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小学五年级英语第一学期期中质量检测听力部分(40分)一、听录音,选出所听到的单词(10%)。( )1、( )2、( )3、( )4、( )5、( )6、( )7、( )8、( )9、( )10、A、tooA、fishA、cakeA、mathA、peachA、yourA、whoA、thatA、MondayA、tomatoB、tofuB、breshB、nameB、watchB、teacherB、youB、whoseB、thoseB、SundayB、potatoC、toothC、sheepC、todayC、ChineseC、watchC、yoursC、whereC、thisC、moneyC、photoD、twelveD、shipD、dayD、thoseD、weekD、ourD、whichD、theseD、monkeyD、mutton二、听音,下图与所听的内容,相符的打“”,不相符的打“”。10%1、2.3. 4. 5.( )( )( )( )( )三、Listen and choose the Chinese meaning听音,找出其汉语意思。(5%)1( ) 2( ) 3( ) 4( ) 5( ) A我饿了。 B我经常打乒乓球。 C她的课很有趣。 D他是个大学生。 E 你早餐想吃点什么? 四、听录音,根据所听到的问句,选择相应的答句。(5%)。( )1、A、Shes our English teacher. B、Shes tall and thin.( )2、A、Yes, she is. B、No, he is. ( )3、A、I play football on Thursdays. B、Today is Thursday.( )4、A、Its nine oclock now. B、Its Sunday.( )5、A、I d like some potatoes. B、I like potatoes.Theyre tasty.五、听录音,完成下列句子(10%)。1、 your English teacher? Is she ?2、I often on weekends3、What would you like for ? 4、Whats your food? I like and .5. I like .笔试部分(60分)一 Read and match opposite words.(请把意思相反的单词连起来.)8分 1、tall active 2、young long quiet strong strict oldthin small hot kindbig short short cold二、翻译 (15%)茄子 鱼 豆腐 青豆 和蔼的 星期一 好吃的 聪明的 滑稽的 甜的 西红柿_ 星期二_星期四_看电视_酸的_三选出下列各组中不同类的单词。6%( ) 1. A. MondayB. FridayC. SundayD. day( ) 2. A. MissB. musicC. Mr.D. Mrs.( ) 3. A. fat B. tallC. bigD. bag( ) 4. A. tea B. Coke C. milkD. egg( ) 5. A. smart B. strict C. short D. sugar( )6. A. ChineseB. music C. class D. science四、Read and choose 读句子,选择答句。(20%) ( )1.- What day is it today? - A. Its 7:30. B. Its Monday. C. I like Monday.( )2. I like ice-cream. Its . A. sourB. sweetC. salty( )3. - I often watch TV on Saturdays. What about you? - A. I am hungry. B. I do my homework. C. I like Chinese.( )4. - Is she strict? - A.She is quiet. B.Yes, she is tall. C. No, she isnt. She is kind.( )5 -_? -Id like some bananas and apples.A.Whats your favorite food? B.What do you have four lunch?C.What would you like for lunch?( )6. -Whats your favorite food? - A.I like monkey. B. I like Mr. Li. He is kind. C. I like fish. Its fresh.( )7.-What would you like dinner?A. to. B. for C. on( )8.What do you on Tuesdays? I have music. A. do B.have C. have for lunch ( ) 9. Tomatoes my favourite food. A. isB. are C. am( )10.-Whats he like? - A.He likes reading books. B. He is tall and strong. C. He is Mr. Green. 五、Rearrange the words 连词成句。 (6%)1. is, my , strong, teacher , P.E. ( .) 2. like , he , whats (?) 3. do, on, what , you, do, Saturdays, ( ?) 4. math, who, your, is, teacher (?) 5. today, is what ,it, day ( ?) 6. tall ,he ,is (?) 六补全对话。5%Amy: Hello. Sarah!Sarah: Hi,Amy!_.Amy: Its Wednesday. Do you have new teachers?Sarah: Yes. I have a new English teachers.Amy: _.A、I know,she likes potatoes.B、What day is it today?C、Is she strictD、Whos your English teacher?E、So What would you like for lunch today?Sarah: Miss White. Shes very active.Amy: _.Sarah: Yes. But shes very kind.Amy: Whats her favourite food?Sarah:_Amy: Me too, I like them very much.Sarah: _.Amy: Id like potatoes、fish and tofu.七、阅读短文,判断下列各题,对的打“”,错的打“”(5%)。 Sarah:Hi, Chen Jie. Chen Jie:Hi, Sarah. Do you have new teachers? Satah:Yes. We have two new teachers. Chen Jie:Who are they? Satah:An English teacher, a music teacher and a Chinese teacher. Chen Jie:Wow, its so good. Whos your English teacher? Sarah:Miss White. Shes very active. Her class is so much fun. We all like her. Chen Jie:Whats she like? Sarah:Shes tal
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