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全套图纸加153893706 共61页 编号: 毕业设计(论文)说明书题 目: 饮料自动售卖机设计 院 (系): 机电工程学院 专 业:机械设计制造及其自动化学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师单位: 机电工程学院 姓 名: 职 称: 实验师 题目类型:理论研究 实验研究 工程设计 工程技术研究 软件开发 2010年4月10日摘 要本系统是基于单片微型计算机控制的散装饮料自动售货系统,用单片机的基本语言c语言和汇编语言来进行软件设计。本机是如此方便以至于可以安置在公园、车站、机场或者商场门口。该系统可分为纸杯销售机构部分、饮料销售机构部分。微机控制部分的功能又分四个部分。首先,商业行为应该讲求公正却不能没有防人之心,所以我们设置了硬币检测装置;其次,检测出结果后要进行退币或者收取动作,我们设计了退收币控制部分;再次,收了钱财当然要尽快让消费者拿到取饮料的纸杯,纸杯销售控制方案也必不可少;最后就要控制饮料的抽取和流出了。硬币检测装置在本设计中虽涉及不多,但它却要做诸如检验硬币真假并发出控制信号的很多事情;退收币机构在识别信号和按钮信号的控制下进行退收币动作;纸杯销售机构和饮料销售机构则根据识别结果并配合按钮控制信号完成销售任务。本设计中涉及到AT89S51和8031两种单片机的应用,如此安排以示两者区别,其实可以将个控制部分集成在一两个单片机上即足够了。本文详细阐述了此系统的机构设计方案和控制方案及设计过程中可能出现的问题及解决 方案。设计者的工作包括:系统各功能单元方案的设计;各功能单元控制方案设计;画出各功能单元原理图;根据原理图设计c语言或汇编语言源程序;部分机构的绘图及加工工艺等。关键词: 单片机AT89S51;螺线管;电磁阀;步进电机;售货机Abstract This system is an automatic vending machine for unpacked drinkings on basis of the contrlling of single-chip microcomputer,whose controlling program is writted by the basic language for microconroller such as the c language and the assembler language. This device is so convenient that it can be setted in park,station,airport or outside the door of some supermarket. This system is composed of the vending mechanism for paper cups and drinkings. The controlling part can be seperated into four. Firstly,commercial activities cant miss some bad boys while it should pursue justness,so coin-detaction device is setted up.secondly,the action of giving back or taking in the coins according to the result of detection is suggested,so we build up the controlling portion for coins gooing or coming.again,the cup-distribution section is neccsery before consumer will be thirsty for their cups for beverage.lastly,we should take measures to cnotrol the extracting and outflowing of the beverage.although little is referred to the content of coin-detection,its imprtant because it will do so many contributions such as verifying coins and sending out some controlling signal.the machine for coins will rotate in in the light of signals from coin-detection and press-button. The vending mechanisms for cups and beverage will accomplish the distribution mission based on the outcome of coins identifying in coordination with buttonsignal. As to show the difference ,Two kinds of single-chip microcontroller as AT89S51 and 8031 are involed in this project. But as a matter of fact one or two is enough.this paper detailed the scheme of the systems mechanisms and their controlling even some possible problems and their sollution. The works of designer are: the disgn of various units of the system; the disgn of the contrlling schemes; drawing system schematics; writing assembly language code or the c language code according the schematics; the drawing of some mechanisms and the machining technological disgn. Key words: AT89S51;Solenoid;Electromagnetic Valve ; Step Motor;Vending Machine目 录引言11 绪论21.1 自动售货机的理论背景与实际意义21.2 自动售货机设计的主要内容21.3 自动售货机设计的基本思路31.4 自动售货机设计中涉及的部分器件概述51.4.1 AT89S51单片机概述51.4.2 步进电动机概述51.4.3 螺线管概述61.4.4 涡流概述71.4.5 光电耦合概述81.4.6 电磁阀概述101.4.7 数字电路概述111.4.8 ABS塑料概述122 纸杯销售机构方案及其控制设计142.1 纸杯销售机构方案设计142.1.1 纸杯销售机构机械方案的设计142.1.1.1 纸杯选择机构方案设计142.1.1.2纸杯挖出机构方案的设计152.1.1.3纸杯选择及挖出机构的复合和尺寸确定以及加工艺162.1.2纸杯销售机构控制方案的设计212.1.2.1纸杯销售完毕指示灯电路分析设计212.1.2.2纸杯选择机构控制电路及程序的设计222.2 纸杯销售机构方案优化设计253 饮料销售机构方案及其控制设计283.1 硬币识别机构的原理概述283.2 退收硬币机构的方案及控制设计313.3 抽饮料及出饮料控制方案的设计403.3.1 抽饮料机构及控制方案设计403.3.2 出饮料机构及控制方案设计464 部分机构工艺设计及整机的部分优化 484.1 纸杯托板加工工艺设计简述484.2 饮料容器加工工艺设计简述524.3 整机的部分优化设534.3.1 单片机组的优化设计534.3.2 纸杯出售情况指示的优化设计534.3.3 饮料容器的优化设计544.3.4 纸杯存放机构的优化设计554.3.5 饮料抽取流速控制的优化设计565 结论58谢辞59参考文献60附图61备注:另附程序单(见附件)2引言 自动售货机成就了一种全新的商业零售形式,解放了一部分劳动力。自20世纪70年代于日本和欧美发展起来,它又被称为24小时营业的微型超市。据统计,日本70的罐装饮料是通过自动售货机销售出去的;全球著名饮料商可
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