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l. A un fficer n a O Sodie ()A ver e, yg ofcerwaat aail taion. Hewa goingto vithis mther, and hewnted totlphneher to tlher the time of hs ain.Hoked ialhispocket, ut fondhat e didnothavetecoins or th elephone,so he en outid nd lookd aun fsomenetohep him1年轻军官与老兵(1)一位新上任的(ne)年轻军官(youngoffce)在火车站(awaysaton)候车。她要去看望(vis)她的妈妈(moter)。她想打电话(wanttoelephne sb.)告诉(tl)妈妈她的列车(train)到站的时间。但寻遍了所有的口袋(pocke),却发现(fi)她没有打电话用的硬币(in),于是她走到车站外面(outside),环顾四周(look aroud)想找人帮忙(elp)。 1 AYongOffcr andn O Solder (2)At last aosldie cam by, andth young oficertod mnd sid,“a yo o changefor ten ence?”“Wia nt,”t lslier swere, eginninto put hs inhsoket.“Il ee whther Ican hel yo.”“Dn youkowhow to spe to an fficr?”he yung mans angrily.“Now lets sr again Hav ogo change f en pence?”“No, sir,”the odsoeranwered quickly.1年轻军官与老兵(2)最后( las)有名老兵(old ldir)路过,年轻的军官拦住她道:“你有十便士(ence)的零钱(chae)吗?”“等会儿(wata moment)。”老兵回答(answer),开始(egin)把手放(put)进口袋,“让我看看与否(whetr)能协助你。难道你不懂得(ow)该如何跟一位长官说话(pea)吗?”年轻人气愤地(gily)说,“目前我们重新开始(star agai),你有十美分的硬币吗?”“没有,长官(r)。”老兵迅速(quky)答道。 2 AreYo og to Thk Her?(1) r. een has e nar theak of h ciy for forty years She ve ric and has got lo o money. Bur shenever bus something exensive for her fmil ad alwaysdes ll tehouswok herse.hswes al the roms ery ay.Lsmorning, n se tup,he felt teileftr brekfast sheflt evenwors he foud semedcine nd took it. Bu it asuseles to her and sh ha t otohospital.您是要感谢她吗?(1)格林夫人(Ms.)在这座都市(cit)的公园(pak)附近住(live)了四十(forty)年了。她特别富裕(rich),相称有钱(mony)。但她从不(nve)给自己的家人(amily)买昂贵的(expnsive)物品,并且总是(awa)自己做所有的家务(housework),她每天打扫(wep)所有的房间。昨天早上(as mornig)。她起床(t up)时感觉(el)很糟糕(eril)。早餐(breaas)后她觉得更严重(eve wrse),就找了某些药(medicie)吃了。但还是没用(selss)。她不得不去了医院(hosptal)。 2.Are YouGog to Tn ? (2)The doctor lookedhr ovandaed her o be inhospital, ut sherfused andwenhoon foo.Assoon as she othome,the eone an. he uied toaswe i. It was e docto. e told her she hdlef her purse inthe hpita and a nrsead foundi“Culdyouel me her nme, please?”askedrs. ee.“Of ours,Mrs.Gree Ar yougong to thnk her? ”aked thedoctor.“No, o”She said,“Myhandba waslost teyrs go. nto nof she found t. ” 2.您是要感谢她吗?(2)医生(dtor)给她作了检查并规定(ask)她住院,但她回绝(efuse)了,然后步行(on foot)回家。她一(asnas)到家,电话就响(rg)了,她赶紧(hrr)去接听电话,是医生打来的,她告诉这位女士她的钱包(urs)丢在了医院,一位护士(nurs)捡到了。“您能告诉我这位护士的名字(ame)吗?”格林夫人问道。“固然可以(four),格林夫人,您是要感谢(hnk)她吗?”医生问道。“不,不是,”她说:“我的手提包(andag)三年前(re yearsag)丢了,我想问问是不是她检到了。” 3. Sam and Td ()Smhd a dog. Its nmwasTd. Itas eryhelpful,but it ate too muh. o Sam didnt lii, heanted ollTo, Hetdod n abagd puit in a mallboat Herowe thboatto he mi of abrier. Jua he threwthe o animlinto the rive,the oat began to go don. Bot Sm an Todfel intothe riv.3.萨姆与托德(1)萨姆有一只狗(do)。她的名字叫托德。它很有用(hful),但它吃的太多(at o mch)。因此萨姆不喜欢她。萨姆想杀死(kill)托德。萨姆把托德绑(tie)在一种袋子里,把它放进一只小船(mallbat)。她把船划(rw)到一条大河(riv)的中央(midl)。她正要(ut)把这只可怜的动物(poaima)扔(thro)下河的时候,船开始下沉,萨姆和托德两个都(boh)跌入(al int)河里。3. Sa d To (2)Tod wasbl o swim, utSm culdnt The dog bit (咬) therope and o ut of teba ttdtsestoswi o save Sm.Thman as saved,so h wasehnkfultothe dg. Hedidnot ant to kill thdog nmore. Fom then o, e vehe dogas uch food a i wantd.3.萨姆与托德(2)托德能(be abeto)游泳(swim),但萨姆不会。狗把绳子(rp)咬断,从袋子里出来(getout of theg)。它竭尽全力(try esbs)游过去救(sav)萨姆。萨姆获救了,因此她对托德是非常感谢的(thankful).她不再(otny ore)打算杀它了。从那后来(fromtheno),小狗想要吃多少食物(fod)萨姆就给多少。 4In tBar()nEngn, youare uner te age egn, yreno allowed t drink in a pubic bar.Mr.Thoms use to goto a baner s oue, he ner tok hi so,Tom,ecaus h wa to youn. hn whe Tm hd hseihtenth birthay, Mr.Thmpn took him to his uual a fr thefrst ti.4.在酒吧(1)在英格兰(Engnd),年龄在18岁如下(uner te of eigte)的人不容许(be nt alwd todo)到公众(pulic)酒吧里喝酒(drik)。汤普森先生过去常常(sed to)到她家附近(ear)的一种酒吧喝酒,但她从不带(take)她的儿子(son)汤姆,由于(becue)她还太小(too youn)。当汤姆过8岁生日(irhd)时,她第一次(f the frstime)带儿子去了她常常去的酒吧(hiul bar)。 4.he Br (2)The dranfr fan ho, andhen Mr. Thomson idto hs son,“ow, Tm, ant to ecyo a son, Youst alwys e carfu no to drinto muchAn owdo yu kowwh ouve ha eough? Wel, Ill
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