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1.1. What are the reasons for shyness and how to overcome shyness? 叶:Its common that people will be shy when then stood in front of many people. Then, what are the reasons for shyness? Do you know?李:In my opinion, the reason is that people lack of confidence. They fear that they will make mistakes and anyone may against them. They concerned about what others think of them too much., so its easy for them to be influenced by others opinions. 苏:The reasons for shyness are very much, and each person has their own reasons for shyness. For me shyness is when im afraid say something wrong in chinese language, how to overcome it i dont know very well, because i myself must to learn how to overcome it .单:well, in my opinion, the reason is you take yourself too seriously. When you do something, you always think that others will laugh at you. After a period of time , youll lack of confidence to show yourself on front of others.李:And do you have any good ideas to overcome shyness?单:If you want to eliminate it, there are many ways. For example, laugh often at your own jokes and those of others. Tell yourself that you have great qualities, and dont let anybody bring you down. It will help you ease any tension you may be feeling.叶:Yeah, you are right. And I think environment plays an important role in shaping ones personality. When a child grows in an environment where fabulous peers around.If he isnt confident enough. He likely becomes silent and shy.Whats more,its common that when people in a strange environment. They may be kind of shy and behave themselves. For overcoming it.You need to build self-confidence and believe your ability. Furthermore, dont forget to give shy people more encouragements,which may change their lives.李:I agree with you, to overcome shyness, we should perfect ourselves. We can study hard or read widely to enrich our knowledge. Then, we try to make more friends and take part in more community activities in school. And the most important is that belive we can do it! Then, we will be more confident and relax when we talk to others.1.2 What are the important factors in shaping ones personality?叶:As we all know, different people have different personality. So, there must be something that influence the development of our personality.李:I think family is the most important factor, how the parents educate their children will affect their childrens personality. A child brought up by abusive bjusv虐待的 parents tends to act violently and aggressively.侵略的 Some of these children may have low self esteem and become pessimistic.,pesmstk Conversely, a child brought up in a family that is loving and open minded tends to be more confident and outspoken.单:I think you are right. Just as the theory says, a person who lack something or eager for something, its may be that his requirement in childhood dont satisfy with him. The experence that we go through in the family really have a deep refect on our personality. When we cant say words or walk, what we can do is watch what our parents do. Their behavior have a refect on ous in a unconscious way.叶:Yeah, you are right. kids touch more is their parents, sure that they will be affect by them. There is a saying goes “The daughter gets temper from her father”.Children will be unconsciously influenced by their parents.If your parents are optimists, that will sharp you to be optimistic. Even when you face a great setback, you will answer it with smile. Sometimes, you may behave like your father or your mother, because you are their friends. 苏:I think the important factors in shaping your personality is trust yourself, it is very important in daily life. You may try something new to build a strong body. I wanna say that everyone has his or her own potential, do it if you think it is right to do .单:It seems that we should put the problem in a different light. Family and enivornment, those are both important. We should think highly of the environment as the family.2.1 . Share your favorite myth or legend with other members in your group叶: Oh, how fantastic is the love between them. I am longing for such kind of love very much.李: Why do you burst out this thought ?叶: Recently, I am watching a soap series called “the cowherd and the girl weaver”. I was moved by the love between them.苏: I know this story ,it is so famous a Chinese myth .And I like it because the power of love .They love each other ,but the god doesnt allow their marriage. They even can not meet each other. But they still love in deep. I envy them so much !单:Because of love, the girl weaver give up her position and wealth, her courage is impressive.苏: All right . In the meantime , she ran for her love against her parents . I think she is so brave .叶: And the cowherd never isafire of the pressure from the heaven. In order to be together with the girl weaver, the cowherd even fi
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