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石河子大学毕业论文开题报告课题名称:论中西文化中颜色词的内涵意义Study on the Connotative Meanings of Color Words of Chinese and Western Countries学生姓名:邓 家 清学号: 2009051355学院:外国语学院专业、年级:英语专业20091指导教师:刘 凤峨职 称:副 教授毕业论文(设计)完成时间:2013年6月9日A Study of Connotative Meanings of Color Words inChinese and Western CultureI. Purpose and SignificanceAs is known to us, language not only expresses facts, ideas, and events which represent similar world knowledge by the people, but also reflects the peoples attitudes, beliefs, and world outlooks etc. People from different cultures understand the world around them differently, so are the languages, which they use to describe their surroundings. Languages differ enormously from one to another, and these differences are related to important differences in the customs and behaviors and other aspects of the cultures in which those language reside. In a word, language is a mirror of culture. In our daily life, color words are the common illustrations of the cultural differences in language use. In Chinese and western cultures, color words are used widely in peoples daily time and in the same way influenced by cultures.In order to further understand color words in Chinese and western culture, it is very necessary to have a study of color words. In this paper, I mainly explain different and similar phenomena concerning the use of color words through examples and contrastive analysis of connotative meanings of color words in Chinese and western culture. So that I can help English learners better understand the connotative meanings of color words in different languages, and find the similarities and differences. Therefore they can easily understand the background knowledge of cultures of Chinese and English, and in the practical life they will have a better and appropriate application of the color words in trans-cultural communication.The differences between Chinese and Western cultures lead to different understanding of color words. Color words contain a lot of deep meaning, implying a different ethnic feelings. If we do not take into accounts the impact of cultural differences, it is difficult for us to understand the implicit meanings of color words. The significance of this thesis is to enable people from different countries to have a better understanding of color words, in order to enhance communication skills, avoid conflicts of cultures and strengthen cultural identities.II. Literature ReviewA. Introduction.Study of color words has long attracted linguists attention. More and more efforts have been made and attention paid to study the connotative meanings of color word in Chinese and western cultures and try to find the similarities and differences to enhance language capability of exchanging ideas between people of different countries. More and more researchers and linguists have been working on color words over years, and have their achievements in this regard. Generally speaking, in Chinese culture, the connotative meanings of color words are related to influences of feudal system, feudal superstition, primitive science, and poor education. In English culture, the symbolic meanings of color words are affected by the Western nationality openness, science, education. The colors are of a few mystery meanings. The connotative meanings of color words have been formed in the development of society. Thus the connotative meanings of colors between Chinese culture and western culture will be quite different from each other. In the following part, I will list the research achievements made both in China and western countries.B. The research status both at home and aboard.The study of color words has a long history. Many scholars have made research on the color words and generally formed their own theories which have been accepted by the field. Geoffrey Leech, a British linguist, divide the lexical meaning into seven parts, which includes conceptual meaning, connotative meaning, social meaning, affective meaning reflective meaning, collective meaning and thematic meaning, which stimulus the researchers to study the color words from as many aspects as possible. These researches include the researches on the basic color words, color words and color concepts, the translation and the pragmatic meaning of color words, the social and cultural connotation of color words, etc. These books or articles have given very detailed explanation on color words.In west countries, color terms are popular in fields like philosophy, physics, psychology, art and so on. The oldest theory in color terms history is Aristotles Black and White Theory, in which color is made up of hue, luminosity and saturation. At that period, all colors were thought as different degrees of mix of white and black. Black and White Theory was ended by Newton who saw seven colors of the sunlight through prism. Other theories appeared at the same time, such as Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis and Cognitive Lin
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