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租房英语对话短文精选A: Hmmm This apartment seems a little expensive. Do you have any cheap studios?B: Actually, the one-bedroom is the only vacant apartment right now.A: Do you think any studios will open up soon?B: No, not for a few months.A: How much is the rent?B: The rent is $1500 per month.A: And how much is the deposit?B: The deposit is $500.A: Are utilities included in the rent?B: Gas and water are included.A: Do I have to pay for electricity myself?B: Yes, electricity is not included in the rent.A: Hi, I m Ray, your tenant in Room 209.你好。我是瑞,你的房客,住209房间。B: Hi. What * s up?你好。有什么事儿吗?A: There re some problems in my apartment. First, the faucet in the bathtub drips constantly.我的公寓有些问题。首先,浴缸的水龙头不停地滴水。B: Okay, I * 11 ask my plumber to come by and fix it today. What else?好的,我让水暧工今天就把它修好。还有其他问题吗?A: One of the burners on the stove doesn* t work.炉子上的一个燃烧盘有问题。B: What s the matter with it?怎么了?A: I can t control the temperature.我不能控制温度。B: I 11 get an electrician to repair it as soon as possible. Is that everything?我会尽快找一位电工去修理。就这些了吗?A: Well, there* s one more thing. The telephone is dead.嗯,还有一件事情。电话不能用。B: I m sorry. There , s nothing I can do about that. Yout ve got to call the phone company.抱歉。电话坏了我就无能为力了。你得给电话公司打电话。A: Okay. Thank you very much.好的。谢谢你。B: You re welcome.不用谢。感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。
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