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SJ006-1 CHANGZHOU INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 毕 业 论 文题目: 常州物流业与制造业成长互动关系分析二级学院(直属学部): 经济与管理学院 专 业: 物流管理 班级: 10物流 学生姓名: 朱瑶 学号: 10060439 指导教师姓名: 甘信华 职称: 副教授 评阅教师姓名: 职称: 2014年 5 月摘 要制造业是我国的主导产业,属于国民经济的第二产业,物流业作为生产性服务业,属于国民经济的第三产业,物流业可以为制造业提供生产性服务,在很大程度上影响着制造业的发展,而制造业也为物流业的发展提供技术和设施上的支持,所以两者相互促进、共同发展,是促进我国经济健康、快速发展的必要条件。目前,常州正处于产业转型阶段,是物流业与制造业发展的关键时期,所以处理好两者的关系对常州经济发展具有十分重大意义。鉴于大多数文章对常州物流业与制造业发展关系只是处于定性分析的层面,本文基于常州20082013年统计年鉴和2012年投入产出延长表,在定量分析的基础上,首先介绍了研究背景、意义和相关理论研究,并且着重介绍了投入产出分析方法,然后单独列出了常州对物流消耗较大的制造企业与对制造业依赖较大的物流企业,运用直接消耗系数和完全消耗系数,表明常州近几年常州物流业和制造业发展状况,分析了这些主要部门之间的相互消耗系数,得出了它们之间的依赖程度,进一步地,运用影响力系数和感应度系数等产业关联指标分析了常州物流业与制造业的感应程度和拉动力度,找出存在的问题,最后提出可行性建议。结果表明:常州物流业和制造业近几年发展迅速,但物流业发展程度还不是很高,物流业对制造业的依赖大于制造业对物流业的依赖程度;由感应度系数和影响力系数表明,常州制造业对物流业的拉动作用大于物流业对制造业的促进作用。上述研究结果表明常州物流业与制造业的互动发展程度还不是很密切,有待进一步发展。关键词:物流业 制造业 投入产出分析Interaction analysis of the logistics industry and manufacturing growthAbstract Manufacturing is the leading industry in our country , belonging to the national economy of the secondary industry , the logistics industry as producer services , which belongs to the national economy of the tertiary industry , the logistics industry can provide production services for the manufacturing industry , largely affecting manufacturing development, and manufacturing technologies and facilities also provide support for the development of the logistics industry , so the two mutual promotion and common development , is a necessary condition to promote the healthy and rapid development of Chinas economy.Currently, the industry is in a transition phase in Changzhou ,it is a critical period of development of the logistics industry and manufacturing , so it is very important for the economic development of Changzhou to handle the relationship between the two . Given that most articles for Changzhou logistics and manufacturing development of relations is only at the level of qualitative analysis , Based on the quantitative analysis and Statistical Yearbook 2008-2013 and 2012 input - output table to extend , this article introduces the research background, significance and relevance of theoretical research, especially put out the input-output analysis method, and then lists Changzhou manufacturing companies which consume logistics largely and logistics companies rely on manufacturing largely separately.using the direct consumption coefficient and complete consumption coefficient,this article indicates Changzhou logistics and manufacturing development condition recently,analyzes the relationship between consumption coefficients of these major departments, obtains the degree of dependence between them.Furthly, with the industry related indicators ,such as influence and sensitivity coefficient, it analyze intensity and stimulating of Changzhou logistics industry and the manufacturing sector to identify the problems, and finally make feasible recommendations. The results showed that: in recent years,Changzhou logistics and manufacturing sectors are in the rapid development , but the degree of development of the logistics industry is not good,the dependence on manufacturing logistics is greater than manufacturing logistics industry ; the sensitivity coefficient and influence factor showed that the effect of Changzhou manufacturing stimulating the logistics industry is larger than the promotion of the logistics industry to the manufacturing sector . These results indicate that the interaction of development of the logistics industry and manufacturing is not very close in Changzhou , which needs further developments. Key words: Logistics industry input-output analysis III目 录一、绪论1 (一)研究的背景和意义1 (二)研究方法与内容2二、物流业与制造业相关理论研究3 (一)物流业与制造业的相关概念3 (二)物流业与制造业的相互关系3 (三)物流业与制造业的相关理论3 (四)总结4三、投入产出方法的基本理论介绍6 (一)投入产出分析法的起源与发展6 (二)投入产出分析法的结构概述6 (三)投入产出分析法的主要参数8四、常州物流业与制造业产业成长互动关系分析9 (一)常州物流业与制造业发展现状10 (二)物流业与制造业的直接消耗系数12 (三)主要物流业部门对制造业的直接消耗系数14 (四)主要制造业部门对物流业的直接消耗系数15 (五)物流业各部门对八大制造业的完全消耗系数16 (六)八大制造业对物流业各部门的完全消耗系数18 (七)物流业与制造业影响力系数和感应度系数的分解19五、结论与建议21 (一)主要研究结论21 (二)政策性建议22【参考文献】26致谢:274常州物流业与制造业成长互动关系分析一、绪论(一)研究的背景和意义1研究背景制造业的发展直接体现了一个国家的生产力发展水平,是区别发展中国家和发达国家的重要因素,所以发展好制造业对国民经济的发展具有重大推动作用。如今,物流业作为第三产业,为其他产业的发展做了很好的支撑作用,是国民经济发展的动力和基础产业,能够促进产业结构调整,成为衡量一个国家现代化程度和综合国力的重要标志4。目前,我国制造业发展迅速,服务化、数据化、信息化程度正在提高,但与此同时,制造业物流的发展并不完善,不能为制造业提供良好的服务,这是因为,一方面大多数制造企业还是热衷于自营物流,不愿也未能很好地将物流生产从其生产服务中合理分离出来,另一方面,物流企业专业化服务水平较低,不能给相关制造企业提供所需的物流服务。在某项调查中显示,制造业企业的所有物流活动中,企业全部自己承担的占26%,全部委托给第三方物流企业的占5.2%,自理和委托相结合的占68.8%。而据美国某机构调查显示,在所调查的500家制造业大公司中,将物流业务委托给专业化物流公司占据比例达到69%5,这说明中国企业物流的发展程度很低。在长江三角洲地区,江苏省的制造业区域最为集中,它的发展极大地促进了国民经济的增长,而在江苏省国民经济的稳定发展中,
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