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题名:基于光学向量矩阵乘法器的光学信息处理系统研究作者:卢洋洋,周平,朱巍巍,张磊,杨林单位:中国科学院半导体研究所来源:光电子激光, 2013, 24(9), 1656-1661基金:国家自然科学基金文摘:光学向量-矩阵乘法器(OVMM)作为一种利用光学方式进行向量-矩阵运算(VMM)的光学系统,由于采用天然具有高带宽、高并行性的光学处理方式,在海量数据处理领域极具潜力。本文实现了一套基于空间OVMM的光电混合数字信号处理系统,采用自主设计实现的维度为1616的空间OVMM作为核心运算单元。实验结果显示,系统能够完成76.8G/s乘法累加(MAC)运算,满足实时数据处理对运算速度的需求。系统使用可编程逻辑器件(FPGA)作为电学协处理单元的核心组成部分,因此具有可编程性,可以满足多种不同的应用需求。题名:Temperature Characteristics of Monolithically Integrated Wavelength-Selectable Light Sources作者:Han Liangshun,Zhu Hongliang,Zhang Can,Ma Li,Liang Song,Wang Wei单位:Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences来源:Chinese Physics Letters, 2013, 30(10), 108501-1-108501-3基金:Supported by the National High-Technology Research and Development Program of China,the National Basic Research Program of China,the National Natural Science Foundation of China文摘:The temperature characteristics of monolithically integrated wavelength-selectable light sources are experimentally investigated. The wavelength-selectable light sources consist of four distributed feedback (DFB) lasers, a multimode interferometer coupler, and a semiconductor optical amplifier. The oscillating wavelength of the DFB laser could be modulated by adjusting the device operating temperature. A wavelength range covering over 8.0 nm is obtained with stable single-mode operation by selecting the appropriate laser and chip temperature. The thermal crosstalk caused by the lateral heat spreading between lasers operating simultaneously is evaluated by oscillating-wavelength shift. The thermal crosstalk approximately decreases exponentially as the increasing distance between lasers.题名:A High Power InGaN-Based Blue-Violet Laser Diode Array with a Broad-Area Stripe作者:Chen Ping,Zhao Degang,Feng Meixin,Jiang Desheng,Liu Zongshun,Zhang Liqun,Li Deyao,Liu Jianping,Wang Hui,Zhu Jianjun,Zhang Shuming,Zhang Baoshun,Yang Hui单位:Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences来源:Chinese Physics Letters, 2013, 30(10), 104205-1-104205-4基金:Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China for Distinguished Young Scholars,the National Natural Science Foundation of China,Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology (TNList) Cross-Discipline Foundation文摘:An array of high power InGaN/GaN multi-quantum-well laser diodes with a broad waveguide is fabricated. The laser diode structure is grown on a GaN substrate by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. The laser diode array consists of five emitter stripes which share common electrodes on one laser chip. The electrical and optical characteristics of the laser diode array are investigated under the pulse current injection with 10 kHz frequency and 100ns pulse width. The laser diode array emits at the wavelength of 409nm, which is located in the blue-violet region, and the threshold current is 2.9 A. The maximum output light peak power is measured to be 7.5 W at the wavelength of 411.8 nm under the current of 25 A.题名:基于Add-drop型微环谐振腔的硅基高速电光调制器设计作者:曹彤彤,张利斌,费永浩,曹严梅,雷勋,陈少武单位:中国科学院半导体研究所来源:物理学报, 2013, 62(19), 194210-1-194210-6基金:国家自然科学基金文摘:相比于传统的All-pass型微环谐振腔硅基电光调制器, Add-drop型微环谐振腔可提供更多的设计自由度, 使调制器在不改变杂质掺杂浓度的情况下就能在调制带宽和消光比性能上获得均衡考虑. 本文设计了基于Add-drop型微环谐振腔的高速、且在低调制电压下实现大消光比的硅基电光调制器, 所用微环谐振腔的半径仅仅为20 m. 重点分析了直波导与微环谐振腔的耦合对调制器性能的影响, 发现较小的Drop端耦合系数有利于消光比的提高, 但是不能同时达到最佳的调制带宽, 因此设计上存在一个带宽和消光比性能上的折中考虑. 根据优化设计的结果进行了实际器件的制作和测试. 静态光谱测试表明, 在3 V反向偏置电压的作用下, 调制器的消光比最大可达12 dB. 动态电光响应测试中, 在仅仅1.2 V的信号幅值电压下测得了8 Gbps数据传输速率的清晰眼图.题名:新型量子点场效应增强型单光子探测器作者:王红培,王广龙,倪海桥,徐应强,牛智川,高凤岐单位:军械工程学院, 纳米技术与微系统实验室来源:物理学报, 2013, 62(19), 194205-1-194205-6基金:国家自然科学基金,北京市自然科学基金文摘:针对量子点场效应单光子探测器(QDFET)光吸收效率低下的问题, 提出了一种新型量子点场效应增强型单光子探测器(QDFEE-SPD). QDFEE-SPD增加了共振腔的设计, 并采用了GaAs/AlAs多层膜作为下反射镜; 对QDFEE-SPD的光吸收增强效应和光响应度进行了理论分析和模拟, 结果表明, 与没有共振腔时相比, QDFEE-SPD的吸收效率和光相应度都有了大幅度的提升, 同时为了光吸收的最优化, 吸收层厚度一般应在0.10.5 m; 对QDFEE-SPD的材料样品进行了生长和测试实验, 反射谱测试和PL谱测试结果表明, QDFEE-SPD对入射光的吸收具有了明显的增强效应. 文章成果为高效率量子点场效应单光子探测技术的研究提供了新的思路.题名:光波导微环谐振器用于二进制格式变换研究作者:张利斌,陈少武,费永浩,曹彤彤,曹严梅,雷勋单位:中国科学院半导体研究所来源:物理学报, 2013, 62(19), 194201-1-194201-8基金:国家自然科学基金文摘:实验观测到了微环对入射二进制码的格式转换作用, 且这种转换作用对入射光波长具有强烈的依赖关系. 使用线性耦合模理论, 结合傅里叶变换以及电光马赫曾德强度调制作用, 理论再现了这一实验结果, 并通过使用简化的传递函数对此进行了解释. 理论分析还表明, 对于非临界耦合微环, 通过格式转换后波形的非对称性可以直观地判断微环的耦合状态, 即过耦合或欠耦合有不同的输出波形特点.题名:Design and fabrication of a high-performance evanescently coupled waveguide photodetector作者:Liu Shaoqing,Yang Xiaohong,Liu Yu,Li Bin,Han Qin单位:Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences来源:Chinese Physics. B, 2013, 22(10), 108503-1-108503-5基金:Project supported by the High Technology Research and Development Program of China,the National Basic Research Program of China,the National Natural Science Foundation of China文摘:In this paper, we present the design, fabrication, and measurement of an evanescently coupled waveguide photodetector operating at 1.55 m, which mainly comprises a diluted waveguide, a single-mode rib waveguide and a p-i-n photodiode with an extended optical
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