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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2012年第一学期期中质量检测九年级英语试题(时间120分钟,满分150分)一、 听力(共两节,满分35分)略二、 语言知识及运用(共两节,满分25分)第一节 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)16. _ the help of his best friend, he is better and better _ science.A. with, at B. under, in C. with in D. under, at17. When youre learning English, use it, _ youll forget it.A. but B. and C. then D. or18. Why couldent you _ the correct spelling of the world? - Err I hadnt got a Chinese-English dictionary at hand.A. look for B. look down C. look up D. look at19. The boy doesnt dance _ the others, but he sings the best of all.A. as well as B. so good as C. more worse than D. more better than 20. I didnt know the answer and _.A. so did he B. he did, either C. nor did he D. neither he did21. How much did this CD _ you, Sally? - I got it for 5dollars.A. cost B. spend C. take D. pay22. Doctors say _ up late _ harm to our health.A. staying, it B. staying, does C. stay, is D. stay, does23. Theres was a fire in the street last night, but the firemen _ with in 20 minutes.A. look it out B. brought it out C. worked it out D. put it out24. -Can you tell me _? - Since 1990.A. how long youve brought the MP3 player B. when you joined the armyC. how long have you become a guitar player D. how long youve lived in the town25. Can you remember anything _ happened on the island?A. what B. which C. that D. who26. The exam is too difficult. No one has passed it, _? - _. Mary narrowly passed it and her parents are proud of her.A. has he, Yes B. hasnt he, No C. havent they, No D. have they, Yes27. My sister said she didnt know if Justin _ the concert. If he _, she will tell me.A. will attend, came B. would attend, comes C. attends, will come D. attended, comes28. To keep the flowers beautiful, the expert suggests we _ them every day.A. water B. watering C. watered D. will water29. I cant believe your homework has already _! - Haha! I had my brother _ it for me.A. done, done B. been done, does C. done, does D. been done, do30. - _ nice furniture it is! - Tom gave it to me at my birthday.A. How B. What a C. How a D. What第二节 语法选择(10小题,共10分)Andy Lau, one of Aisas most popular singers, was born on September 27, in Hong Kong. Andy was born in a poor family. So _31_ being famous, he did lots of labor work _32_ money for his family. His original ideal was to be a fireman. When Andy first begen to sing, there were just many people _33_ liked him. _34_ he never stopped struggling, and he never gave up in his way. He tried his best to learn and worked very hard. His efforts made him _35_ at last. Almost 20 years past, Andy has always been _36_.Over the years, Lau has got a good-image not only _37_ a superstar, but also a hard-working entertainer in Hong Kong. His work spirit has won the repect and admiration of his fans. In the past twenty years, Lau _38_ over one hundred films and kept a successful singing career.However, for many years the one thing Lau really wanted to do was to be taken seriously as an actor. He _39_ with the Best Actor Award at the Hong Kong Film Award in 2008.Recently, Lau wa named as the ambassador (大使) of _40_ a kind of lung disease.31. A. before B.after C. when D. if32. A. earn B. earning C. to earn D. earned33. A. which B. what C. where D. who34. A. So B. But C. Though D. As35. A. succeed B. to succeed C. success D. successfully36. A. good B. better C. the best D. goodness37. A. in B. as C. of D. like38. A. has made B. made C. will make D. like39. A. awarded B. has been awarded C. is awarded D. was awarded40. A. prevent and control B. preventing and controlling C. to prevent and to control D. prevented and controlled三、完形填空(共10小题,共10分)It was the last day of school and I planned to travel to my friends hometown. I hadnt seen him for years and this was a good _36_ to meet him again.I was busy at school so it was rather _37_ when I came back home. It was already 10 oclock at night. Time was running out. After a hurried meal I left. _38_ I found a taxi very soon. Asking the driver to drive me fast to the station, I relaxed for a while, imagining what my friend looked like now. I was soon at the station and was sure that I would be able to _39_ the
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