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外研版20X-22X学年初二(上)同步测试Moul Feeins and pssionsI 单项选择。(0分)1Te got to Dsneyand unda, ,they coulnt e inA d B beaus C hoever . o 2 ne fth kes boke wen theyfoud thm.A is . are C.wee D. a 3. He aanold woman wichs i thesp whn he am inA. to buy B bying C.ought D. uy 4. The twoboys ll sleep ics a th tch .wkeem p B. wakup the C. woke thmupD. oe upthem 5Tha chol s frfohee. Ilg here .A. a bu B. by his uC n y bus 6I have no ood; will go ths vein.A.hoppn. hoCtoshop D.hppe 7. hese ps r sale, andoudbettebuysoe. on B.in C of D.to 8.feltertird and soo fell .A. le . to sleepC. sleepi D. aleep 9Wen I we tose her,se hr homewok.A. dBsdoing is oing D. does. ant ome s s y oteroSndy.A.amB will coeC.woul cmeD. e II.完形填空。(10分) Frey woked or th Cndan governmentOn ay, e as 1 tolearn moe abut wolves.Do lves kll lot fcbu (bg animals) o the kl popl Tey ave him lots food andlohs and guns. The e put hm o a plane andtoo him to 1 .The lae put hi wn and we ay. Therewereno houses o peopein h place, but tere wreot of animalsand ls of woves Peple ell tri stries aoutwolves. They ay wolv ktoill deat pl. Farlemembere heseso, d he w 3 . H adis un wiim 4 hen on day,he aw a groupofwoles.hr waa motherwolf itourb lvs. A ater wolf and anotherounglfivedwit hem. Farley watced thesewovvery da. The moter was very 15 other. he gave milk to herbab. She gave m esso aout le They lered hto 16 food.hefathrolf got food or the oth.h youngwolf 17 e cilren. Tey wee a nie, hppy fmil wlf amily.Farey i notnee hs 18 anmre. n ort tie, got on ellwih he olf y.arly atchd hem fofive nh.He le many ew this about wlvsHe earned atmnstries about e woleswere 19 oves d not eat pople,an e d ot a man are anas.Ad h lso eanedbad ting aboutn. Itwa nwho klled man ciouand woles. Later, arley wote bok about woles.He wane pepe 20 them a notto kilhm.1.A se Bto C. ear .snd1 A a smal wn Ba b ity . a ar place . lonelyvillae13. afri . hpp C. angry Dtired14 A. at times B. all the ime . on a eek . vy aftrno15. a Bgod C.hungry D. thirsty1.A. co B. mke C. get D. pic1. souat B.looed int C.augedat D. payed with8.Afood B. clots C. gun D. plae1 A.not oo B.not true . nt esy D.noclear2 A. r B. ave C. teac D unerstnIII.阅读理解。(40分)Ana cold winr ay, a foxtold Mther Bea tha e wudtc er ho tfish.For se antd tolarn, he ook her to a hole n e ce, and td he to u her al(尾巴) downinto theter e tol h to kee the tai there o lon i.Then he sh pulld the tal o ofheer, e wold fn fsh arou he tail. Teear as foolish enuh o belee wt he fo sad. Sest fo a ong time ih er al n th watr.Se waswaitig for thefih. Butwen he iedt pul her tailout ofthwterh fou t it ws frozn(冻结的) inhe c. heasked the oxo pll her out, but efoxlugd to tselfand r way. Soshe cle Ftherero hel her. aer Ber me. He uledher hardand ts otr out. But part ofher a n ice. a s whypeope fi thebears tal o shot21 Wh ddafox ll Mohr Bar to doo a l trday A. It tlder t swim in te ake B Ito herto lay b thlae. C I tld er totch fishfr him D I ugh her how o fih.2.The fox skedMterar_. t jumpinto the wter B.to sit by thela ora lon tie C. t puher til dw ino the ater and nve pulout o thewaterD. f h udt tail ut of theter, sh woudfid ish ard hetail2. What hppened ext Mother Bear caghta i si. .Moher Bear fell to the wate. Moe Bear
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