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1When I thnk fpeop ithiorld who heeally made a deence, hiko prnts当我认真的思考在这个世界上真正做出奉献的人,我就会想到我的父母。hey reruly sits amon rdinar eople.她们是活在平民百姓之中的圣人。I was one of e ten chidrenmyprents dot.我是被我的父母被收养的这十个孩子之一。Theyrudeac of usfro lifof overy and lonlines.(G)她们救济了生活在贫穷和寂寞中的我们。Thy wee hardl ableto rtrain themselsfrom bringomeme hdrn o ar f.(O)她们几乎无法控制她们自己将流浪的孩子带回家照顾。 hey had had te reoces ,tey erinlywouldhav.(D)如果她们当时有足够的财力,她们一定会领养更多孩子。Most eol dootreizeho mch heyppreciated omeonentilthey pssawa(I)大多数人在自己感谢的人离开这个世界之后才意识到自己是多么的感谢她My sisterad bothers nd I d not wnt this thappen bere we ttred te wordshn yo to or prn(K).我的兄弟姐妹和我都不但愿这种状况发生在我们身上,都不但愿父母听不到自己买你说“谢谢”。ough w heall grw p nd scatterd aout e our, w gbck gether to nour parents.(L)虽然我们目前已成人并散居全国各地,我们还是回家团聚感谢父母。My brothe Tom undrtoote task franzingthe eent.(B)具体的组织活动由哥哥汤姆负责Eery Friday night, Mm ndDadhav had t m dnner spilat the ame restarant fo th attweny ears.在过去的二十年里,每周五晚上,妈妈和爸爸都会到同一家餐馆吃那里的特色火腿餐Tha is where we waitdwihut ikowig我们就在那儿等着,没有提前告诉她们When we firscugt a glimse of tem oing rs th sreet,e all hd underneth a bi tabe.(F)(A)我们一瞥见她们过马路,就纷纷躲到一张大桌子下henth enere, welapt out ansod, Tha you, om ad Dad.当她们进来时,我们跳出来大喊:“谢谢爸爸妈妈”。Mbrother om peseed em wih cardand e al gged.()汤姆送上卡片,我们彼此拥抱Dad pted hahe ad non we ere udee table ll lon.而爸爸呢,她假装早已知晓我们藏在桌下22Womn o exrcise regulrlyeed o beareflth whatey e.常常锻炼的女性需要留意她们的饮食。Rsearherhave fundeviece thteenerae exercis ca resul n losig iron.研究员发现甚至有节制的锻炼也能导致铁的流失。Tey said ha omen who rs rglaly, speciall in eancectivites, tcally oe 她们说常常地锻炼,特别是从事耐力运动的女性,普遍性的缺铁。In odet prevent his frm beomg a pobe, i is iport tathose womn cosume mre ma take suplemet o eplae the rn lst为了要缓和这一种问题,那些女性摄入较多的肉类或者采用补充物替代流失的铁。Thoe hodo not othr get plentilmots f ima bein to feel wek and tired.那些不厌其烦的摄入大量铁的人们也许会感到疲劳和虚弱。Ifyo can gt the recmmnd daly alance of iron yur diet, you ilprably peform ettr, sidonet speialist.一种饮食专家说 如果你能懂得你的饮食中推荐的铁摄入限额,你或许将会更好的体现!One shortcoming f tkingiro pils htthe pll for is nt well absord acan ometimes a yu sk”.补铁药剂的缺陷在于它们不能被较好的吸取并且有时还会使你身体虚弱。t is referaehat yutry to emedy the deficieny y geting re iron-rich ets in oudiet.更好的治疗措施是,你尝试着在你的饮食中摄入更多含铁量较为丰富的肉类治疗铁缺少。There arways o help r dtore away theiro it tkesin.这里有诸多措施可以协助你的身体储存吸取的铁。Byettig plent o Vitmin C, ourbodis able topocess , or use, th iron te.藉由得到大剂量维生素C ,你的身体可以更加妥善的解决或使用铁Rsearches acknoledge ha veryoesbody is diferentand hepbm wil be lss seriou fo some.研究员承认每个人身体是不同的因此缺铁的问题对某些人来说也许并不严重。Bcus it i imosie to dcide hther or not his cold be probe for you, heath specialstssa it i adviale t chec ro eve.因此直接判断你与否缺铁这一问题是不也许的,健康专家们说检查你体内铁含量水平是明智的决定。Een whn yu ant feel i, youay still ave a problem虽然当你不能感觉它,它也许仍然作为一种问题存在!Whle many ivte schos are fosin moron aues, pbli shool re movingowrd tesng standards.虽然许多私立学校是更多地关注价值但公立学校都走向趋向于通过测试原则。Teatol gvenmen demans cdei sccs an tsts aretakenas a kymeasurmnt o a shools prfoace国民政府规定将学术上的成功和通过考试作为度量一所学校体现好坏的核心。hool wih low test coresface paltiesucas a redcti n money torun thirschools.学校在测验中得到较低的分数所面临的惩罚就像负债经营学校。And,evnndvidalteche areing raded n wtheepeparingtherstudents for thse sts.并且,甚至个别教师正在准备用这些可实现的手段为学生划定级别。We hve coentaed tomuchon ehigthe kid how to take these tess, commeed on ementry hooltear.我们已经集中太多精力教小孩该如何应对测一位小学教师评论到。We should be providig amore orehensi curriculum to thee kids我们应当提供一种更加广泛的课程给这些孩子。We holdbe cultivg lershpand crosty.我们应当栽培孩子们的领导领导能力和好奇心。nfortunately, er i never tie.不幸地,我们没时间这样做。One scoo principl remarkd, ts truetha it woul b benfal t or d if thy wrtngetter sors on the bjects being tetd.一位学校校长评论到:“在孩子们得到优秀分数的基本上,获得这样的教育是有益的。Tetruble tat n pore area ofh cit likeous, kis startschool lessequipd toperrm wel但困难是,在像我们那样贫穷的都市和地区,孩子们开始上学的装备很差不能好好运转。We haemny obstclto vrcome befoe we c teach thembassbjct.在我们能教她们基本学科之前,我们有许多障碍需要克服。All cools areotike, sotey shunt be ested tht wy.所有学校不相似,因此她们不应当那样被测试。” gl
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