼读竞赛。可空出单词中的元音字母让学生填写, 也可打乱组成单词的字母的顺序,让学生重新排序,组成单词。7、lets play教师请学生说一些地点,比方:school, beijing, the us, the moon等;教师鼓励学生大胆想象出行方式和所去地点。然后学生两人结对进展句型操练,一人问 “how do you go to beijing/ the usa/ the moon?” 另一学生给出答案: “i go by train/ plane/ spaceship. ”四、稳固和延伸(consolidation and extension)1、教师引导学生看主情景图,说出其中表现的交通方式。学生多能说出:on foot, by bike, by subway。如有学生问及小丑骑的独轮车以及幼儿骑的三轮儿童车教师可补充说明那分别是unicycle和tricycle;而自行车bike的另一说法:bicycle,意为两轮车。2、学生做lets learn部分的活动手册配套练习;教师指导学生标准书写。新学伊始,教师非常有必要对学生重申一下书写的要求。五、homework1、学生背诵并抄写四会单词;2、学生预习c lets sing部分的歌曲。六年级英语总复习课教案3一.学情分析p 本学期我教六年级(1)、(2)、(3)班的英语。六年级的孩子已经有了一定的英语根底,他们活泼好动,对新事物有着强烈的好奇心,但随着英语难度的不断加大,有一部分学生对学习英语的兴趣有所下降,两极分化比较严重,所以本学期我将面向全体学生,始终把激发学生的学习兴趣放在首位,引导学生端正学习态度,掌握良好的学习方法,培养学生良好的学习习惯。 二.教材分析p 本教材的设计表达了“Friend with English(开心学英语)”的教育思想,形式活泼,以一位来自外星球的生物Gogo和它在地球上的朋友Tony和Jenny的活动为主线,引导学生进入奇妙的英语世界,在整体构思、内容安排、活动设计和教学方法上都严密联络学生的生活实际,表达了语言的交际功能和语言应用的根本原那么。 三.教学目的 小学阶段英语课程的目的是激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学习英语的积极态度,建立学习
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