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第一次课背单词的重要性背单词的措施: 时间 地点 措施发音记忆 外来词:带有民族特色的词汇 直接音译(包子 春卷 早点儿,宫爆鸡丁手操鸡)owl cry shout sreamyphon jep guitar ee gln golf cloe blletchnt(圣歌)cobucffee c-coar chcolate ankdarbartofu kugfu Fegs发5它MaongPis Mtai acker Fuwa zz谐音记忆me junge glbeif (欺负,湖南女土匪)chief ponderous (oa同窗)-fat / lrge/ bi/rendousorms/ gitbsh(邱晨,便秘,十斤八斤,大肠有洞)t fmine (饥荒)Sangine puntalambitio lcne cuenuritonschedle eisure beyon ric (brea,穿墙)a wish拆分记忆 discipl (disc i line 大学生活写照 高中生活看别人谈恋爱 )crea ildown - ch (急救法)Apprentleep aroun ago Backgrunirthc beakthroug Broacas castthowea 抛洒骨灰Crbn 烧成炭Chopstickscre crym (黑社会,砍手党)maidn (买灯 少女)canen crsroasdeadlin disppe disapint drawbackicu (发型,周一休)fold (放久了,打包丢掉 男生寝室的袜子)loat ( F b ot)adship (shipfriedip, motheship)ncm (老鱼分钱。小强随便挑)Iteview(面试)resum jugpesnatin examation discusion Inert Mnae n ge 管理自己manne (好man呢,mn boy)lnsie mount bnquetolate (隔离)braze /citize (zen 人 ra )bus abandon cutomd(a/ab 加强语调 ause 打劫老鱼 打牛的针)( B AD N 不要再继续)Topless tem (主题 the m , 环绕我们 te us江西作文题)washole-liede-lyinglie-ay-ainlyingay-ai-li-an 放歪(y) d 颠倒记忆toloot(抢) dog-gdlv-evil mood-dom artra(陷阱)deerreed(芦苇)a-nap meet-tem(大量浮现)not-ton(吨) rom-moor(沼泽) flo-wolf (狼) ool-lp(环) raw(原始的)-war top-pt(壶) a-era (时代)生活记忆Tde (汰渍)Haihe Ni(纳爱斯) le(爱多 无用的) Sue(苏泊尔) oust(乐百氏精力充沛的)Rejoice(飘柔) Hea&Shur Safeuard (舒肤佳) Godlion无用Sof 索芙特 Clnar Pua uxy 力氏 联想记忆有关好朋友的单词:oodclos firmar ntimate faihu coolmate dsk mt classmteworkmae fllow p bro mn mae (澳大利亚)有关喜欢的单词:like fancy loe( am oving it)w ador respet enjoy prefr aprat fvordire woip Alo(夏威夷人,欢迎 再会,刷老外 嘎洒高)有关快乐的单词:gla hp heru(cheer) merry leased(leasue) peasan delight jooul reoice-rjiing gy fun (ust forfun)有关傻的单词: foolh (鲁莽的可爱的) fool /ullsly 失去知觉的麻木的(跳楼的的哥们)tupid智商低dl (反映迟钝) lull 昏昏欲睡oor 有关厕所的单词:WCloo as(ing)r bathrom(bathub) resoom toilet lane lavtoryohn shithus有关讨厌的单词:dlik dsagee ate有关精确的单词:Exctacuratepecie ( 举个发音的例子,TH 音,u 音)ig (We docicken rgh)ue rthcorect 有关完毕的单词:ccmpl compete finis aciev lfll (履行)aa (达到)dne yt? 有关味道的单词:acid (酸的 迷幻药 尖酸的 刻薄的)ou (酸的)viegar(醋) weet uar ocolate bitte 苦 pain(panful) ahesuferingsorrow soe a brok-hearte (heartboen) hoshrspic sen flagrantfragant sme (香水)有关影响的单词:influce afect fft concer impt 有关气愤的单词:anr(ger anoy) irate (iritate) mad be ma abu/at 有关冒险的单词:isk dner ventureadenure 有关制止的单词:prvent stopprohit hld fobd ban 有关美的单词:btfu prt hadsome colcutevly atatie goreoscomely ictursque 有关胖的单词:fatrich oeseefy pondeous tic tut welled overgt有关瘦的单词:limsndr nerweightbony cured thslihlean fie有关真的单词:real tru actua(ly)fact aentic有关静,闹的单词:noie oudnescatter ucry iet peacesilence oeesnss sillness 有关生动的单词:vidlivelyliving liv oloful有关规定的词汇:requ as requie emand ci有关回绝的单词: turn down 第二节课 词根缀前缀iterbetwen, mong 变:ent nel- (nterfeeintevie)e=in into a near 进入某种状态,使-,使成为-变:e(enable eclse eoureenlrg)dis=apar way o,表达剥夺,反对,变:de-ds i-(ismssdicad)re=agan ackagainst 变:e-en (end reflectrefie)om=toether with wholl 变:c col- omb- cn- c- coun-(cmine coexist)pre=ee(preven)pr=through, aay, 变: par-, el-, pil-(erfct persist prorm)pro=fobere orwad 向前,赞成 变:pur- p (prpose)ex=ot of, fuly 变:-e- e- ef- - is-(xbitespe)trns=beyongaros ver 变:an tra tess-(tansfetransorm trnsmit tnspot)fore=bfoe (frefatherforese orecastforward)telfaoff (telegram,tlephone, telsin, tlescoe)unot否认 (unale unie uno ulikly)u=under (subway substute)mono=sigleole long变: mn (monologuemonpoy)ob nea agait(opposeobvouobain oppotunity)ui=(nue unirm uvreun)ouner=aains 变:conra,ani(ountea,ctrary)后缀副词-ly 以某种方式 qickly skill-w 方向 oward动词-te使,导致acivateen使-,导致 sften depen-f, -iy 使,导致buify siply -iz,-ise 使-,像同样活动 modernize advertse形容词-able e能的 siabe responile-al 与-有关的oigialnatiol ant ent 具
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