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I基于Storyline的LabVIEW课程系统设计摘 要随着网络技术的发展,教学观念的转变,教学资源的开发出现了“以学为中心”、“交互性强”、“网络化”等特征和趋势,对教师设计和开发多媒体课件提出来新的要求。“微课”是指以视频为主要载体,记录教师在课堂内外教育教学过微课程中围绕某个知识点(重点难点疑点)或教学环节而开展的精彩教与学活动全过程。微课”的核心组成内容是课堂教学视频(课例片段),同时还包含与该教学主题相关的教学设计、素材课件、教学反思、练习测试及学生反馈、教师点评等辅助性教学资源,它们以一定的组织关系和呈现方式共同“营造”了一个半结构化、主题式的资源单元应用“小环境”。因此,“微课”既有别于传统单一资源类型的教学课例、教学课件、教学设计、教学反思等教学资源,又是在其基础上继承和发展起来的一种新型教学资源。所谓慕课(MOOC),顾名思义,M代表Massive(大规模),与传统课程只有几十个或几百个学生不同,一门MOOCs课程动辄上万人,最多达16万人;第二个字母O代表Open(开放),以兴趣导向,凡是想学习的,都可以进来学,不分国籍,只需一个邮箱,就可注册参与;第三个字母O代表Online(在线),学习在网上完成,无需旅行,不受时空限制;第四个字母C代表Course,就是课程的意思。本文介绍了基于Storyline的虚拟仪器技术网络学习课件设计。Storyline是由著名的Articulate公司于2012年5月发布的一款新的课件制作工具软件。该软件以其独特的设计,人性化的操作界面,丰富的素材库和简洁的设置方法受到用户的欢迎。由于其直观的用户界面,丰富的任务角色,前所未有的互动性,灵活的测试功能,可随时随地发布课件,以及对学生的跟踪和学习的需要。因此,利用Storyline设计网络交互式课件,拓展学生的学习空间并对学生的学习效果进行跟踪和反馈尤为重要。本设计基于LabVIEW,课件重点介绍了LabVIEW的入门篇。关键词:Storyline,微课,慕课,教学设计,LabVIEW IIIVirtual Instrument Technology Based on Storyline Online Learningcourseware DesignABSTRACTWith the development of network technology, the change of teaching concept, teaching resource development appeared to learn as the center, interactive, network and other features and trends, for teachers to design and develop multimedia courseware proposed new requirements.Common (wonderful micro class refers to video as the main carrier, recording the teacher in the classroom and education teaching micro courses around a knowledge point (key and difficult doubts) or teaching and carry out teaching and learning activities in the whole process. The micro class the core content is the classroom teaching video lesson fragment), also contains the teaching topics related to teaching design, courseware, teaching reflection and practice testing and feedback from students, teachers comments and other auxiliary teaching resources, which in a certain organization and presentation of the create a semi structure, thematic resource unit application small environment. Therefore, micro class is different from the Traditional single resource type teaching lesson, teaching courseware, teaching design, teaching reflection and teaching resources, but also on the basis of the inheritance and development of a new type of teaching resources.Guiding the so-called Mu course (MOOC), just as its name implies, m on behalf of massive (mass), with the traditional curriculum only dozens or hundreds of students, a MOOCS hundreds of thousands of people, up to 16 million people; the second letter O on behalf of open (open), with interest, those who want to learn, can learn to come, do not divide the nationality, just a mailbox, you can register to participate in. The three letter O on behalf of the online (online), learning on the Internet, without the need to travel, without limitation of time and space; the four letter C on behalf of course, curriculum Scarlett.This paper introduces the design of virtual instrument technology network learning courseware based on Storyline.Storyline released by the famous Articulate company in May 2012 a new courseware making tools software. The software for its unique design, humanized operation interface, rich material database and concise method to set by users welcome. Due to its intuitive user interface, rich role, unprecedented interactive, flexible test function, anytime, anywhere released courseware, and tracking and learning of students. Therefore, using Storyline design interactive network courseware, expand learning space of the students and the students learning effect were tracking and Feedback is particularly important.This design is based on LabVIEW, courseware focuses on the introduction of the LabVIEW entryKey words: storyline, small class, Mooc, teaching design, LabVIEWI V目 录摘 要IABSTRACTII1 绪论11.1 课题背景11.2 国内外发展状况11.3 研究目的及意义12 Storyline软件介绍32.1 Storyline软件的概述32.2 Storyline软件的优势42.3 Storyline软件的下载安装43 基于Storyline的LabVIEW课程系统介绍53.1 微课程的概念53.2 微课程的分类53.3 微课程的特点63.4 LabVIEW的概念73.5 版本信息93.6 课程介绍94 Storyline的LabVIEW课程系统设计114.1 设计总框图114.2 Storyline的界面介绍与初步设置114.2.1 Storyline的启动界面114.2.2 Storyline的操作界面124.2.3 自定义播放器的设置124.3 Storyline学习内容的设计和管理134.3.1学习内容的设计和管理144.3.2 交互设计与动画制作154.3.3 导航菜单的设计154.3.4 评价测试模块的制作164.3.5 附加功能的实现174.3.6 课件的预览与发布174.4 基于Storyline的虚拟仪器技术网络学习课件设计184.4.1插入音频184.4.2 给不同图层插入图片或者动画194.4.3 设置触发器194.4.4 按照出场顺序以及时间的长短可以设置时间线194.4.5 加入动画和视频214.4.6 微课程视频的格式224.4.7 发布224.4.8 本章小结235 总结245.1 设计主要完成的工作245.2 展望24致 谢25参 考 文 献26I1 绪论1.1 课题背景慕课,是新近涌现出来的一种在线课程开发模式,它发展于过去的那种发布资源、学习管理系统以及将学习管理系统与更多的开放网络资源综合起来的新的课程开发模式。制作慕课的软件包括Storyline, Captivate等。Adobe Captivate软件, 任何不具有编程知识或多媒体技能的人都真正能够快速地创建功能强大的、引人入胜的仿真、软件演示、基于场景的培训和测验。 通过使用软件的简单的点击用户界面和自动化功能, 学习软件的专业人员、教育工作者和商业与企用用户可以轻松记录屏幕操作、添加电子学习交互、创建具有反馈选项的复杂分支场景, 并包含丰富的媒体。Adobe Captivate 软件让任何人都能快速建立强大且引人入胜的模拟、软体展示、情景式培训内容以及随堂测验
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