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2019高考英语二轮专项练习经典练习导学案资料52每日一句After see ing pie nty of solid evide nee , the greedy thief hadno alter native but toack no wledge thatit was he that stole the gold watch.在看见了许多的 铁证之后,这个贪婪的贼 不得不承认是他 偷了金表。基础词汇强化练习11. This article can be dinto four parts.12. His expla nati on cthe mystery.13.lt s ito buy cigarettes in Britain if you re under 16.14. If it is cto you I ll be with you next Tuesday.15. I dont want to iyou. You must decide for yourself.16. Please afor a taxi to pick me up at six o clock.17. I m sorry, sir, those shoes are not ain your size.18. To their d, their son was admitted into a famous uni versity.19. I only wear a tie on special o.20. They play for the tof it, not merely to wi n.11 20: divided clarified illegal convenient in flue nce arra nge available delightoccasi ons thrill书面表达经典句式强化记忆154. It depe nds on whether.这取决于是否.It depe nds on whether you are determ ined to do it or not.这取决于你是否决心要做这件事情.155. It does nt make sense to.没有任何意义.It does nt make sense to argue with him.禾口他争论没有任何意义156. It does nt matter whether /if.如果也没关系.It does nt matter if you have made mistakes. Lear n fromyour mistakes and youllmake progress.如果犯错误了也没关系.从错误中学习,你就会进步.书面表达经典朗读素材The Night in gale-夜莺Once a Chin ese emperor had a ni ght in galeThat kept him very happy day and ni ght.The nightingale sang beautiful songs that kept the emperor in good health and spirit. One day some one gave the emperor mecha ni cal bird as a prese nt. The emperor would wind the key and the bird would sing his song. This new toy thrilled the emperor so much that he forgot his ni ght in gale. The ni ghti ngale left the palace. One day the mechanical bird broke down. The emperor s health declined because his life had no songs to Cheer him. Fi nallythe ni ght in galereturned, and The emperor recoveredhis health and spirit.经典谚语积累A candle lights others and consumes itself.蜡烛照亮别人,却毁灭了自己。高频考点拾贝完形填空系列 实词包括名词、动词、形容词、副词和代词等,这些词又统称为信息词。选准这些信 息词, 考生要从整体上理解文章的内容, 在上下文情景中运用所学词汇, 不能单纯从语法结 构上确定答案。但“完形填空”不同于“阅读理解” 。“完形填空”仍然是考查语言和词汇的运用,只 不过是考查从语篇层次所设定的语境中综合运用语言的能力, 在这一点上, 又与着重考查语 法和词汇运用的“单项填空”及“语法填空”题型不同。所以,要答好完形填空题,考生必 须具备迅速找准主题,理顺文章层次关系,领会作者的观点和写作意图的归纳判断能力。 完形填空是学生最犯怵的题型之一, 文章的残缺性和不连贯性使得很多学生难以正确理解文 章内容,所以导致了大量失分。【问题描述与分析】“完形填空” 旨在测试学生综合运用语言的能力, 所提供的是一篇具有完整信息的短文。 其中段与段、句与句,甚至词与词之间都有着不可分割、 千丝万缕的联系。 有的完形填空题 第一空的答案需要读完全文才能做出正确选择。有的最后一空的选项又是为了呼应全文主 题,需要结合全文主题才能作答。 相当一部分考生一拿到试题就开始边读边填空, 从表面上 看似乎是快了, 但实际上由于对全文的大意心中无数,没有语篇意识, 只是断章取义, 拘泥 于所填空的句子本身, 而不结合整篇文章所提供的语境, 不善于从上下文中寻找线索, 往往 做了后面忘了前面,很可能是漏洞百出,选错答案。【 例 】 ImetMrs.Neidlintheninthgradeonastage - designteamforaplayandshewasoneofthedirectors.AlmostinstantlyIlovedher.Shehadanu npleasantvoiceandadirectwayofspeaking , _36_shewasencouragingandinspiring.Forsomereason,shewasimpressedwithmyworkandm e.Mrs.Neidlwouldaskmeformy_37_.ShewantedtoknowhowIthoughtweshould_38_thin gs.AtfirstIhadnoideahowtoanswerbecauseIknew_39_aboutstagedesign!ButIslowlybeg antorespondtoher_40_.Itwascauseandeffect:ShebelievedIhadopinions,soIbeganto_ 41_them.Shetrustedmetocompletethings,soIcompletedthemperfectly.Shelovedhow_42 _Iwas,soIbegantoshowuptopaintmoreandmore.Shebelievedinme,soIbegantobelieveinmy self.Mrs.Neidl s_43_thatyearwas ,“ Tryit.Wecanalwayspaintoverit_44_!”Ibegantotake_45_.Ihadbeensoafraidoffailingbutsuddenlytherewasnofailingonlythingstobe_46_upon.Ilearnedtodipmybrushintothepaintand_47_createsomethi ng.Theshy,quietfreshmanachievedsuccessthatyear.Iwas_48_intheprogramas“ StudentArtAssistant ” becauseofthetimeandeffortI dputin.ItwasthatyearthatI_49_Iwantedtospendtherestofmylifedoingstagedesign.Beingonthatstage-designteam_50_Mrs.Neidlchangedmecompletely.NotonlywasIstrongerandmorecompeten tthanIhadthought,butIalso_51_astronginterestandaworldIhadntknownexisted.Shetaughtmenotto_52_whatpeoplethinkIshoulddo.Shetaughtmetotakec hancesandnotbe_53_.Mrs.NeidlwasmycomforterwhenIwasupset.Her_54_inmehasinspi redmetodothingsthatIneverimagined_55_. 本文是记叙文,记述了自己通过加入舞台设计小组和 Mrs.Neidl 对自己的影响,作者彻底 改变了自己,变得不再像以前那样胆小,文章的第三段是个转折,考生在做题的时候可能 把握不了这个变化,导致后面的连续失误。36、A.andB、 yetC 、soD、 for解析: unpleasantvoiceandadirectwayofspeaking 和 encouragingandinspiring 之间构成 转折关系,故用 yet 。答案: B37、A.opinionB 、 impressionC 、 informationD 、 intention 解析:由下一句可知她想询问我的意见如何去处理事情。 答案: A38、A.makeB、 keepC、 handleD 、 change解析: handlethings 意为“处理,解决问题” ,根据 Iknewnothingaboutstagedesign 可知 她想知道我应该怎样处理舞台设计的问题。答案: C39、A.anythingB 、 somethingC 、 everythingD 、nothing 解析:根据 noidea 可知作者对于舞台设计一无所知。 答案: D40、A.questionsB 、commentsC、 explanationsD 、 remarks解析:由上文 askmefor. 和 Shewantedtoknow. 可知对于她的问题 “我”渐渐做出了反应。 答案: A41、A.holdB 、 followC 、 evaluateD 、form 解析:上文提到作者对舞台设计没有什么想法, 但由于 Mrs.Neidl 认为作者有自己的主见看 法,所以作者开始形成自己的想法。holdop inions 意为持有的观点” ;followopi nions意为“遵循观点” ;evaluateopinions意为“对观点加以评估” 。答案: D42、A.happyB、livelyC 、 reliableD 、punctual解析:根据 Shebelievedi
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