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word.课本回扣和拓展一、课文语法填空Exactly when the first people arrived in what we now know as California,no one really knows.However,_is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago.Scientists believe that these first settlers _(cross) the Bering Strait in the Arctic to America _means of a land bridge which existed in prehistoric times.In the 16th century,after the _ (arrive) of Europeans,the native people suffered greatly.Thousands were killed or forced into slavery._ addition,many died from the diseases brought by Europeans.However,some survived these terrible times,and today there are more Native Americans _(live) in California than in any other state.In the 18th century,California was ruled by Spain.Spanish soldiers first arrived in South America in the early 16th century,_ they fought against the native people and _(take) their land.Two centuries later,the Spanish had settled in most parts of South America and along the northwest coast of what we now call the United States of _ first Spanish to go to California,the majority were religious men,_ ministry was to teach the Catholic religion to the natives.答案:.it.crossed.by.arrival.In.living.when.took.the.whose二、用约30个词概括课文内容_答案:The most multicultural state with the largest population in America,California attracts immigrants worldwide at different periods due to its climate and the lifestyle,starting from native Americans 15,000 years ago.三、用括号中所给词语翻译如下句子,然后用五句话将这些句子连成一篇短文【连词成句】史密斯夫妇搬迁到一个小镇上继续生活。(live on)_他们很快习惯了新生活。(make a new life)_后来史密斯先生去一家工厂申请一个职位。(apply for )_这家工厂没有接纳他。(take.in)_因为他不能准确地用语言表达他的思想。(by means of )_他只好与邻居合作开了一家小店。 (team up with )_答案:1The Smiths moved to a small town to live on.2They soon learned to make a new life.3Later Mr.Smith went to a factory to apply for a position.4The factory didnt take him in.5Because he couldnt express himself by means of words.6He had to team up with his neighbor to open a store.【连句成篇】_答案:The Smiths moved to a small town to live on.They soon learned to make a new life.Later Mr Smith went to a factory to apply for a position.The factory didnt take him in because he couldnt express himself by means of words.Later he had to team up with his neighbor to open a store.能力培养和提升一、用适当并列连词填空【练习1】(2012某某名校统测三)The rhythm and beat of rap music is essential to its basic structure,_ the strength of rap music lies in its lyrics.答案:while【练习2】(2012某某质检二)However,the original symbol,the red cross,could hurt Muslim soldiers feelings,_ a second symbol,the red crescent,was used.Both are now official symbols.答案:and/so【练习3】(2012某某名校高三上学期质检)According to Dr.Lance Workman,these people may develop a temporary moral code in their minds that justifies their actions:there are rich people who have things I dont have _ its right that I take it.答案:so【练习4】(2012某某命题专家原创卷三)As we finished one day,paid our dollars,_stayed to talk a bit,we noticed the clothing remaining was being thrown into their skip(废料箱)答案:and【练习5】(2012高考新课标全国卷)You have to move out of the way _the truck cannot get past you.
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