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最新广州版四年级英语下册Unit 3 Its time to get up.重点短语get up go to school half past seventime for class time for lunch time for dinnertime to go back home time to do my homework 重点重型What time is it?Its time to .Its time for.Its half past seven Its a quarter to ten.Its eight oclock.Im so tired.语法讲解:1.What time is it? What time 询问具体的时间,表示几点几分。例 what time do you go to school in the morning?回答通常用 its + 数字时间 (oclock整点)推荐精选2. 时间的表达方法 : 当是整点时,直接用 数字+ oclock 当时间不是整点时,可直接读数字 例如 九点二十 读成 nine twenty 用past ,to 来表达,小于30分钟,用past表达,past是“过了”。大于30分钟,则用to来表达 ,to 意思是 “差” 例如:九点二十 可说成 twenty past nine 十点半 可说成 half past ten 两点五十 可说成 ten to three 六点四十五 可说成 q quarter to sever3. 句型 its time to + 动词短语 its time for + 名词例 its time to go to school. Its time to get up . Its time for dinner. Its time for class.Practice 练习:一 根据提示,在钟面上画出相应的时间,再从方框中选择相对应的短语。 get up go to school do home work go back home have dinner time to sleep 推荐精选 half past seven in the evening half past nine in the evening seven oclock in the morning half past six in the evening half past four in the afternoon a quarter to eight in the morning 二、选择最佳答案。( ) 1. - is it? -Its eleven oclock. A. What colour B.What time C. How many 推荐精选( )2. It is 11:45. It is .A. a quarter to twelve B. a quarter to eleven C. half past eleven( ) 3. It is time dinner.A. to B. for C. in ( )4. It is time go home. A. for B. on C. to( )5. It is 7:30 in the evening. It is time to . A. do homework B. get up C. sleep ( )6. look at the girl . She a red dress. A. is B. has C. have( )7. The lady a nurse.A. look like B. likes look C. looks like ( )8. What is the man ? A. like B. look C. look like ( )9. There are five in the house . A. policeman B. policewoman C. policewomen ( )10. Im tired. I want to .A. sleep B. get up C. clean room三、读问句,选答语。( )1. Whats the mans job? A. The one in a black hat.推荐精选( )2.Which man is your father? B. She is Miss Zhao.( )3.Are you shy? C. No, Im not.( )4. Is your English teacher kind? D. It is eight oclock.( )5.What time is it now? E. No, she isnt.( )6. What is your sister like? F. He is a policeman.( )7. Who is your Chinese teacher? G. She has long hair and big eyes.四、根据上下文,从方框选择恰当的词,把对话补充完整。homework, am, past, back , after, time.A: What is it now?B: It is half four.A: Oh, it is time to go home.B: What time do you do your ?A: dinner. B: Are you tired today?A: Yes, I . 五. 阅读。课内阅读。阅读课本P14-15,判断正误。( )1. The lady is Jiamins mother.( )2.Jiamin is at school.推荐精选( )3.It is seven oclock now.( )4. Jiamin goes to school at 7:30.( )5. Jiamin sleeps at 10:15.课外阅读。阅读对话,选择最佳选项。Ben and his dad are in the living room.Ben: Oh, dad. Look at the clock on the wall.Dad: What time is it?Ben: Its six oclock.Dad: Yes, it is time for dinner.Ben: Where is my mum?Dad: She is in the kitchen. Is there any homework for you now?Ben: No, I usually do my homework at school.( ) 1. Ben and his dad are .A. at school B. in the bedroom C. at home( )2. There is a clock . A. on the door B. on the wall C. in the desk( )3. It is now. A. 6:00 B:5:00 C:7:00( ) 4. Bens mum is in the . A. bathroom B. bedroom C. kitchen( )5. Ben does his homework . A. in the study B. at school C. in the bedroom.推荐精选 六、用几句话简单描述你一天的作息安排。参考范文: Hello, my name is Amy. I am ten. I get up at six oclock in the morning. I go to school at seven oclock. I have lunch at twelve oclock. I go home at half past four in the afternoon. I have dinner at six oclock. I do my homework after dinner. I sleep at half past nine at night.
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