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2022年PEP六年级英语下册第一单元测试题 (I) 姓名 总分 一、写出下列单词的比较级。(8分)big_short_heavy_thin_happy_late_strong_good_ 二、选择正确的答案。(12分)( )1、Imtwoyears thanyou.A、youngB、shorterC、younger( )2、Howbig_yourfeet? A、isB、areC、it( )3、_?-I am 1.60 meters.A、Howtallareyou?B、Howlongareyourlegs?C、Howoldareyou?( )4、Which monkey do you like?A、Iliketheyellowone.B、Itsyounger.C、Itsnice.( )5、How_isyourbestfriend?-Thirteenyearsold.A、oldB、tallC、heavy( )6、How tall is ChenJie?A、Heis12yearsold.B、Im147cm.C、Sheis150cm.三、 找出栏中与栏中相对应的答语,把标号填入提前括号。(10 分) ( ) 1. How heavy are you? A. They are size 39.( ) 2. How tall are you ? B. Im 15 years old.( ) 3. How old are you ? C. Im 45 kg.( ) 4. What size are your shoes? D. Im 158cm .( ) 5. How long are your bed? E. It is 200cm.四、读对话,将句子补充完整。(10分)1. Mike: How you ? Amy: Im 40kg. Mike: Im 45kg . Im you.2. Sarah: you ? Liu Yun: Im 1.65m. Sarah: Im 1.60m. You me. 五、 阅读理解(10分)Mary, Jane and May are very good friends. Mary is shorter than May, May is heavier than Jane. Jane is thinner than Mary. How old are they? Mary is 7 years old. Jane is 12 years old and May is 9 years old. They study at QingLan Primary School. Mary likes English, Jane likes math and May likes music.They all study hard. 根据短文内容回答问题。1. Where do they study? 2. Does Mary like English? 3. How old is May? 4. What does Jane like? 5. Are they good friends? 一、写出下列单词的过去式。(8分)watch_ wash _ clean _ have_ do _ read _ am/is_ sleep_二、英汉互译:(每小题1分,共6分)1、上周末 4、wash my clothes 2、呆在家里 5、play football 3、看电视 6、have a cold 三、选择(每小题2分,共16分)( )1、-Did you help me clean my room ? -Yes , I .A、did B、do C、does( )2 -What did Lisa do yesterday? -She to music .A、listens B、listen C、listened( )3、-What did you do last weekend? -I TV.A、saw B、looked at C、watched( )4、They books last weekend .A、read B、readed C、look( )5、Did you play football Zhang Peng?A、with B、 and C、to( )6、 Tom busy yeaterday.A、did B、 was C、were( ) 7. What _ he _ yesterday ?A. does, do B. do , did C. did, do( ) 8. He _ the clothes yesterday.A. didnt washed B. didnt wash C. dont washed四、从B栏选择A栏的正确答语。(10分) A B( ) 1. What did he do yesterday ? A. Yes, she did.( ) 2. Did she wash the clothes yesterday ? B. I went fishing .( ) 3. What did you do last weekend ? C. No, I didnt .( ) 4. Did you go to the park ?D. He read a book yesterday.( ) 5. What was the weather yesterday ? E. It was sunny .五、读下列短文,选择正确答案(每题2分,共10分)Today was hot. I went to the farm with my parents. There was a river near the farm . I went to the river with my dog . We ran and played . Suddenly I dropped (掉进)into the river ,“Help , Help”My dog jumped into(跳进)the river and swam to me , Ten minutes later , I was saved(救)。I was grateful to him. We are good friends.( )1、It was very .A、cold B、hot C、windy( )2、I went to the farm with my .A、parents B、friends C、teacher( )3、I ran and played with .A、my cat B、my dog C、my sister( )4、 jumped into the river and saved me.A、My dog B、My mother C、My father( )5、I was very grateful to my .A、mother B、friend C、dog八、请你根据实际情况回答下列问题。(每题3分,共12分)1、What do you usually do on the weekend?2、What did you do last weekend?3、Did you help your mother clean the room?(肯定回答)4、Did you go to the park yesterday?(否定回答)(人教PEP)六年级英语下册 Unit 4 单元测试二、把下列单词按查词典的顺序排列,并写在横线上。(6分) wele between Chinese lobster
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