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2011英语四级阅读:日本福岛核电站再次爆炸2700字 2011英语四六级进入备考阶段,毕业编辑整理六级备考资料供大家参考,祝大家取得好成绩! 2011英语四级备考:提高英语阅读能力3大途径爱思英语编者按:受日本大地震影响的福岛第一核电站3号反应堆,今天早上发生氢气爆炸。当局下令核电站附近的居民留在室内,爆炸导致11人受伤。另外,1号反应堆也冒出白烟。首相菅直人早前形容,核电站的情况令人担忧。 The second hydrogen explosion in three days rocked Japans stricken Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant Monday, sending a massive column of smoke into the air and wounding 6 workers. The plants operator said radiation levels at the reactor were still within legal limits. The explosion at the plants Unit 3, which authorities have been frantically trying to cool following a system failure in the wake of a massive earthquake and tsunami, triggered an order for hundreds of people to stay indoors, said Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano.Tokyo Electric Power Co. said radiation levels at Unit 3 were 10.65 microsieverts, significantly under the 500 microsieverts at which a nuclear operator must file a report to the government. The blast follows a similar explosion Saturday that took place at the plants Unit 1, which injured four workers and caused mass-evacuations. Japans nuclear safety agency said 6 workers were injured in Mondays explosion but it was not immediately clear how, or whether they were exposed to radiation. They were all conscious, said the agencys Ryohei Shomi.The reactors inner containment vessel holding nuclear rods was intact, Edano said, allaying some fears of the risk to the environment and public. TV footage of the building housing the reactor appeared to show similar damage to Mondays blast, with outer walls shorn off, leaving only a skeletal frame.More than 180,000 people have evacuated the area in recent days, and up to 160 may have been exposed to radiation. / Earlier Monday, pressure had jumped inside Unit 3, forcing the evacuation of 21 workers. But they returned to work after levels appeared to ease.Associated Press journalists felt the explosion in the tsunami-devastated port town of Soma, some 25 miles (40 kilometers) north of the reactor. They reported feeling the faint rumble of a blast and the ground shaking. /Four nuclear plants in northeastern Japan have reported damage, but the danger was greatest at Fukushimas Dai-ichi plant. Operators have lost the ability to cool three reactors at Dai-ichi and three more at another nearby complex using usual procedures, after the quake knocked out power and the tsunami swamped backup generators. /Operators have been dumping seawater into units 1 and 3 in a last-ditch measure to cool the reactors. They were getting water into the other four reactors with cooling problems without resorting to corrosive sea water, which likely makes the reactors unusable. /
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