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旅游英语口语大全英语口语作为一种国际性的交流语言,在国际化的商贸、旅游、学习、生活中有着举足轻重的地位。整理了旅游英语口语,欢迎阅读!如何表示感谢第一句: Thank you very much.非常感谢。A: Thank you very much.非常感谢。B: You are welcome.不客气。第二句: Thanks a lot.多谢。A: I've put your luggage into the car.我把你的行李已经全部装上车了。B: Thanks a lot.多谢。当别人提供帮助,你要及时表示你的谢意。有关致谢的表达法又 好多,依据致谢程度的不同,最常用和最简单的有:Thanks.谢词Thank you for your help.谢谢你的帮忙。致谢程度高的有:I'm very grateful to you.非常感谢你!I can't thank you enough.不知道怎么感谢你才好。还有一种情况,虽然对方是好意帮忙,但结果不是期待的那样时 可以说:Thank you anyway. 总之,谢谢旅游英语口语二如何说明汽车用尽油第一句:I've just run out of petrol.我车没油了。A: (to passby) I've just run of petrol.(对过路人)我车没油了。B: Oh, there is a gasoline station just around the corner.哦,那个拐角处有一个加油站。第二句:I'm running out of gas.我车没油了。A: I'm running out of gas. Is there a gas station around here?我车没油了。附近有加油站吗?B: Yes. There is one not far from here.是的,离这儿不远处有一个。有关汽油的英文表达,在英式英语中用petrol ,而美式英语中gasoline则较为常用。另外gas也是较为常用的表示汽油的单词。旅游英语口语三如何询问加油站第一句: Excuse me, where is the gas station?打扰了,请问加油站在哪儿?A: Excuse me, where is the gas station?打扰了,请问加油站在哪儿?B: Sorry, I've no idea.对不起,我不知道。第二句:Is there a gas station around here?这儿附近有加油站吗?A: Is there a gas station around here?这儿附近有加油站吗?B: Yes. It's over there, around the corner.是的,在不远处的那个拐弯处。有关加油站的英文表达还有:gasoline station 和 service station比较委婉的说法有:Could you please tell me where the gasstation is?你能告诉我加油站在哪儿吗? #
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