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磨市中心学校备课表课 题Unit 9 What does he look like?班级学科七一课型新授教学目标I知识目标:1单词:always, captain, popular, team, good-looking, a little bit, joke, never, stop,brown, blonde, beard, glasses.2句型: 同第一课时。Do you know David? No./Yes.II能力目标:1提高听读能力。2能抓住人物的主要特征来描述人物的外貌。3能概括人物的外貌特征并根据人物特征推理出人物。4能和合作伙伴互相交流,充分交换信息,进行合作学习。III情感目标:教育学生要多发现别人的优点,学会赞美别人,懂得心灵美比外表美更重要。教学重难点教学重点: 掌握本课新单词和句型和熟练掌握描述人物外貌的方法。(三)教学难点:熟练掌握描述人物外貌的方法并成功地根据人物特征推理出某一人物。学情分析及课前准备1学完本课,学会描述人物外貌。2能积极思维,运用所学单词,短语及句型,结合实际生活进行灵活运用。教学活动设计Step I. Warming-up:Enjoy a video:“Funny faces”. Step II. Revision:1. Revise the description words of the peoples look. 2. Talk about the hairstyles of themselves, and tell the Ss to choose a new look for themselves to revise how to describe hairstyles. 3. Talk about the hairstyles of the people in the picture by asking:“What does he/she look like?”4.Say something more about other people. Step III. Activity2a,2b,3:1.Let the Ss listen Activity 2a carefully, circle“is”or“has”.2.Listen the conversations again and fill in the blanks. Then say something about the students look(eg. David is tall and heavyAnd he has curly hair.)3.Let the Ss find the difference between “is”or“has” and pay attention to how to use “is”or“has”.4.Tell the Ss: Lily has a new friend in Class Five. Do you want to know her? Lets help Lily describe her new friend.5.Check the answers.6. Practice the conversationStep IV. Presentation: 1.Talk about Lilys new friends look with the picture, and present the new words: good-looking.2. Talk about some more photos of some famous stars to teach the new words: popular, blonde, tell jokes, brown, captain, a little bit, beard, glasses.Step V. Activity3a:1.Let the Ss describe the four people in the picture.2.Let the Ss read the descriptions of the four people, and match them with the pictures.3.Check the answers. 4.Show the language points in Activity3a.5. Let the Ss read after the tape.Step VI. Activity3b:1.Let the Ss do pairwork. Student A writes the names in the box next to the people in the picture. Student B asks questions to find the people. They can ask and answer like this: B: What does Paul look like? A: Hes tall and he has brown hair.2.Let the student B report like this: Paul is tall and he has brown hair. is l and he has hair.Step VII. Survey Make a survey: What does your best friend look like? What does he/she like doing?Fill in the blanks:namefriends nameishaswearslikesJimPetertallshort haira black coatreading2. Report like this: Jims best friend is Tom. He is tall. He has short hair. He often wears a black coat. He likes reading.Step. VIII. Game:Show two photos of two famous stars, and let the Ss guess who it is by describing about the height/build/hair/eyes/wearing/job.Step. IX. Homework:板书设计1. Finish Section B 1a-1b.2. Do the Ex. in the Ex. Book.3.Tell the Ss: Do you want to have a new look? What do you look like?Write a short passage about your new look.备课时间: 年 月 日4
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