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2022年考博英语-西安交通大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题All the characteristics and abilities a person acquires and all developmental changes result from two basic. Though complex processes: learning and maturation. Since the two processes almost always interact, it is difficult to separate their effects from each other or to specify the relative contribution of each to a childs development. Clearly, growth in height is not learned but depends on maturation, a biological process. But improvements in motor activities such as walking depend on maturation and learning, and the interaction between them.What, then, are maturation and learning? All definitions of maturation stress organic processes or structural changes occurring within an individuals body that are relatively independent of external environmental conditions, experiences, or practice. By maturation it is meant development of the organism as a function of time, or age.Learning generally refers to changes in behavior or performance as a consequence of experience. Learning is the process by which an activity originates or is changed through training procedures as distinguished from changes not attributable to training.A number of important and stimulating theories of learning have been proposed, each with its own set of principles and hypotheses for explaining the learning process. For our purposes, we do not need to be concerned with the specific details of the learning process, even though learning plays the most important role in most aspects of development and change. We shall employ only a few generally accepted principles of learning in this discussion.Specifically, we accept the principle that a child will learn a response more effectively and more thoroughly if he is motivated to learn it. Moreover, he will learn a response better if he is rewarded for learning it. According to this view, the more a response is rewarded, the stronger it becomes and the more likely it is to be repeated. Although most learning involves motivation and reward. I believe some learning does occur without them.1.According to the passage, learning ( ) .2.A childs development depends on ( ).3.In the authors opinion ( ).4.According to the passage, maturation means( ) .5.The last sentence of paragraph 4 suggests that ( ) .6.The phrase “this view” refers to the view that ( ) .7.The best title for the passages is( ) .问题1选项A.is a complex processB.is independent of maturation.C.is independent of external environmental conditionsD.refers to changes in behavior or performance.问题2选项A.learning processB.maturation processC.the interactions between the two processD.neither of the two processes问题3选项A.learning plays a very important role in most aspects of a childs development and changeB.there are hardly any principles of learning which are generally acceptedC.a child never learns anything unless he has some need or desire for itD.a child should not be rewarded until he has learned a response问题4选项A.being sophisticated mentally and sociallyB.development of the organism as a function of time or ageC.being fully grown in height and mentalityD.freedom of adult caring in daily life问题5选项A.some proposed principles of learning may have not been accepted generallyB.principles of learning are being proposed every dayC.only a few principles of learning are generally acceptedD.most of the principles of learning are not generally accepted问题6选项A.a child learns and matures fast.B.a child will learn a response better if he is rewardedC.a child learns slowly if he is in a bad mood.D.a child learns a response问题7选项A.A Childs DevelopmentB.Learning and ResponseC.Motivation in Relation to LearningD.Maturation and Learning【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:A第4题:B第5题:A第6题:B第7题:D【解析】1.根据第三段第一句“Learning generally refers to changes in behavior or performance as a consequence of experience.”可知, 选项D与原文描述一致。2.根据第一段的二三句可知, 学习和成熟这两个过程几乎总是相互作用的, 因此很难将它们的影响彼此分开, 也很难指定它们对儿童发展的相对贡献。所以选项C正确。3.根据第四段的第二句“learning plays the most important role in most aspects of development and change.”可知, 选项A与原文描述一致, 所以正确。4.根据第二段最后一句“maturation it is meant development of the organism as a function of time, or age.”可知, 选项B符合原文。5.根据第四段最后一句话:在这次讨论中, 我们将只采用几个普遍接受的学习原则。由此可推断, 还有部分原则没有被公众所接受, 选项A符合原文。6.根据原文可知, “this view”指的是上文提出的观点“he will learn a response better if he is rewarded for learning it.”如果他能得到学习的奖励, 他就能更好地学习反应。选项B符合原文。7.本文主要是围绕“学习和成熟”这两个关键词展开讨论的, 所以选项D最能概括全文。2. 单选题Every American high-school student may or may not hope, to go to college, but if he does, depending on how much he wants to, he probably can. At any rate, six out of ten high-school graduates go to college, not all of them go immediately lack of money, the Armed Forces, an attractive job, illness, anyone of a hundred reasons, commo
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