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课程名称:Module1 Unit 1 Nice to meet you.教学年级:初一课型:listening and speaking教材版本:外研版设计者:马红红授课时间:45分钟一、学情分析1、同学们刚刚升上初中,相互并不熟悉。可以通过本单元进行一个交流,认识新同学,促进同学之间的感情。2、由于同学们小学四年级开始接触英语,并且在前面starter部分进行了一定的复习,有效地实现了从小学到初中英语学习的过渡,对日常简单表达有一定的基础。二、教材分析模块1以自我介绍为话题,作为初中教材的第一课,本模块具有衔接和导入的作用。Unit1重点为同们呈现了七年级四班的李老师和新同学见面时的对话。李老师首先作了自我介绍,然后逐一询问了新同学的个人情况,包括姓名、年龄及家庭所在地。教材录音中将英音与与美音呈现给大家,可以让学生初步感受和了解语音的多样性。三、教学目标根据英语课程标准结合学生实际和本课的课型,教学目标的核心任务是能听懂自我介绍的对话,能够作一个简单的自我介绍。1、语言知识,技能目标:(1)教学重点a.掌握词汇:Chinese、from、where、year、about、Ms、not、hi、our、American、he、China b.能听懂自我介绍的对话,能够作一个简单的自我介绍。(2)教学难点a.能对李老师询问新同学的个人情况作出相应的回答。b.培养学生的听说能力。2、情感态度目标:a.提高学习英语的兴趣,树立信心,培养其积极主动参与各种语言实践活动的习惯。b.在用英语交流中,更好地了解别人,从而认识更多新同学。参加各种英语活动,克服困难,在新环境中进一步树立准确的语言学习观。3、学习策略目标: 通过自主探究学习、合作交流和交际过程中学习英语,积极参与课堂内外的英语活动,大胆地训练自已的英语语言交际能力。四、教学策略本课型为Listening and speaking,根据新课标的要求,结合教材和学生特点,运用阅读、听说、直观、活动等方法创设教学情景,用“导”“引”方式去调动学生积极参与,让学生自主探究学习、合作交流,使学生在愉快的氛围中达到学习目标。本节课所需教具及资料:图片、录音机等。1、 通过教师简单的自我介绍,对学生的简单询问,为听力作准备,并激发学生学习的兴趣,为学习新课打下伏笔。2、 通过对话练习,培养学生的语言运用能力。3、通过学习音标,让学生更好地掌握词汇。五、教学过程教师活动Step 1 Warming-upShow a picture of my hometown(Meizhou),then tell the Ss that this is my hometown and make a short dialogue with individual Ss like this:T: Good morning ,Im from Meizhou,where are you from ?S1:Im from Huidong.T:Nice to meet you, where are you from ?S2: Im from Huidong too.T:Hello, whats your name?S3:ImT:How old are you?S3:Im years old.T:Are you from Huidong too?S3:Yes,Im from Huidong.(Yes, Im.)T:Hi,are you from Meizhou?S4:No,Im not.Step 2 Listening and vocabularyTask 1 Listening.1. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and check the number of speakers after explaining to the Ss that they are going to listen to a convertion and find out how many people are speaking.2. Elicit the answer from the whole class.3. Play the recording once again for them to listen.Task 2 Vocabulary1. Ask the Ss to listen again, then check the words they hear in A2.2. Check the answers from individuls.3. Play the tape the last time for them to check. Step3 Listening and readingTask 1 Listening1. Ask the students to listen to the tape recorder and think about 2 questions:Q1:How many Ss are mentioned in the conversation?Q2:Where is Ms Li from?2. Check the answer from the whole class.3. Play the tape again for the Ss and ask the Ss to read after the tape.Task 2 Reading1. Ask the Ss to read the conversation alone, then check the true sentences.2. Call back the answers from individuals.3. Ask the Ss to read the conversation in groups, then ask 3 groups to act it out.4. Get the Ss to work in pairs to choose the correct answer in A4.5. Call back the answers from 5 pairs, having one student ask the question, and another answer the question.6. Get the Ss to read the words in the box in A5, and then ask them to complete the sentences individually.7. Let the Ss check the answers with partner.8. Check answers with the whole class, and then read the conversation together.Step 4 Pronunciation and speaking1. Play the recording once with stopping.2. Play the recording again and stop at the end of each line, then ask the whole class to repeat.3. Ask individual Ss to repeat.4. Ask the Ss to practice the sounds in pairs.5. Ask the Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer in A7.6. Get some pairs to show their dialogues.Step 5 Language pointsStep 6 SummaryStep 7 Homework1. Copy the new words.2. Read the converstion.学生活动Take part in the activity and answer the questions .Listen to the tape and find out the number of speakers Listen to the tape and check the words they hear.1) Listen to tape and find out the answers. 2) Show the answers.3) Read the conversation.1) Read the passage and check the true sentences.2) Work in pairs to practice the conversation.3) Choose the correct answer in A4.4) Complete the sentences individually in A51) Listen to the tape.2) Repeat after the tape.3) Practice the sounds.4) Work in pairs to ask and answer in A7.The students look through the points and find out the points they dont understand , then discuss any difficulties that the students have .Summarize what we have learnt in this unit.Finish homework.设计意图激活课堂学习气氛,并为接下来的听力作准备。通过听录音回答简单的问题,培养学生听英语的能力。通过听录音找单词,巩固词汇和提高听力水平。让学生带着简单的问题听录音,对对话有一个简单的认识。让学生能够通过对课文的朗读进而解决相应的问题,全面了解掌握对话内容并提高读英语的能力。通过听录音学习音标的准确发音。让学生真正理解本课所学语法,准确地运用于英语实践中。让学生总结本课所学,整体感知。巩固本单元的学习
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