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课题: Module 12 Unit 2 编写教师: 备课组长审核签字: 使用教师: 使用时间: 年 月 日 教师寄语:一、学习目标:1、掌握Module12的11个单词及10个短语,能够读懂描述突发状况及其对应措施的语言材料。 2、通过阅读文章及小组合作,学会理解文章大意和提取细节信息的方法。3、激情投入,专注高效;提高自己在灾难中的自我保护意识和应对突发事件的能力。【用法指导】 1、复习巩固unit2的单词。2、默读课文,在文中勾画短语及疑难点。二、学习重点:to understand the main idea of a story To understand the sequence of events in a story难点:must, can, could (for prediction)三、学习过程:(25分钟)(一)自主学习(时间:10分钟)基础知识认知:设计有梯度的自学内容。1、Words:本单元有几种词性的单词?请按照词性将它们归类,并写出相应的汉语意思。_2、Reading practice Fast-reading:1、How many pieces of advice are mentioned(提及) in the passage if we are inside? _ 2、How many pieces of advice are mentioned(提及) in the passage if we are outside? _ 3. What is the passage mainly about? ( )A. Introduction (介绍) of the earthquake B. Advice about the earthquake Careful-reading:Read paragraph 1, and tell T or F.1. It is easy to warn people about the earthquake. ( ) 2. People usually know a lot about what to do during the earthquake. ( ) Read paragraph 2, and answer the questions.1. When the earthquake happens we should jump out of high buildings. Is that right? _ 2. What should we do if there is a fire?_ 3. When the ground stops shaking we should we do? _ Read paragraph 3, choose the best answer. 1. Why should we move away from the buildings? ( ) A. Because parts of a building may fall on you. B. Because there are too many people in the building. 2. When the earthquake happens where should we go? ( )A. Street lights B. Power line C. Bridges and trees D. A bus or car 3. If you are on a beach where should you go to avoid(躲避) the earthquake? ( ) A. Sea. B. Lower ground C. Higher groundRead the whole passage and decide if the following actions is right() or wrong(). When the earthquake started 1. I hid under a table. ( ) 2. Sam sat on his desk. ( ) 3. Alice ran out the building. ( ) 4. Peter and Helen stayed in their car. ( ) 5. My family and I moved away from the beach. ( )三.从课文中找出下列短语,并写在下列横线上1. 警告人们关于地震的情况是困难的_ 2. 从高楼里跳出来_3. 远离窗户和重的家具_ 4. 远离大火_ 5. 大地停止颤动_ 6. 保持平静_7. 从建筑物里撤离出来_ 8. 小心掉下来的岩石_ 9.从海里跑出来_ 10. 快速跑向高地_ 11. 总而言之,总之_(二)合作探究(时间:8分钟)一. warn. Earthquakes usually happen suddenly, so it is difficult to warn people about them. 地震总是突然发生,所以很难给予人们警示。. The doctor warned me not to smoke.医生告诫我不要吸烟。由上面两个句子可以总结出短语:警告某人某事_ 警告某人不要做某事 _ 小试牛刀:( ) 1. The teacher always warns the school kids _ with strangers on their way home. A. not talk B. not to talk C. no talking ( ) 2. I warned you _home alone.A. not walk B. not to walk C. not waling D. not to walking 二. keep Please keep quiet. 请保持安静。 He kept doing his homework for 3 hours in the evening. 晚上他做作业一直做了三个小时。 由以上两个句子我们可以看出,keep 后面可以跟_ 词和动词的_ 形式。 小试牛刀:( ) 1. I am sorry to keep you_.A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. waited ( ) 2. The worker kept the engine _. A. to run B. run C. running D. Ran(三)自学检测:(时间:5分钟)1、 将以上两板块中基础知识和重难点问题设计成检测题的形式。设计中考链接式问题。一、单项选择:( ) 1. Its too dangerous. You must _ the fire.A. keep away from B. lift up C. look after D. prepare for ( ) 2. You should keep clear _ the machine. A. with B. Of C. out D. at( ) 3. - I am leaving now. - _ you turn off the lights and the computers. A. To make sure B. Make sure C. Made sure D. Making sure ( ) 4. You _ be late for school again next time.A. mustnt B. neednt C. dont have to D. dont need to ( ) 5. - Must I do my homework at once? - No, you _. A. neednt B. mustnt C. cant D. may not( ) 6. You _ ask that man over there. Maybe he knows the way.A. had better not to B. had not better C. had better D. had better not ( ) 7. You are very tired. Why _ have a rest? A. not you B. do not you C. not to(四)总结反思:(时间:2分钟)1、学有所得:2、学知不足:四、教师预设点拨重、难点,考点。五、 拓展延伸: 阅读理解Earthquakes are hard to predict,but do you know what to do before,during and after an earthquake?Heres some advice:Before an earthquakeIts necessary to prepare yourself and your family.All family members should know how to turn off gas,water and electricity and know useful telephone numbers. Never put heavy things over beds.During an earthquake Its important for each of you to stay calm.If you are indoors,quickly move to a safe place in the room such as under a strong tab
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