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Unit6 Is Money So Important?教案Reading左权宏远学校职高部 常彩凤Teaching Aims: 1. Make the students master the useful expressions. 2.Train the studentsreading ability. 3.Can finish the exercises independently.Teaching Important Points: The understanding of the passage.Teaching Difficult Points: The language points in the textTeaching Procedures: Step Revision 5 Step lead in 5 Step Fast reading 8 Step Intensive reading 14 StepV Consolidation 10 StepVI Homework 3Step Revision1. 谋生 earn ones living2. 使人想起 remind someone of3. 用.代替. instead of4. 炫耀,卖弄 show off5. 与.不同 be different from6. 同时,一起 at the same time7. 生长成熟 grow up8. 为.而骄傲 be proud of 9. 终究;到底 on earth 10. 开车兜风 go for a ride 11. 嫉妒 turn green 12. 振作起来 cheer up 13. 干得好 well done 14. 你真了不起 You are great!15. 时某人想起. remind sb. of sth. 16. 发展中国家 developing county17. 发达国家 developed countrystep Lead in 1. Do you like money?2. Do you think money can buy everything?Money is not everything .It can buy you a house but not home.It can buy you a bed but not sleep.It can buy you a clock but not time .It can buy you books but not knowledge.It can buy you medicine but not health.It can buy you blood but not life. Step Fast reading Task1: Read the text fast and match the topics with each paragraph.Para1 A. the same problem in ItalyPara2 B. analysis of the problemPara3 C. a letter from a father Para 4 D. solution for the father and the sonPara 5 E. solution in my familyTask2: Answer the following questions according to the text.1. Why did the son dislike his father and feel unhappy?2. Why did the young people like to wear famous.3. Can everybody in a country get rich at the same time?4. Is it true that all foreigners are rich?5. What do you think is most valuable for us?Step Intensive reading New words and expressions:1. see sb. doing sth. 强调看到某人正在做某事 see sb. do sth.强调看到某人做过某事或经常做某事eg. I say him playing basketball just now. I saw him break the glass. I often see him ride a bike to school.2. be driven 被动语态 be +过去分词 3. in a car by car by bus =on a bus4. remindof 使(某人)想起 remind sb to do sth.提醒某人做某事。eg. 你使我想起了另一个女孩。You remind me of another girl.请提醒我完成工作。Please remind me to finish my work.5. unless 是连接词,用来引导条件状语从句,其含义相当于if not。eg. 你如果不努力,绝不会成功。You will never succeed unless you work hard.6. show off 卖弄,炫耀eg. 他是一个爱炫耀的人。He is a man who is always showing off.7. not all 表示部分否定,意为“并非所有的”eg. 并不是所有男孩都喜欢踢足球。Not all boys like to play football.注意:当not和all,every,both等词连用时,表示部分否定;如果要表示全部否定,则要用no, none, nobody, nothing, neither等具有否定含义的不定代词来表示。eg.我们大家都不是完美无缺的。None of us are perfect.8. at the same time 同时9. earn ones living 谋生Step Consolidation1、填空 (1)I am sure you can afford (买得起) the new type of MP4. (2)I will go home this weekend unless (除非)my mother comes to see me. (3)The TV play reminded me of (使我想起了)the days when I stayed in a mountain village.2、选择 (1)Your parents are proud B what you have done. A. for B. of C. with D. by (2)Since his parents died early, he had to C his living when he was a child. A. have B. fight C. earn D. get (3)Please B me to finish my homework. A. let B. remind C.make D. Have (4)Janes mother has bought her a beautiful dress.She wants to B her dress. A. throw away B. show off C. fail D. be different fromStepVI HomeworkWrite a short passage “Is money everything?”Blackboard DesignUnit6 Is Money So Important?ReadingKey phrases: (language points)1. see sb. doing sth. see sb. do sth. 2. be driven 3. in a car4. remind.of.5. unless6. show off7. not all8. at the same time 9. earn ones living
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