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Module 11 PopulationUnit 1 Its the biggest city in China.教材:英语新课标 初三上 课型:listening and speaking 教材分析:本模块的话题是以人口为主题,通过听说读写等一系列活动,让学生感知冠词的用法和大数字的表达,通过对话提供了充足的语言实际使用机会。Unit 1 从数词的表达练习入手,初步理解数次和冠词的用法来学习本单元。以对话的学习和练习让学生感知冠词的用法和大数字的表达,学习对话中的重点词汇与短语。教学目标:A.Key vocabulary 重点词汇:1. population 2.crowd 3. increase 4.smoke 5. increasing 6. alongwith 7.minute 8.percent 9.appointment 10.thanks to B.Key structures 重点句式: 1. numbers 2.articles 3.phrases知识与水平:1To say the numbers correctly2 To learn articles 3 To learn the phrases4 To learn the conversation.过程与方法:Warming-up-New lesson-Exercises-HomeworkCommunicative approach to train the students ability of listening and speaking.情感与态度(价值观):学生能够听懂对话,读出大数字。教学步骤: 教师活动:学生活动:. Warming-upWarming-up1 Read one by one.(EverydayEnglish) 2 Say the numbers . .New lesson1 Articles.2Key vocabulary. 3Key structures4Ask the students to listen to the conversation.1 a,an,the-exercises.2words.(Read and say Chinese meaning.)3 phrases4 Listen and read.2 Read the conversation.3 Work in pairs . Exercises1Then ask students to finish activity 4 . 2Do the exercises.(练习反馈)1To finish activity 4 . 2Do the exercises. Homework(见下表)板书设计:Module 11 Population Unit 1 Its the biggest city in China.一数词:billion,million,thousand,hundred二冠词:a,an,the,/三words四phrases作业设计:1.Copy the words and the dialogue.2.Recite the new words.3.Review Module11 Unit2.4.Exercises paper.
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