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我的家乡英语作文及译文 My omtown no acsof iterst, no by butlig metpolis, navesfthe e. But sil deeplyi lvewithmy mton herearethick woos, here e aso cntend n beauty dooyn ildfowers, nd assteniousvitality. nbe enevywher in the rosohouses not neat, like a winding s and donsof te waes Sprin comng,htn scenery epci beutiful.The rass sretc and a yaw, emerged from tdrt, laes ot u, o Atthat tme, the lvely swaw le a frm a dstc,chatteinude oneroof,asifto sa: here is a oodplace,here w are a om! Fle blined his piof g eyes,criousl oked at a the wold. Te chlen te f t ti otnpaded acket, eeto play o h rass, signgnddncing,hppy ike aree bird When te hot sn hot summrcoms, a green wtermlnlepeopleo to canut ater. Wen the cidren came tohebrook,took ff his anals, oake eein the river, teclearrerwater enbedstforet outtea T gole autmn san, pomgrat ike ared lnters aning n te reTheatumwid blowing,th rce ayers on the goden waves,specially beautiful.Thistime o yeais the busiest time of te dult:ce coton althgh teyaveen ootir o rath,u end on theifac hug he joyf harvest. Wint, the ert vere wtha layr of thck qit.Fndso chs i h snow, make aswman,snwbllfights is rey fun!I love m hoetown, thehome of th beautfu,imple!我的家乡没有名胜古迹,也没有繁华喧哗的都市,更没有惊涛骇浪的大海。但是我仍然深深地爱着我的家乡。这里有茂密的树林,也有争妍斗艳的野花,还有生命力坚韧的小草。随处可见的一排排房子高低不齐,像一条条曲折崎岖的波浪。春季到来,家乡的风景格外漂亮。小草伸伸懒腰,打着哈欠,从泥土里钻了出来,树叶也冒出了新芽。这时候,可爱的燕子从远处飞了回来,在一间屋檐下叽叽喳喳地叫着,好似在说:这儿是个好地点,我们在这里安个家吧!“花儿眨着那双水灵灵的大眼睛,好奇地打量着这个世界的一切。小孩们脱下了厚厚的棉袄,尽情地在草地上嬉戏:唱着、跳着,欢乐得像一群自由自由的小鸟。 当烈日炎炎的夏季降临时,绿油油的西瓜让人馋得直流口水。这时小孩们便来到小溪边,脱掉凉鞋,把脚浸在河里,清亮的河水使我们忘掉了酷热。金秋时节,石榴像一个个红灯笼挂在树梢上。一阵阵秋风吹过,稻子泛起一层层金色的波浪,格外漂亮。这个时节是大人们最忙的时候:收稻子、收棉花尽管他们已经累得喘不过气,但他们脸上依赖挂着丰收的喜悦。 冬天,大地盖上了一层厚厚的棉被。小伙伴们在雪地里追逐、堆雪人、打雪仗真是其乐无穷!我爱我的家乡,爱这个漂亮、朴素的家乡!
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