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Unit 9 Language Learning Teaching Objectives:1. Help the students to pronounce correctly the vowels and consonants in Sound Recognition.2. Get the students to master the basic words, expressions and sentence patterns in Focus and Memorize and use them to talk about language learning.3. Enable the students to speak appropriately in terms of expressing likes and agreements.4. Get the students to understand the dialogue in Testing Your Ears.5. Get the students to master some key words, expressions and structures in the text, and get the main idea of the text.6. Introduce the basic knowledge about Adjectives and Adverbs and get the students to put the grammatical knowledge into use. 7. Get the students to understand and use the basic sentence pattern “S + V + C” in combining and making sentences. Key Points:1. Sound RecognitionCorrect pronunciation of the following pairs of sounds: EJ, u:; CI, C:; F, tF; j, dV2. Listening & Speaking 1) Talking about language learning 2) Expressing likes and agreements3. Reading A. VocabulariesWords communicationestimatenativecommunitywidespread per centpopulationimportantdescribeglobal nowadaysconductscientificcultureexciting Expressions less thanlie inbe describe as B. Structuresmore , than any other (be) often described as It is estimated that lie in 4. Grammar Adjectives and Adverbs5. Writing The basic sentence pattern: “S + V + C” 主语 + 谓语(系动词)+ 补语(名词)Teaching Procedures:.Revision. Sound Recognition. Listening & Speaking Getting into the Topic Testing Your Ears Script of the dialogue. Reading Warming Up Background Information Detailed Study of the Text Further Practice. Grammar in Use. Assignments . Revision1. Check all the exercises in Unit 8.2. Get the students to practise some of the words and expressions in Unit 8. The teacher may use the words and expressions listed in Key Points in Unit 8.3. Ask the students to translate the following sentences into English.a. Dont forget to make eye contact with your interviewer in a job interview.在面试的时候,别忘了和面试官进行眼神交流。b. We had nothing to do except hanging around the shopping mall.我们无所事事地在购物中心附近游荡。c. You need to adapt yourself to the new environment as soon as possible.你要尽快适应新环境。 d. Birdsong may have more in common with human speech than we realize.鸟鸣和人类的语言之间很可能有我们所意想不到的更多的共同之处。e. You need to learn to make friends in a new place.你得学会在新环境里交朋友。4. Ask the students to make sentences by using the following words or phrases.a. fit in (with)b. go a long wayc. knocked over d. make a good impression e. make contact with. Sound Recognition1. Play the recording and ask the students to listen carefully. 2. Ask some students to give their choices. 3. Check the answers and explain the differences between the sounds: EJ, u:; CI, C:; F, tF; j, dV发音要领:u:1. 舌尖离开下齿;2. 舌的后部抬高,很靠近但不接触到软腭;3. 双唇尽量收圆企且向前突出,唇形很小;4. 牙床接近全合,嘴的开口度很小。CI 1. 舍位由C向I滑动,由低到高;2. 不到I的舍位,发音结束;3. 牙床由接近全开到半合,开口度由大到小;4. 同时,唇形由圆形变成扁平。 F 1. 舍身向硬腭抬起,舍身两侧接触上齿;2. 舌尖不卷曲,向上抬至上齿龈后部。3. 双唇向前突出,略呈喇叭形;4. 呼气,注意不振动声带;5. 气流通过舍身与硬腭之间的缝隙,摩擦而发音。j1. 舌尖轻触下齿;2. 舍前部抬起,靠近硬腭;3. 呼气,并振动声带;4. 气流通过舍前部和硬腭之间的缝隙流出而发音。 4. Play the recording again and ask the students to repeat sentence by sentence. . Listening & Speakingu Getting into the Topic1. Brainstorm with the students words, expressions or sentence patterns about language learning.2. Present to the students the following expressions:be useful/helpful be hard/difficult to learn speak well practice with be interested in be good at3. Ask the students to make up sentences of their own by using these expressions.4. Present to the students some basic formulas about likes and agreements.Talking about likes:Asking about likesDo you like/love ?Are you keen on ?Would you like ?Expressing likesI love I am crazy about I am fond of Talking about agreements:Asking about agreementsCould I ask if ?Dont you think so?How do think about it?Expressing agreementsI agree (with that).I am for it.I think so.5. Ask the students to role-play Dialogue 1 and Dialogue 2.u Testing Your Ears1. Play the recording for the first time and ask the students to finish Task 1. Key: Talking with a ClassmateNote: It can be inferred from the mans words “Well, I do my homework and go to class just as you do.” that the two speakers are classmates.2. Play the recording again and ask the students to finish Task 2. Key: talking to foreigners reading English newspapers working hard going to the English cornerNote: Answers can be found from the following lines in the dialogue:W: Maybe its because I started learning it earlier
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