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八上 Unit 9 Can you come to my party?(Test A)Class_ Name_一、单词拼写1. Can you come to my birthday party tomorrow?Sure, Id l_ to.2. Dont eat anything t_ you see the doctor.3. T_ a lot for your invitation. It was a pleasure.4. My father is a doctor. He works in a h_.5. How about going for a hiking this Sunday?Sorry, Im busy. Lets make a_ time.6. Today is Wednesday, _ (明天) is Thursday.7. I have a piano _ (课) on Sunday.8. There is a football _ (比赛) at 5:00 pm on TV.9. Marie is going fishing with grandpa the _ (整个) day.10. Thank you for your _ (邀请) to your party.11. His favorite subject is _ (化学).12. Im having tennis _ (训练) this afternoon.13. Would you like to go to the _ (音乐会) next Sunday?14. Im _ (空闲的) till 10 oclock.15. My _ (美国的) friend is going to visit me next vacation.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Thanks for _ (tell) me the good news.2. This evening Im _ (go) to my cousins birthday party.3. Would you like _ (have) a cup of Chinese tea?4. The children are playing _ (happy) now.5. Dont let the dog _ (run) away.6. They are having two basketball _ (match) next week.7. Most _ (America) students find part-time jobs in their vacations.8. My friend _ (visit) me next month.9. Hed like to accept (接受) Toms _ (invite) to his birthday party.10. I have a lot of _ (homework) to do.11. Its raining outside. He has to _ (stay) at home.12. Rose _ (discuss) the math project with Alice yesterday morning.三、单项选择( ) 1. He cant come out to play because he _ help his sister with English. A. can B. cant C. has to D. have to( ) 2. Can you come to my party?_ A. Of course, Id like to. B. I cant go there. C. No, I wont go. D. Yes, I will.( ) 3. I cant go out to play. I have _ housework to do today. A. too much B. many too C. much too D. too many( ) 4. Im afraid I _ go out now. Its too late. A. must B. can C. need D. cant( ) 5. Can you _ my house tomorrow? A. come over B. come over to C. go over D. go over to( ) 6. What day is today?_ A. Its Sunday. B. Its August 15th. C. Its August, 1012. D. Its August, 15th, 1012.( ) 7. Thank you for your _. A. invite B. inviting C. invitation D. ask( ) 8. Im going to a picnic with my parents _. A. last week B. two days ago C. the day after tomorrow D. yesterday( ) 9. Thanks _ your help, now I am better at my math. A. to B. with C. for D. by( ) 10. What are you doing _ Sunday afternoon? Were going boating. A. on B. at C. in D. for( ) 11. Linda, the new term is coming. Do you think you need a new school bag?Yes, Im going to buy _ this afternoon. A. one B. this C. it D. that( ) 12. I have to study _ a Chinese exam. A. of B. with C. at D. for( ) 13. I dont like these coats, please show me _ one. A. another B. the other C. others D. some( ) 14. Jenny _ me to her house last week. A. is inviting B. invited C. invites D. invite( ) 15. Can you help me to post the letter by the way?Sure, _. A. Id love B. Id love to C. I can come D. I cant( ) 16. He has a cold today, so he _ stay at home. A. have to B. has C. has to D. have( ) 17. On Sunday, I have tennis training _ Jim and Gina. A. and B. or C. to D. with( ) 18. I tell my mum _ story. A. the whole B. whole the C. the all D. all( ) 19. My mother is busy _ the room. A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleans( ) 20. We _ a computer lesson on Friday. A. make B. keep C. have D. listen to( ) 21. Would you like _? Sorry, I have to help my mother. A. to play chess B. playing chess C. to play the chess D. playing the chess( ) 22. Please practice _ English. A. speak B. to speaking C. speaking D. to speak( ) 23. I am going to Shanghai by air _ Monday night. A. in B. at C. on D. of( ) 24. Mary cant play with us. She is _ her little brother. A. babysit B. babysat C. babysiting D. babysitting( ) 25. Lucy is busy. She _ come to have dinner with us. A. can B. must C. cant D. has to(
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