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选修模块7Unit 20New Frontiers课文与语法填空阅读所学课文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。I love talking about the futureand I am not the only one. Over the centuries, people have always wondered about the future. Some like to read fantasy stories and imagine 1 the world will be like in 10,50 or even 1,000 years time. Others write about the future themselves. In the 18th and 19th centuries, 2(especial)the latter, the most common theme in science fiction novels 3(be)the future. Some authors even predicted 4(thing)that have since happened, for example, landing on the moon! But for some people, thinking about the future is not just for fun. They plan the future of the world for a living. These people 5(call)futurologists.This weekend, hundreds of futurologists are meeting at Newcastle University. The seminar starts on Friday and the experts will be discussing the 6(end)possibilities of the future. The future is now big business 7 many people will attend the seminar with dreams of 8(start)new enterprises based on the predictions they will hear this weekend. Ill be there in Newcastle this weekend. 9 nine oclock on Saturday morning, Ill be sitting in the front row and listening to the great Professor Willard talking about the future of my brain. If you cant beat the future, join itits the dawn of 10 new world.答案1.what根据句意可知,空格处应用what引导宾语从句。2.especially空格处在句中作状语,故填提示词的副词形式。3.was根据时间状语可知,空格处用一般过去时,结合主语the most common theme可知,was符合题意。4.things空前无限定词,结合语境可知,空格处应用提示词的复数形式。5.are called主语是动作的承受者,结合语境可知,空格处应用一般现在时的被动语态。6.endless空格处作名词的定语,结合语境可知,要填形容词endless。7.and空格处前后是并列关系,根据语境可知,and符合题意。8.starting介词of之后应该接动名词starting。9.At表示在具体的几点,应用介词at。10.aworld为可数名词,在句中表示泛指,故填不定冠词a。课文与短文改错根据课文内容,对下面材料进行修改。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。If you had to choose most important discovery of the 20th century, you would have a real dilemma on you hands. In just 100 years, but the world changed completely. Amazed discoveries were made in medicine, communications or transport, not to mention our knowledge of the world and space. Medical advances ranged by discovering the causes of diseases under microscopes to surgical procedures replacing diseased organs with donated ones.Communications changed with the introduction of mobile phone and the way we correspond went from write letters to emailing. We started flying around the world and meanwhile, scientists figure out how to split the atom, previous thought to be the smallest particle of matter in the universe.答案第一段1.第一句:mostthe构成形容词最高级形式的most之前应加定冠词the。2.第一句:hands前的youyour名词hands之前应用形容词性物主代词修饰。3.第二句:删除but逗号前后并非并列的分句,故删除but。4.第三句:AmazedAmazing根据名词discoveries可知,Amazed应改为Amazing。5.第三句:orand根据逻辑关系和语境可知,or使用错误,应改为and。6.第四句:byfrom此处为固定短语“range from.to.”,故将by改为from。第二段7.第一句:phonephonesphone为可数名词,在句中应用复数形式。8.第一句:writewriting介词from之后应用动名词writing。9.第二句:figurefigured根据上下文语境可知,此处应用一般过去时。10.第二句:previouspreviously此处应用副词previously作状语。话题知识与写作()用所学词汇、短语或句型翻译下列各句1.地震发生后不久,营救队首先到达了灾区。2.损失评估公布后,源源不断的捐款被送到了灾区。3.捐款被用来帮助那些处于饥饿状态的人们。4.这时,每个人都意识到没有歧视,人人生而平等。5.毫无疑问,在灾难面前人们表现出的大爱可弥补一切矛盾。 ()将以上句子连成一段语言流畅、逻辑严密的短文答案()1.Shortly after the earthquake, rescue teams first got to the disaster area.2.After the declaration of assessment of the loss, constant donations were sent to the disaster area.3.The donations were used to assist the people in starvation.4.On this occasion, everyone was aware that there was no discrimination and that everyone was born equal.5.There is no doubt that the great love shown in the face of disaster can make up for all the conflicts. ()Shortly after the earthquake,rescue teams first got to the disaster area. After the declaration of assessment of the loss, constant donations were sent to the disaster area to assist the people in starvation. On this occasion, everyone was aware that there was no discrimination and that everyone was born equal. There is no doubt that the great love shown in the face of disaster can make up for all the conflicts.单元词汇拓展速记“-er”(n.)词块advertiser广告商astronomer天文学家barber理发师butche屠夫;肉商cleaner清洁器;清洁工人consumer消费者container容器controller管理者,控制者,指挥者counter柜台customer顾客dealer经销商,商人drummer鼓手explorer探险家hacker电脑黑客hunter猎人interpreter译员,口译者laughter笑;笑声lawyer律师marcher游行者,行进者painter画家;油漆匠partner合作者,搭档performer表演者photographer摄影师porter行李搬运工poster海报presenter节目主持人programmer电脑程序编制员racer赛车手receiver接收者reporter记者,通讯员settle移民;殖民者sharpener卷笔刀shopkeeper店主smoker吸烟者ta
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