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2022年考博英语-北京航空航天大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题They made detailed investigations to( )themselves with the needs of therural market.问题1选项A.adhereB.acknowledgeC.acquaintD.activate【答案】C【解析】固定搭配。此处为固定搭配,acquaint with意为 “熟悉,了解”。2. 单选题The damage of his car was( ); therefore, he could repair it himself.问题1选项A.appreciableB.negligibleC.considerableD.invisible【答案】B【解析】形容词辨析。句意:他的车损坏是 ;因此,他自己能够修好。appreciable可感知的,可预见的;negligible可忽略的,微不足道的;considerable相当大的;invisible看不见的,无形的。根据后半句“他能自己修好”推测说明车子损坏不严重,故B项正确。3. 单选题Each workday, the workers followed the same schedules and rarely( ) from this routine.问题1选项A.deviatedB.disconnectedC.detachedD.distorted【答案】A【解析】句意:每个工作日,工人们遵循着同样的日程表,很少 常规。A选项deviated脱离,偏离;B选项disconnected切断;拆开;C选项detached分离,拆开;D选项distorted歪曲,扭曲,deviate from意为“背离,偏离”,应选A。4. 翻译题The dimensions of tourism are astonishing. In 2012,the U. N. tourism organization celebrated reaching 1 billion international trips in a single year. In gross economic power it is in the same company as oil, energy, finance and agriculture. At least one out of every ten people around the world is employed by the industry, according to Wolfgang Weinz of the International Labour Organization.Travel has also become a default fund-raising technique. (1) Today poor nations see tourism as their best bet out of poverty,second only to oil and energy as the major engine of development. Thailand is the worlds biggest exporter of rice, yet its tourism is its num- ber-one money earner. Costa Rica has turned its wilderness into a venue for highly profita- ble ecotcurism. As soon as Sri Lanka, and now Burma,began seeing an end to conflict, they opened the door to a rush of tourists. After the Arab Spring uprising, Egypt sent out a plea to cruise companies and tour operators to return and kick-start the economy(2)The U. N. tourism organization now places poverty reduction as one of its top ob- jectives,along with the high-minded ideals of improving international peace and prosperi-ty. Since the end of the Cold War and the opening of the world for travel,tourism has be- come an important source of foreign exchange for the worlds poorest nations, often the only one. While tourism requires some infrastructure, from airfields to modern high- ways. It is less expensive than building factories. In theory, poor countries should be able to use the new revenue from the tourism industry to pay for the infrastructure while raising standards of living and improving the environment. One hundred of the worlds poorest na- tions do earn up to 5 percent of their gross national product from foreign tourists who mar- vel at their exotic customs,buy suitcases of souvenirs and take innumerable photographs of stunning landscapes.(3)But just as tourism is capable of lifting a nation out of poverty,it is just as likely to pollute the environment,reduce standards of living for the poor because the profits go to international hotel chains and corrupt local elites,and cater to the worst of tourism, in- cluding condemning children the exploitation of sex tourism. Like any major industry, tourism has a serious downside, especially since tourism and travel is underestimated as a global powerhouse,its study and regulation is spotty at best.(4)Tourismis one of those double-edged swords that may look like an easy way to earn desperately needed money but can ravage wilderness areas and undermine native cultures to fit into package tours: a fifteen-minute snippet of a ballet performed in Southern India; native handicrafts refashioned to fit oversize tour- ists. What is known is that tourism and travel is responsible for 5. 3 percent of the worlds carbon emissions and the degradation of nearly every tropical beach in the world.To make way for more resorts with spectacular views,developers destroy native habi- tats and ignore local concerns. (5) Preservationists decry the growing propensity to bulldoze old hotels and buildings in favor of constructing new resorts,water holes and entertain-ment spots that look identical whether in Singapore,Dubai or Johannesburg,a world where diversity is replaced with homogeneity. Another catastrophe for countries betting on tourism has come from wealthy vacationers who fall in love with a country and buy so many second houses that locals can no longer afford to live in their own towns and villages.【答案】(1)现今的贫穷国家将旅游业视为摆脱贫困的最佳方法,仅次于石油和能源这两个重要的发展引擎。(2)联合国旅游组织现在将扶贫和增进国际和平与繁荣的高尚理想一起作为其首要目标之一。(3)但是,正如旅游业能帮助一个国家摆脱贫困,它同样有可能污染环境、降低贫困人群的生活标准。造成这种现象的原因是旅游业的收益都流向了国际连锁酒店,并使当地的掌权人物腐化堕落。(4)旅游业是众多双刃剑之一。旅游业看起来像是一种赚取急用钱的简单方法,但它也能破坏野生地区,弱化本土文化以适应旅游团体。(5)为了建造新的度假胜地、酒吧和娱乐场所,老酒店和老建筑都被推倒。无论是在新加坡、迪拜或约翰内斯堡,这些新建的景区、建筑看起来都完全一样。保护主义者对这种日益严重的趋势加以谴责。5. 单选题Most people choose a( )lawyer on the basis of such consideration as his post, his field of expertise, and the fees he charges.
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