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2007年淄博市张店区初中毕业班第一次模拟考试英语试题注意事项:1 .本试题分第i卷和第n卷两部分。第I卷为选择题69分;第n卷为非选择题51分,共120分:时间 120分钟。2 请考生将选择题答案涂在答题卡上。阅卷时以答题卡上的答案为准。第I卷(选择题,共69分)一听力选择 ( 共20小题,计20分)(一) 录音中有五个句子,每个句子听一遍,然后从每小题A、BC中选出适合每个句子的答语。1 AGlad to hear that B Sorry to hear that C Congratulations 2 A I like working with my students B I always stay at home C Its easy to get it3 A Im happy B Thank you very much C Im scared of it 4 A Of course Im using it now B No, 1 wouldnt CNot at a11 Here you are 5 A OK I will B Is that all? C Yes, I think so (二) 录音中有五组对话和五个问题,对话和问题听一遍,然后从每小题A、BC中选出能同答每 个问题的正确答案。6. A. She overslept . B . She walked to school . C . She took the last bus .7. A.He was hitby a car . B . He stayedup late. C.He was caught in the heavy rain .8. A.At 9 :20. B . At 8 :40. C . At 9:00.9. A. Its a very good one. B . It stoo expensiveC . Its not her favorite.10. A. At the second crossing . B . Onthe woman s right . C . Near the science museum.( 二) 录音中有一段对话和五个问题,对话和问题听两遍,然后从每小题A、 B、 C中选出能同答每个问题的正确答案。11 . A. Cindys friend B . Cindys mother . C . Cindys teacher .12. A. She gives up her study . B . She doesnt like her job .C . She spends too much time on work 。13. A. Cindys job . B . Cindys study . C . Cindys health .14. A. She follows it . B . She is strongly against it .C . She does nt pay atte nti on to it.15. A.Talk with Cindy . B . Give the womansomeadvice . C . Teach Cindy on the weekends.(四)录音中有一篇短文和五个问题,短文和问题听两遍,然后从每小题A、B C中选出能同答每个问题的正确答案。16 . A.$305.13.$530.C . $350.17 . A.Yellow skirtsB.White sweaters .C . Red skirts .18 . A.4 photos of the schoo1B . 5 photos and some letters to schoolC . The school letter and 4 photos of himself.19. A. 5084446. B . 5804436. C . 5804346.20 . A. Miss Green 5 : 00 16: OO B . Mrs . Green 9 : 00一l7 : 00 .C . Mr . Green 9 : 0016: 00 .注意:请同学们翻到第11卷,继续做第五大题一一听力填表。二、单项填空(共15小题,计15分)从每小题A、B、c、D中选出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。21 . The parents wished the twins to be doctors , but of them liked to study medicineA . both 13. neither C . either D . none22 . 一 Would you like some orange?A . That right B . Yes, please C . No, I can D . You first23 . 一 I Won t come to the party uni ess Lucy ,too一 You mean if Lucy youll come .A.will invite, comesB.is in vited,will comeC.invited , will comeD.is in vited,comes24 .一 Do you know who firstAmerica?一 It s Columbus .A.created B . foundC.inven tedD. discovered25. I love books because they make me andA . to laugh , happy B . laugh , happilyC . 1augh, happy D. to laugh , happily26 . 一 Where ?一 The USA. I just came back last week .A . have you gone to B . have you bee n.But it is three years si nee he came to Beiji ng inC . have you gone D . have you been to2003,now Iin the northA.used to ,used toB . used to ,am used to liveC.Was usedto , am used to living D.used to , am used to living28 .Do you know the boymy mother is talki ng?A.who B.whomC . to whom D.that29 .In the exam,theyou are, themistakes you ll make .A.careful ,little B.more careful.1ess27 . He live in the southC.mole careful , few D. more careful, fewer30 . The dish looks nice , but when I eat it , it very terrible.A.tastes B. smells C . looks D. sounds31 . The desk is about .A . 1.2 meter long B . lo ng 1.2 meter C 1.2 meters long D. long 1.2 meters32 . Sorry I can t work out this problem .Try again , please , It s only . difficult.A . a bit B 。a lot C . very D . much too33 .in many coun tries , tee nagers un der l 8 should notto en ter Internet barsA.allow B. be allowed C allowed D. to allowed34 . 一 What s wrong with you?一 I m having trouble .A.in breathing B. on breathing C . to breathe D : to have breathed35 . 一一 I have hurt my kneeA . How are you feeli ng?B . Are you feeli ng better now?C . Why didn t you do morning exercise today?D . How did you do that?三 .完形填空(共10小题,计10分)阅读下面短文,从各题A B C、D中选出一个能填入文章中相应空向处的最佳答案。Coal bega n as trees and pla ntsSeveral 36 years ago , every autumn 37 of thetrees died in the forests ,and more trees and plants grew . Mud and sand brought by the38 pressed down the dead trees39 years went by, new forests grew. This had happened many times .By the great pressure of the earth , the mud and sand were 40 layers( 层)of rock . The 41 forests were turned into layers of coal .If you go to a mine , sometimes you can see lines 42 leaves. They help scientiststo know what kind of trees and plants the coal was 43。Coal was probably first discovered in China . The first coal was found in the banks of rivers or from hillsides. People found this black Stone 44 for making fires. Theybega n to 45 for it and the first coal mi nes were started36.A.thousand of B . thousands
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