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高考英语一轮总复习 Unit 2 Working the land课时作业 新人教版必修4.完形填空A Leap(跳跃) to Honor(xx北京卷)Leaping on a narrow balance beam(平衡木) is not easy.But Lola Walter,a 13yearold gymnast,is an expert at it.To perfect her skills,Lola_1_for four hours a day,five days a week.At the state championships in March,she finished seventh out of 16 girls.Thats especially impressive,_2_she is legally blind,born with a rare condition that causes her eyes to shift(移动)constantly.She often sees double and cant_3_how far away things are.When she was little,her mom_4_that even though she couldnt see_5_,she was fearless.So her mom signed her up for gymnastics when she was three.She loved the_6_right away and gymnastics became her favorite.Though learning gymnastics has been more_7_for her than for some of her teammates,she has never quit.She doesnt let her_8_stop her from doing anything that she wants to.She likes the determination it takes to do the sport.Her biggest_9_is the balance beam.Because she has double vision,she often sees two beams.She must use her sense of touch to help her during her routine.Sometimes she even closes her eyes.“You have to_10_your mind that itll take you where you want to go,” says Lola.To be a toplevel gymnast,one must be brave.The beam is probably the most_11_for anyone because its four inches wide.At the state petition,Lola didnt fall_12_the beam.In fact,she got an 8.1 out of 10her highest score yet.Lola doesnt want to be_13_differently from the other girls on her team.At petitions,the judges dont know about her vision_14_.She doesnt tell them,because she doesnt think they need to know.Her mom is amazed by her _15_attitude.Lola never thinks about_16_.She is presently at level 7 while the highest is level 10 in gymnastics.Her_17_is to reach level 9.She says she wants to be a gymnastics coach to pass down what shes learned to other kids_18_she grows up.Lola is_19_of all her hard work and success.She says its helped her overe problems in her life outside gymnastics too.Her_20_for others is “just believe in yourself.”文章大意Lola天生眼睛不正常,却喜欢上了不寻常的体操运动。她凭感觉跳跃在令人胆战心惊的平衡木上,突破了视觉的局限。她年纪轻轻,却志向远大。她的坚强,她的乐观,让人敬佩不已。1A.runsBteachesCtrainsDdances解析:第一段提到Lola善于在平衡木上跳跃,由此可知小女孩训练很刻苦。答案:C2A.sinceBunlessCafterDthough解析:第二段提到在国家锦标赛中,她在十六名女孩中位居第七,再结合本句开头部分中的“Thats especially impressive”可知,之所以如此令人敬佩是“因为”她天生视力有问题,还能取得如此好的成绩。since“因为”合题意。答案:A3A.tellBguessCassumeDpredict解析:由于眼睛不正常,她经常看到双重物体,不能“分辨”物体的距离。tell表示“辨别出,判断出”。答案:A4A.suspectedBrememberedCimaginedDnoticed解析:在她小的时候,她母亲“注意到”她虽然视力不好,但是却胆量很大。notice“注意到”。答案:D5A.deeplyBwellCaheadDclosely解析:结合第三段中的“a rare condition that causes her eyes to shift(移动)constantly”和“She often sees double”可知她视力不好。答案:B6A.taskBsportCeventDshow解析:体操本身属于运动。此外,第六段的第一句也是提示。答案:B7A.boringBenjoyableCdifficultDsatisfactory解析:上文提到她视力不好,由此可知她学起体操来比她的一些队友要困难得多。下文中提到她凭借触觉而不是视觉练习体操,这也是提示。答案:C8A.talentBqualityCnatureDcondition解析:她不让自身的“疾病”阻止她做任何自己想做的事情。与上文的“a rare condition”相呼应。答案:D9A.doubtBadvantageCchallengeDprogress解析:她最喜欢的运动是体操,而她的眼睛又有问题,可知她最大的“挑战”是平衡木。答案:C10A.examineBexpressCopenDtrust解析:本句小女孩的意思是你要相信你的直觉或你的心灵,它可以把你带到你想要去的地方。而且结尾“just believe yourself”也和此处呼应。答案:D11A.fearfulBharmfulCunfairDinconvenient解析:本句的后半句提到平衡木只有四英寸宽,由此可知对任何体操选手而言,它也许是最“令人恐惧的”东西。答案:A12A.toBonCoffDagainst解析:在国家锦标赛中,Lola没有从平衡木上掉下来。fall off表示“(从某物上)掉下”,合题意。答案:C13A.greetedBtreatedCservedDpaid解析:下一句提到在比赛时裁判都不知道她的眼睛有问题,可知她不想在比赛中被区别“对待”。答案:B14A.painsBstressesCinjuriesDproblems解析:根据本段的内容可知比赛时裁判们不知道她的视力有“问题”。problem“问题”合题意。答案:D15A.positiveBfriendlyCflexibleDcautious解析:她虽然有视力问题,但是不肯说出真相以博取裁判的同情和照顾,而是表现得和正常选手一样,由此可知她的母亲对她的“积极乐观”态度感到很惊奇。答案:A16A.defendingBquittingCwinningDbargaining解析:小女孩不想退出她现在的水平,而她的目标是9级,quit合题意。答案:B17A.standardBrangeCviewDgoal解析:她现在的水平是7级,而体操的最高水平是10级,由此可知她的“目标”是达到9级。答案:D18A.untilBasCwhenDbefore解析:小女孩长大后,想当一名体操教练,把自己学到的东西传授给其他孩子。此处when表示“当的时候”。答案:C19A.proudBtiredCashamedDconfident解析:根据下一句的内容可知她为自己的辛苦付出和成功感到“自豪”。be proud of为感到骄傲。答案:A20A.planBadviceCrewardDresponsibility解析:鉴于自身的经历和体会,她给别人的“建议”是“相信自己”。答案:B.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Our experience at the Childrens Medical Care Center was eyeopening. We saw a lot of children without hair due to their radioactive treatment. We played with them and taught them to draw pictures. The children, though _21_ (suffer) such great pains, were so friendly that it was much easier to interact with them than we _22_ (expect)One day, an incident deeply touched us. A girl suggested that she teach us how to fold paper. She taught us _23_ great patience, explaining each step slowly and clearly. Though we could easily do that, we still pretended to know nothing about it. We followed her, step by step, doing everything she told us. Fi
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