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北京语言大学22春英语国家概况离线作业一及答案参考1. During the Second World War, the Japanese settlers in Canada were forced to move _.A.to east of the Rocky MountainsB.back to JapanC.to Pearl HarbourD.to the east coast参考答案:A2. The system of individual tuition organized by the colleges is referred to as _ system.A.tutorB.tutorialC.mentorD.guidance参考答案:B3. The continent of Australia is the largest, fattest and driest continent in the world.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A4. Following the Wars of the Roses was the rule of the House of the _.A.RosesB.LudorC.JadorD.Tudor参考答案:D5. The school uses a combination of modern and _ methods for teaching reading.A.The school uses a combination of modern and _ methods for teaching reading.A. traditionalB. oldC. ancientD. present答案:A6. The Greensboro students “sit-in” was believe to be the beginning of the civil rights movement.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A7. Constitutionally the Queen does not seem to have great power.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A8. Horse-racing is a very popular sport among the Irish because they can place a bet for the occasion.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B9. Most of the USA is in the temperate zone,with four distinct seasons and varying numbers of hot and co1d days each season, while the northern states and AIaska have extremely cold winters.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B10. The President of Ireland is only a symbolic Head of State and does not have executive power.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B11. Northern Ireland,which takes up the northern fifth of Ireland,is a fourth political division of _.A.the United KingdomB.BritainC.the British IslesD.A or B参考答案:D12. The House of Commons is the real centre of British political life because it is the place where elected representatives make and debate policy.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B13. The city&39;s name, “Philadelphia” means _.A.fishing pitB.brotherly loveC.waste landD.wild laral参考答案:B14. Niagara Falls is not in New York City.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B15. America was named after Amerigo Vespucci.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B16. In addition to such tactics as sit-ins, young students also added _ to educate people about the war in Vietnam.A.teach-inB.rock nroll musicC.class boycottD.“march against fear”参考答案:A17. In September 1939, Germany launched a _ attack on Poland.A.quickB.lighteningC.fastD.shocking参考答案:B18. Scientists were embroiled (使卷入) last week in an international row over genetically modiScientists were embroiled (使卷入) last week in an international row over genetically modified cotton (GM cotton).A study in China suggested for the first time that the crop was permanently damaging the environment and that insects were building up resistance to it.The study, by the Nanjing institute of Environmental Science, combined the laboratory and field work from four Chinese scientific institutes. The study was done over a several - year period.GM Cotton had a gene resistance to the cotton bollworm (棉铃虫) and isolated from the bacterium (细菌) named Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), but the study found that it harms the natural parasitic (寄生的) enemies of the cotton bollworm.It also indicated that populations of pests besides the bollworm had increased in Bt cotton fields and some had replaced the bollworm as the primary pest.However, the leading GM company, the USs Monsanto, which controls more than 80 per cent of the Bt cotton grown worldwide, dismissed the research.It said that the industry has always cited GM cotton as its biggest success, because it can increase yields by up to 60 per cent and reduce the need for pesticides (杀虫剂) by 80 per cent.But, unfortunately for the industry, (80) the scientists also found that the resistance of Bt cotton to bollworm decreased significantly over time.Why scientists say no to GM cotton?ABecause the cotton was genetically modified.BBecause the cotton was found to damage the environment.CBecause the cotton harms the bollworm.DBecause Monsanto dismissed the research.正确答案:B解析:第二段中谈到,中国科学家发现Bt棉花会永久性地伤害环境,并会使昆虫累积抗性,因此在国际间就引发了一场争论。可见,只有B是正确的。19. The British press has a long history.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B20. What is the idea behind checks and balances?A.To help the president get more powerB.To restrict governmental power and prevent its abuseC.To help the Congress to derive more authorities参考答案:B21. All ministers in the UK government are appointed by the Queen and every public official is her servant.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B22. This Agreement is executed in both Chinese and English versions.In case of any discrepancy,the EngliThis Agreement is executed in both Chinese and English versions.In case of any discrepancy,the English version shall prevail.本合同由中、英两种文字签署,两种文字具同等法律效力。如有冲突以英文为准。23. On December 7th, 1941,
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